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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Obama loves this country too much to let a fraud like Trump get anywhere near the responsibilities he's had to bear. The closer the race and near to the end, the more intense you'll see him campaign.


i don't know if Obama saying Hillary doesn't demonize people is a good line without further discussion of the deplorables thing, he probably should have addressed it instead of ignoring.


Yes Obama. I am glad you are talking about transparency and the media. Hillary is indeed fairly decent at it while Trump, forget about it.


FGC Waterboy
This implies the GOP electorate learns it's lesson with Trump. The last two losses have been explained, by the electorate, as because they didn't pick someone conservative enough. So this time they went with Trump. If the party can't make the electorate take it's medicine, which I'm not sure they can, then we'll just wind up right back here again.

It comes down to how much they hate Clinton versus want someone they agree with 100%. I think the GOP underestimated Trump dramatically and didn't take him out in the beginning because they thought Trump could ether Cruz and then they could take Trump out. I think they will have learned their lesson, and if that National Review tweet is any indication, we might start seeing the consolidation of the GOP voters around Trump. Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line, after all.

"I will drag her cold, lifeless body across the finish line my own damn self if I have to; and god help me none of you will be able to stop me!"

I would not doubt he has said that in more profane terms a couple of times in the last month.

And some of y'all want him to be a SC Justice. Smh

Only if they want Michelle to divorce him, or they let him tele-Justice via Skype from Chicago.
I am glad Obama is doing this full throated criticism of the media so Hillary doesn't have to--it also helps Obama could do this way better than she ever could
I am glad Obama is doing this full throated criticism of the media so Hillary doesn't have to--it also helps Obama could do this way better than she ever could

Plus he has a good amount of wiggle room RE favorables if the media decide to go negative on him over it. Clinton, not so much.


No Scrubs
It comes down to how much they hate Clinton versus want someone they agree with 100%. I think the GOP underestimated Trump dramatically and didn't take him out in the beginning because they thought Trump could ether Cruz and then they could take Trump out. I think they will have learned their lesson, and if that National Review tweet is any indication, we might start seeing the consolidation of the GOP voters around Trump. Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line, after all.

Either way they'll need to find someone who hasn't been tainted by Trump if that's going to have a shot of working and if team Clinton is doing their jobs that's going to be next to impossible unless someone comes out of nowhere.

I would not doubt he has said that in more profane terms a couple of times in the last month.

Ha! Just the image of that makes my day. I am really going to miss Obama when he's gone, we really lucked out with him. So happy the first vote I was able to take was for him.


That was pretty good. He did a very good job of delivering an energetic speech that gets people pumped up to support Hillary and that calls out the media I feel.
History is going to be very kind to Obama and his legacy. His oration skills will be regarded as some of the best to ever hold office. The further we get away from the shitfest of current politics, forget some of the scorecard campaign promises he made that never panned out, his presidency will be remembered fondly by many.

Fired up campaigning Obama is like no other.


I'll say it again, I wish we could just keep Obama around. He's been a great president, all things considered, and is the best campaigner alive. Even the handful of not-overtly-racist conservatives I know think he's a good/moral person who genuinely wants to help people. These are people who voted McCain/Romney but refuse to vote Clinton and don't like Trump, who've said they'd seriously consider Obama this year. He'd be murdering Trump in the race right now if he was running.

Nah, GOP establishment / elites just unite under someone in 2019 and do what the Dems did with Clinton, push them as the safest chance of winning and go forth. If recent history is a guide, the GOP will be desperate enough to win that they will pick a moderate republican and the primary voters will be basically told "if you want Hillary gone, then pick XYZ moderate candidate". Happened with Kerry in '04 and Romney in '12. I think the key is to pick off all the potential primary candidates in 2019 with promises if they back the establishment nominee.

Losing 3x in a row has a way of making a party sort of salty and uniting primary voters, oddly enough. If Ryan hadn't lit his career on fire w/r/t Trump, I still think a Ryan / Haley ticket would be pretty hard for Clinton to beat. I think Haley is a good bet for the VP pick (and depending on how the next four years go, even a dark-horse pick for president.
I completely agree with this assessment, and it's terrifying. If Hillary is looking like a really weak/vulnerable incumbent come 2020, like I suspect, I hope she seriously considers not running for re-election, and lets a more popular rising star run. If we lose big in 2020, that'll be another decade of a republican controlled house. Of course best case scenario is that she proves to be a good and popular president who easily wins in a landslide against Ted Cruz lol.

Also, did pigeon get clipped in that pepe thread? I hope the ban isn't too long, as he's usually one of my favorite poliGAFers. But I could definitely tell the election had been getting to him the last couple months and he could probably use a break. His posts are usually very cool, collected, and informative but lately he's been coming across as dismissive, bitter, and venomous to a degree I've never really seen from him.
Also, did pigeon get clipped in that pepe thread? I hope the ban isn't too long, as he's usually one of my favorite poliGAFers. But I could definitely tell the election had been getting to him the last couple months and he could probably use a break. His posts are usually very cool, collected, and informative but lately he's been coming across as dismissive, bitter, and venomous to a degree I've never really seen from him.
I warned you guys not to engage with Trump supporters in OT. Unless you want to talk things calmly which none of us is willing to do, theres not point in calling Trump supporters bigots or they support bigotry even if its factual.
Susan Page on CNN is right, this is the first time in almost 30 years that a sitting President is enthusiastically embraced by and is embracing his successor. I think people underestimate the bully pulpit this go around for a popular President.
Lol if the Trump campaign plans to stick Obama to Clinton that is the worst idea imaginable.

Also I hope Andrea Mitchell was fucking listening.
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