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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Gaffe or not, at least the media is finally talking about this shit and not pretending it's all just "economic resentment".
I know this is bad for Clinton when a lot of the justification in this thread boils down to "bu bu Trump did the insulting first!" and "but it's true!" like its fine for our candidate to do what Trump does in casting a broad, badly defined brush on millions of Americans. And like everything that may be true needs to be said out loud and condescendingly.

"Half of Trump supporters" is the type of brutally imprecise language that we associate with intolerant people like Trump. It is absolutely not the same thing as specifically calling out the alt right as she had done or David duke supporters as so many pundits already have. Completely unnecessary of her to use that clumsy phrasing.

Literally what no one is saying whatsoever. But, like, if panicking over something that appears to be a deliberate line of attack makes you feel better, I guess cool?

And, ya, I gotta say, things that are true should be said out loud as opposed to things that are false.
I know this is bad for Clinton when a lot of the justification in this thread boils down to "bu bu Trump did the insulting first!" and "but it's true!" like its fine for our candidate to do what Trump does in casting a broad, badly defined brush on millions of Americans. And like everything that may be true needs to be said out loud and condescendingly.

"Half of Trump supporters" is the type of brutally imprecise language that we associate with intolerant people like Trump. It is absolutely not the same thing as specifically calling out the alt right as she had done or David duke supporters as so many pundits already have. Completely unnecessary of her to use that clumsy phrasing.

Half of Trump supporters is actually pretty close to the numbers for his supporters that think Obama is Muslim, or that Mosques should be closed in the United States. So basically, half of his supporters are confirmed racists.

We shouldn't be afraid to point out the worst in our society.

"bu bu Trump did the insulting first!"
Has been said by basically nobody


No Scrubs
Clinton's surrogates just need to nail their Sunday show performances to frame the conversation for the week and it's a win.

It really does feel planned and coordinated.

Agreed. This feels like it's building on the alt-right speech. If she can turn them into the modern equivalent of the Nazi party in the general public's eyes then that's going to go a long way toward burning those insane racists to the ground and turning this into a blowout.


I know this is bad for Clinton when a lot of the justification in this thread boils down to "bu bu Trump did the insulting first!" and "but it's true!" like its fine for our candidate to do what Trump does in casting a broad, badly defined brush on millions of Americans. And like everything that may be true needs to be said out loud and condescendingly.

"Half of Trump supporters" is the type of brutally imprecise language that we associate with intolerant people like Trump. It is absolutely not the same thing as specifically calling out the alt right as she had done or David duke supporters as so many pundits already have. Completely unnecessary of her to use that clumsy phrasing.

I think there's some truth to this, in that if she does any walking back I think it will be saying that "half" was imprecise.

But, like, as some people on Twitter have pointed out, if your argument is that "some Trump supporters" would have been fine (and she's already said this many times) but "half of all Trump supporters" is terrible, then you are already doing way more semantic hairsplitting than normal people do.

If that one word is the whole difference then I think this is, in practice, identical to the stuff Clinton has already said, and will have the same impact that stuff had.
That's pretty terrible.

Also, uh, sounds like free cable right there. Call those guys back.
Got me $25 credit and $10 off a month over it. I wasn't actually pissed, just found it funny.
Agreed. This feels like it's building on the alt-right speech. If she can turn them into the modern equivalent of the Nazi party in the general public's eyes then that's going to go a long way toward burning those insane racists to the ground and turning this into a blowout.
I think there was some anger in Clinton world that the media didn't do more about the alt-right speech. It was pretty much ignored. This totally reads like a chance to take over the media cycle for the next week. Starve the Trump world of oxygen, and he'll set his no-no parts on fire just to get attention. Plus, I guarantee you when he ads this to his stump attack he's going to say something offensive about Hillary voters that will 100% be non-veiled racism.

Also illustrated that Pence and co can't pivot for shit to attack.
Trump's rallies? Most of them? All of them?


The truth hurts more than made up lies. It's a brilliant line of attack to use against Trump. Because he could totally prove her wrong, but he can't because she's not wrong. And his campaign is built on racism, sexism and homophobia. And we can bring receipts.

Actually, if they're anything like TWC....it might. True story, rep from TWC told me I sounded "fag-oty" the other day. But, he prefaced it with "Not to sound rude, I thought you were a girl, but maybe you just sound fagoty"

Off topic:
God damn, he went full Idiocracy, you never go full Idiocracy.

On topic:
But really I hope this is part of a larger plan to fight fire with fire and take away some of Trump's headline grabbing, racist, bullshit.


The thought that this motivates the base and millennials is interesting. If her numbers start to climb and continue on through the debate, I wonder how this will make Trump and his campaign lash out even harder.
The truth hurts more than made up lies. It's a brilliant line of attack to use against Trump. Because he could totally prove her wrong, but he can't because she's not wrong. And his campaign is built on racism, sexism and homophobia. And we can bring receipts.

Actually, if they're anything like TWC....it might. True story, rep from TWC told me I sounded "fag-oty" the other day. But, he prefaced it with "Not to sound rude, I thought you were a girl, but maybe you just sound fa-goty"

Well, at least he wasn't being rude...


Looks like it's official

RICHMOND — Hillary Clinton’s assertion that half of Donald Trump’s supporters fit into a “basket of deplorables” is not something for which she needs to apologize, her Democratic running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, said in an interview on Saturday.

“She said, “Look, I’m generalizing here, but a lot of his support is coming from this odd place, that he’s given a platform to the alt-right and white nationalists,’” Kaine said in an interview with The Washington Post. “But then she went on to say, ‘Look, there’s also a number of his supporters that have economic anxieties, and we’ve got to speak to those.’”


I know this is bad for Clinton when a lot of the justification in this thread boils down to "bu bu Trump did the insulting first!" and "but it's true!" like its fine for our candidate to do what Trump does in casting a broad, badly defined brush on millions of Americans. And like everything that may be true needs to be said out loud and condescendingly.

"Half of Trump supporters" is the type of brutally imprecise language that we associate with intolerant people like Trump. It is absolutely not the same thing as specifically calling out the alt right as she had done or David duke supporters as so many pundits already have. Completely unnecessary of her to use that clumsy phrasing.
You know you've got nothing when turn to reductionist bullshit to paint people defending this.

More than half of Trump supporters are deplorable human beings. Deal.with.it.


I was more panicked last night about the comment, but I still think she could've avoided this if she only used some other words.

BUT, it's not a 47% equivalent. This is only the latest instance of people talking about racism amongst Trump supporters and, unlike the Obama campaign against Romney, the Trump campaign will flounder in its response to her comments.

And yeah, maybe the "half" part of her comments were a gaffe, but not the rest. This has been part of her comments during fundraisers for a while now and especially during fundraisers with Republican donors.

A big fear among minorities and women since Trump took control over the Republican party is that he has brought out the worst side in Americans, and discussing this with family and friends, especially older women in my life (some more conservative than others) it seems that a lot of voters aren't under any illusion that Trump is the only thing wrong with his campaign, but his supporters also.

And it looks like the Clinton campaign is doubling down on the comments, from the reaction this morning. Besides, it's Saturday, and tomorrow is the 9/11 anniversary, so this won't grab as much attention as it could've


Also illustrated that Pence and co can't pivot for shit to attack.
Pence is a big DULL DUMMY. I don't know the last time this country has ever seen such a boring-ass VP nominee. I mean, Palin was dumb, but she wasn't boring. Ryan was exciting to some people, and he's intelligent even if his politics suck. Gore was kind of a square but he was still good enough. Quayle was an idiot but like Palin, entertaining in his stupidity. H.W. was solid. Biden is probably going down as one of the best VP's in modern times.
I'm only upset she has to lie and say the number is so low when in reality, the only people voting for Trump are racists and people who only care about massive tax cuts to rich people (Hi, Speaker Ryan!)
In case anyone forgot, we are actually underestimating the racists here.



I'm only upset she has to lie and say the number is so low when in reality, the only people voting for Trump are racists and people who only care about massive tax cuts to rich people (Hi, Speaker Ryan!)

Whoa whoa whoa, don't forget people who just want to make sure the ultra-rich can give their kids all their money as well (Hi again, Speaker Ryan!)


I hope this doesn't get lost in the deplorable stuff: Trump seems to be lying his ass off about 9/11


-claimed to have known "hundreds" of people who died, but campaign couldn't offer up a single name
-claimed to give money, but records can't be found
-never seen at any of the funerals
-hadn't been seen at the memorial until this campaign, where he gave $100K...from the Trump Foundation
-claimed to have seen jumpers 4 miles away from his office in Trump Tower
-claimed to have seen Muslims celebrating on rooftops

Also, Eric Trump tweeted a picture of last night's rally in Pensacola to riff on their "basket". Except it was a picture of San Antonio from last September. Last night's rally was significantly smaller.


This is why liberals suck. On the right if trump said liberals suck they'd be like yeAh!!! Fuck liberals.

Hillary says actual racists are deplorable and liberals are worried about how it plays

A portion of the posters here are fucking embarrassing.

And that doesn't merit an apology either
Caught up with the news and am very glad we are talking about this. Looking back on the last decade, it feels clear to me now that the main fight of the first half of the 21st century isn't against terrorism or reconciling globalization-it's winning the tug of war between those that would establish and enforce monocultures (Putin. Trump. ISIL. Even China) and those trying to push through prejudices towards an integrated society.

This is actually the most important issue in the campaign and transcends almost everything else. By not taking it on, you let the strongman trying to enforce the monoculture have their views be normalized. It doesn't it look like it right now, but Hillary is actually doing the GOP a giant long-term favor here even after she wins.
Governor Jindal: "Investing in our Military is an Investment for Peace", Talks Applying Austerity Policy to Parenting, Shades Apple

Bobby Jindal appeared on Neil Cavuto's show on fox a few days ago to talk about the subjects of the day. I know there are some on poligaf that can't watch the segment at work or are bandwidth starved, and so have humbly elected to transcribe the contents of the program, to peruse at your leisure ;)
Cavuto: Bobby Jindal, former governor, uh, two term governor of lousiana, governor, good to have you.

Jindal: Neil it's great to be back on, before we talk about anything unimportant like the presidential race, or donald trump or hillary clinton, it is great to see you back. I am so thrilled to see you healthy and back on the air, and I think for many for your viewers we were praying and thinking about you, it's great to have you back.

Cavuto: Well I appreciate that governor and I'm very pleased to {have read} your very kind to note to me, and that was a real spirit picker upper so I appreciate that. Governor, let me see, how, uh, we go about, uh, how donald trump wants to go about, uh, committing money to defense, to beef it up. We spend about half a trillion dollars a year on defense, more than I think the other top 7 countries combined, uhm, and a lot of people say, "surely before we commit more money," and to be fair to mister trump he did talk about re-accounting our spending priorities, but, but, do you think there's room to look at that budget, shift some priorities around before we add to it?

Jindal: Uh, Neal, my answer is yes and yes. Yes we need to reform the way the pentagon procures equipment, we need to look at some of the excessive spending and the other areas, but we also need to be spending more on defense, in terms of absolute terms. Just a couple of facts, the reality is that when you look at the percentage of our economy that we're spending on defense, when you look at President Obama it's fallen to historic lows even as the government is spending more and more of our money. We've got a federal government that is doing all kinds of things it shouldn't be doing, while neglecting one of its core responsibilities. The constitution says the first thing the federal government must do is protect us; we've got a federal government doing all kinds of ridiculous things it never should be doing in the first place, while at the same time we've got fewer members in the army, we've got older airplanes, we've got older and fewer ships, we've got equipment that is really not what we need to be the best and the strongest military force in the world. Y'know, donald trump began his speech yesterday by saying "peace through strength", that's more than a slogan, that actually works. The irony is, that if you want to avoid war, you've got to prepare for it, and investment in our military is actually an investment in deterrence and peace.

Cavuto: Has he been winning you over a little bit more, I know when it started out and you famously editorialized, "I think Donald Trump would be the second worst thing we could do this November, better only than electing Hillary Clinton to serve a third term of the Obama administration" uhh, do you feel a little warmer or fuzzier towards him since?

Jindal: *laughs* Well, he's gotten a little more disciplined in the last few weeks, I still have my fundamental concerns, I've not changed my fundamental concerns, but this is a binary election! Look, Hillary Clinton has only done one thing: she served as President Obama's secretary of state, the only accomplishment she has other than making herself personally wealthy is making us less safe. She's made us less safe, she's left the world more dangerous because of this presidency's failed foreign policies. She's simply not acceptable as the next president of the united states and that means we need to elect donald trump. I still have my concerns, and not overnight and despite months of campaigning and watching the campaign trail, I've not come to the conclusion that all my concerns were wrong, but here's the way I look at it: it's not, there's no guarantee that Donald Trump will do everything right if he is elected, but there's a greater chance that Hillary Clinton will do everything wrong if she were elected, and I just don't think we can afford that at this dangerous time.

Cavuto: um, this is going off the rails very shortly a little bit...Do you own an Iphone?

Jindal: *laughs heartily* Uh, Neil, I am one of three americans, I still have my blackberry and this is not an -

Cavuto: Oh my goodness!

Jindal: advertisement, I'm not getting anything from them, I am still one of the last people to buy an Iphone because I like the keyboard, my kids mock me, my wife mocks me, I'm the holdout in my family, so I will probably have one of the last blackberries in america, just because of the keyboard.

Cavuto: Well you and my wife, you and my wife, she likes that keyboard. Um, you know, I am curious though, what do you do, you're known as a guy that didn't spend a lot of money as governor, you didn't like to waste a lot of money to your credit, a lot of people would say you held the purse strings a bit too tight, be that as it may. Do you think that a phone that offers so little in new advancement is it worth it? If your kids come up to you and say, hey, I want the latest iphone, but ti doesn't seem like the most dramatic..what would you tell them to do.

Jindal: *smiles cheekily* Well that's a pretty easy question, you have to understand that my kids, we were the cruelest parents in America, if you listen to my kids, they're gonna be the last children in America to get a phone, -

Cavuto: *laughs uproariously* Yeaahhhh hah hah!!

Jindal: And listen, my kids have plenty, but y'know, they've heard my story and you and I both know our parents' stories walking uphill both ways to school in the snow, -

Cavuto: No, that's my story. My story.

Jindal: Well, I've bored my kids with many stories about well if they want a device they can do allowance, they can get chores, they can do jobs, as they get older, and so that's an easy answer. My kids know they don't need the newest phones, they don't need an iphone,

Cavuto: *chuckles merrily at the jindal youths' bleak existence*

Jindal: And, and, I suspect there are millions of loyal apple fans out there, they'll be lining up because its apple and because they're excited

Cavuto: Alright that was very funny.Uh, thank you governor, very very much.

Jindal: It is great to have you back.

Cavuto: Same here.

She's always been a fighter
Exactly. This was also timed perfectly. Like, this was soooooooooooo good on sooooo many levels. You've just gotten control of the media cycle. You've got a weeks worth of press conferences under your belt (so if this had gone to shit, you're not doing a press conference for damage control). You get to make sure you hold onto the media cycle and make your case on your term.

Hillary gets to energize the left (the ones who don't panic if we don't offer flowers and stickers to everyone for trying) She gets to reintroduce the alt-right stuff, which is what Kaine is doing today. She gets to get a slice of that non-PC pie. It has the potential to rile Trump up to say something stupid, because, believe, he is going to say something stupid. It's soooo good.

UGh, why would you clean up the half part. Who cares about the half part.


As was predicted, she walked back the "half" generalization but doubled-down on the rest.

Though if "half" is wrong, she didn't specify if the actual number was less than half or more than half.
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