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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Hillary Clinton does not sweat. I dont want to speculate about her health, but possibly related to today's overheating episode.
ANOTHER ROUND: OK. This is an odd question that I lobbied for a lot because it’s one of my favorite questions to ask people. If you don’t have an answer, that’s fine, but I will be a little sad. What’s the weirdest thing about you?

HILLARY CLINTON: The weirdest thing about me is that I don’t sweat.
Buzzfeed article is kinda jokey, but there's other people who said the same too.
“She does not even glow. No matter how high the heat, not a drop nor a drip nor a bead nor so much as the faintest glisten can be detected anywhere about her person.”
I looked up the condition and came away with this
Anhidrosis is the complete absence of sweating, while hypohidrosis is sweating less than normal.

If the human body cannot sweat properly it cannot cool itself, which is potentially harmful.
Sweating allows heat to be released from the body.

If the lack of sweating affects a small area of the body, it is not usually dangerous. However, overall anhidrosis or hypohidrosis can result in overheating and eventually heatstroke, a potentially life-threatening condition.
Maybe that's why she's apprehensive of releasing her medical records? If that's all there is in there, then she should just go ahead and release them.
Statement from doctor. Already posted?



I rather live in world with fictional super-villains like Lex Luthor or the Joker than the evil fucker trump. At least with these fictional monsters you can understand their points of view. I will never understand and don't intend to ever sympathize with people who follow this turd or respect him. He deserves no respect or admiration.

These people he inspires, these assholes he props up aren't the america we need. They are a fragment of a time that should never again come to be. They are the shattered shadows of lynchers trying to emerge whole. They are trying to undo the fact that they are vile abhorrent people and normalize their prejudices through a man that is both extremely inept, unqualified, and idiotic. A laughingstock of the world now but we all know what happens when you hand a toddler a gun.
Which means it probably won't go anywhere.

Nobody with any decency will want to touch this as an actual issue for ads and stuff. The media will get bored of it eventually, and if Trump never mentions it, then it'll just be one of those things that happened during this wacky election.

This is true. Rabid bobers on reddit are posting things like "I hate her guts and cant stand her, but hope she's ok. I felt bad looking at that video."


No Scrubs
Statement from doctor. Already posted?


Well shit, this is going to be interesting.

I rather live in world with fictional super-villains like Lex Luthor or the Joker than the evil fucker trump. At least with these fictional monsters you can understand their points of view. I will never understand and don't intend to ever sympathize with people who follow this turd or respect him. He deserves no respect or admiration.

These people he inspires, these assholes he props up aren't the america we need. They are a fragment of a time that should never again come to be. They are the shattered shadows of lynchers trying to emerge whole. They are trying to undo the fact that they are vile abhorrent people and normalize their prejudices through a man that is both extremely inept, unqualified, and idiotic. A laughingstock of the world now but we all know what happens when you hand a toddler a gun.

At least in comic book world there's super heroes to fight the nightmares, in the real world that responsibility falls on us.
Pneumonia can easily kill someone her age, she needs to take an easy

Having an actual diagnosis of something out there, and that something being treatable and not chronic is a very good thing.
I had pnemonia about a decade ago. It's one of the worst feelings you can have. She probably shouldn't have even been at the event, but if she takes it easy for the next couple of days the press is going to have a field day.

Honestly - I kind of feel like the conspiracy theorists were righ

Of course you do.


They predicted she'd get pneumonia?
Naw they didn't know shit and we're just speculating recklessly to see what stuck and prob were implying more serious concerns.

But she still is afflicted. I dunno, I just had defended her health so vigorously in the past months just feel like I have to take this L
Well pneumonia isn't a health condition so she'll fully recover. She should definitely rest though. It sucks that she caught it around the 9/11 anniversary.


I can always test. Should I checkmark that final box or leave them all empty? I assume the former?

Just answer all the questions on the survey and don't send anything.

I don't think trump will focus on this to much because it can end up like that face ad in 1993 a now defunct conservative party aired if he focuses on this to much.


nah, bro. based on their theories that would mean she's had pneumonia for over a year now. come on.

what if it was a little pneumonia before and now it's full pneumonia? That sounds like a medical term.

I thought she looked under the weather during her Friday address after her bipartisan security meeting.
Naw they didn't know shit and we're just speculating recklessly to see what stuck and prob were implying more serious concerns.

But she still is afflicted. I dunno, I just had defended her health so vigorously in the past months just feel like I have to take this L

She's perfectly healthy. You're not wrong.

People get sick. It happens. Now that we have a public diagnosis of a very treatable and well known virus, this should settle down completely.
Naw they didn't know shit and we're just speculating recklessly to see what stuck and prob were implying more serious concerns.

But she still is afflicted. I dunno, I just had defended her health so vigorously in the past months just feel like I have to take this L

What? Anyone can get pneumonia especially with the crazy traveling schedule a presidential campaign brings. You just need antibiotics and some rest although she will definitely be monitored more closely because of her age.
Naw they didn't know shit and we're just speculating recklessly to see what stuck and prob were implying more serious concerns.

But she still is afflicted. I dunno, I just had defended her health so vigorously in the past months just feel like I have to take this L
Pneumonia isn't cancer.


Warning: Gross political stuff below-

She should rest. Take a break, do small events here and there. And then have a good comeback story for the first debate. Would re-emphasize her resiliency.


It's serious if it goes unchecked and she doesn't take the proper precautions.

It'll be a story, but with her doctor giving the statement. She's ahead of it and can explain further tomorrow. Not that it's going to help at all, but you can kinda spin this as being transparent.
It's way, way, way better to have an official actual real diagnosis of something out than just leave people confused with generic statements and let the media gossip machine run wild.

Having it be a thing normal people can understand, frankly/sadly, makes it harder to attack her on. Bashing someone for a normal, tangible illness people can relate to makes attacks look far more like a 'weak woman' thing again.
This is...better?
Better to have no confusion. That was irking people just as much as her actually being ill.
It's serious if it goes unchecked and she doesn't take the proper precautions.

It'll be a story, but with her doctor giving the statement. She's ahead of it and can explain further tomorrow. Not that it's going to help at all, but you can kinda spin this as being transparent.

And it really takes an wind out of people trying to make a thing out of the fainting today, and the alt right health-scaremongers. It completes the narrative.


Her next scheduled appearance according to her website isn't until Wednesday when she's on Ellen and doing a rally in Las Vegas. Three days of taking it easy and letting her surrogates campaign for her should be okay. She was EXTREMELY active in the past week.


The news "Hillary has pneumonia" sounds more alarming than it really is. She was diagnosed with it on Friday, but has managed to be treated with antibiotics.

This isn't a chronic illness, so it won't feed the narrative that she's hiding something. It will, of course, be worrisome to supporters, but there's nothing Trump can do but wish her well.

If he attacks her for having pneumonia, it will be worse for him.
This is...better?

Pneumonia is actually potentially fatal though so not ideal?

It sucks, but she should take at least a couple of days to rest and not push herself out there to do more events. Trump's camapaign will have a field day with it, but it's better than collapsing at some event because she didn't takecare of herself


This is...better?

Pneumonia is actually potentially fatal though so not ideal?

Yea it's potentially fatal.

This may not help lol, but I work in a retirement facility. 90 year old residents get this. Most of them are in the hospital for a few days and they come back just fine.

She'll be looked after. Of course this isn't ideal, but lets not act like she isn't getting the best care and treatment possible.
Her next scheduled appearance according to her website isn't until Wednesday when she's on Ellen and doing a rally in Las Vegas. Three days of taking it easy and letting her surrogates campaign for her should be okay. She was EXTREMELY active in the past week.

Yep, have Biden/Kaine/Bernie/Whoever take over some of the slack for the week while she gets some time to rest and does the minimal amount of campaigning.
This is...better?

Pneumonia is actually potentially fatal though so not ideal?

They're not going to let her die from pneumonia, it'll be fine. With nothing chronic combined with it, and it being well treated and observed by the best doctor's money can buy, she should recover with no problem.
What did she say about your engaygement?
Well, she was there when we got engaged, so she was pretty over the moon. She loves my fiance more than me...so, that's nice. (First time I've used that word. Kinda feels weird, but good weird, not bad weird). She was nice enough to take the boys for the day so we could go do our own thing for a while. That kept her away from the news, which was a net positive.

She's a little pissed we don't want to have an engagement party. We bought the boys a go-kart instead. lol
It also explains the change in her voice the last couple of days. They probably should have been more upfront with this, but I can see how she thought she could just fight past it for at least today
Yep, have Biden/Kaine/Bernie/Whoever take over some of the slack for the week while she gets some time to rest and does the minimal amount of campaigning.

It's kind of a conundrum. While she needs to rest, it would undoubtedly help if she did make some appearance tomorrow, even a short one, just to quell some of the concerns she's in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV.
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