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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Ann Coulter, whose support of Donald Trump at one point appeared to falter with his shifting immigration stance, is standing by the Republican nominee no matter what.

“I worship him like the North Koreans worship the ‘Dear Leaders’ — yes, I would die for him,” the conservative commentator joked to Politico’s “Off Message” podcast.

“I didn’t get the gene that makes me care about what other people think,” she added about her bluntness when it comes to talking about immigration. “I’m much like Trump that way. I don’t really care. They’re just words.”

Coulter revealed to Politico that she emailed Trump’s campaign last fall to remind it to keep the focus on immigration.

Trump’s campaign manager at the time, Corey Lewandowski, assured her the campaign wasn’t backing down from the no-amnesty position.

“And Corey was getting a little exasperated with me and kept saying, ‘He’s not backing down,” Coulter said. “Then he came out for the Muslim ban on my birthday, Dec. 8, my best birthday gift ever. I finally emailed Corey and said, ‘OK, I think he’s not backing down.’”

But in late August, she wasn’t so sure.

The author was just kicking off her book tour for “In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!” when Trump appeared to be softening on his immigration policies -- a pivot for the candidate that didn't last long.

“This could be the shortest book tour ever if he’s really softening his position on immigration,” she said. “But I don’t think he is.”
One of the accusations leveled at Salah was that he had invoked the anti-Semitic blood libel in a 2007 speech during a Palestinian demonstration against Israeli occupation in Jerusalem.

But the version of the speech reported in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz (and relied on during the UK Home Office’s court case against Salah) inserted the word “Jewish” into its version of the speech.

Salah argued that the mention of “holy bread” was actually a reference to the the Spanish inquisition spilling the blood of children and using religion as a cover for its crimes.

The Electronic Intifada is the most embarrassing site, jesus christ.

The quote was:

"We have never allowed ourselves to knead [the dough for] the bread that breaks the fast in the holy month of Ramadan with children's blood," he said. "Whoever wants a more thorough explanation, let him ask what used to happen to some children in Europe, whose blood was mixed in with the dough of the [Jewish] holy bread."


This reads like the National Review defending Scott Walker of not being racist except more embarrassing.

Raed Salah says the Jews did 9/11, yasssss, my favorite conspiracy:

Another consideration may have been an article that Sheikh Salah wrote three weeks after the 9/11 attacks, in which he said that unlike Muslim workers in the World Trade Center, Jewish workers had been absent on 9/11.

"Were 4,000 Jewish clerks absent by chance, or was there another reason?" he asked, alluding to a conspiracy theory that is still advanced by some extreme groups that the Israeli secret service Mossad - not al-Qaeda - was behind the attack that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Ivanka's opening story was about a poor woman who left her kids in a car because she desperately had to go to a job interview, and returned to them being sent to the hospital because it was hot that day, then being jailed for it.

I don't know if Ivanka is aware but that kind of story won't garner sympathy from Trump fans.

Can't wait to see Republican Congressman respond to this since they've been against it since forever.

I mean, it's a shitty tax deduction plan that favors the wealthy, so them supporting it won't be that surprising. If they can get away with such a lame policy, they can say it's time to focus on other things, keep their big donors happy and we won't get anything substantial for god knows how long.


I hope these murderous traitors get their wish:
Two major liberal outside groups have endorsed Republicans in Senate races, frustrating Democrats who see the majority as within their grasp.

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), which advocates for LGBT rights, and Americans for Responsible Solutions (ARS), which supports stronger gun control laws, are typically aligned with the Democratic Party.

But they crossed party lines this year to reward vulnerable Republican senators who have fought for their issues. Both groups endorsed Sen. Mark Kirk (Ill.), and ARS additionally backed Sen. Pat Toomey (Pa.).

Liberal critics of those endorsements question why the groups would help any Republican senators, given that the GOP majority has been opposed to their policy goals.

“The first votes that Mark Kirk or Pat Toomey would cast if they’re reelected would be to make [Sen.] Mitch McConnell [R-Ky.] majority leader of the Senate once again,” said David Nir, the political director for the liberal Daily Kos blog.

“Parties govern, not individuals, so endorsing a Republican senator is the same as endorsing Republican control of the entire Senate — and if groups like these don’t understand that, they’re committing political malpractice.”
The HRC jumped first in March by endorsing Kirk. In response to pushback from liberals, group President Chad Griffin wrote in an op-ed, “We simply cannot ask members of Congress to vote with us, and then turn around and try to kick them out of office.”

ARS came to Toomey’s defense last month, despite him touting his A rating from the National Rifle Association on the trail this year. His opponent, Democrat Katie McGinty, is a vocal supporter of stronger gun control.

The group also endorsed Kirk, and both he and his Democratic challenger, Rep. Tammy Duckworth, have made gun control a central issue for their campaigns.

In a statement to The Hill, ARS spokesman Mark Prentice praised McGinty as “a passionate and strong voice for gun violence prevention.” But he stressed that the group needs to support Republicans who go against the grain.

“Our country needs more Republican elected officials to stand with the vocal majority of Americans who support steps that help keep guns out of the wrong hands and prevent gun tragedies,” he said.

“In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook School, Senator Toomey stood up to the gun lobby and stood up to many in his own party. While he has not backed every proposal we have supported, as advocates for gun safety laws and safer communities, we’re grateful for Senator Toomey’s leadership.”

An ARS source added that the long-term path toward enacting tougher gun safety laws has to go through both parties in order to overcome a filibuster, so groups have to be open to backing likeminded Republicans.
NH primary coverage:
Gatsas is up slightly ahead of Sununu for Republican governors, it seems to be a blowout for Van Ostern for Democratic governors.
Rich Ashooh is slightly ahead of Frank Guinta in NH's 1st Congressional District Republican primary; this one should be close. Hopefully they'll wound each other enough that Carol Shea-Porter will have an easy win.
In the 2nd District, Annie Kuster's opponent will most likely be Jim Lawrence, whoever that is.
The Senate race will indeed be Hassan vs. Ayotte, just as everyone suspected.


I have a question: Historically speaking, have Debates been the deciding factor of other president races?

I totally believe that that will be where Trump takes the biggest hits. But is it whats going to finish him off?
I have a question: Historically speaking, have Debates been the deciding factor of other president races?

I totally believe that that will be where Trump takes the biggest hits. But is it whats going to finish him off?

No. Debates are overrated.

At this point, nothing will finish off Trump (i.e., total collapse).
might be but crystal ball has it as likely Democratic for now. I guess they will make ratings changes.

If he does win it that's not good for the Democrat chances of unseating Penquin.

He's got the ears of a lot people around here that normally don't give a fuck, and you can guess the reason as to why.


No Scrubs
I have a question: Historically speaking, have Debates been the deciding factor of other president races?

I totally believe that that will be where Trump takes the biggest hits. But is it whats going to finish him off?

It made the difference in Kennedy vs Nixon, but that was the very first televised debate.


Stephen Wolf ‏@PoliticsWolf 59m59 minutes ago
Stephen Wolf Retweeted Steve Kornacki
Seems like the Clinton campaign would likely be investing heavily in Maine if this poll were anywhere near accurate



I have a question: Historically speaking, have Debates been the deciding factor of other president races?

I totally believe that that will be where Trump takes the biggest hits. But is it whats going to finish him off?
The deciding factor of Presidential races are rhyming phrases. Like "Ma, Ma, where's my Pa?" and "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too"

It made the difference in Kennedy vs Nixon, but that was the very first televised debate.
They held four televised debates in 1960.


Yeah, I'm definitely v. nervous about it. I guess if Hildawg does well, it could seal the deal for her, but it could also be where things turn extremely bad...

Did you watch the Republican primary debates? Trump just flounders in those scenarios.

It's not going to be the same situation where the entire party is trying to dance around the positive economy, climate change, and other Republican policies that are generally divorced from reality. You will have Hillary calling him out constantly, backing him into a corner.
I disagree. It's one EV. There's no reason to bother with it. NE-2 makes sense because, like, the Iowa media market slightly overlaps, from what I remember. We're safe 268 even if we give one of MEs electoral votes to Trump. Why spend money on something that would, at best, give you a tie?
If anything, Johnson's voters pull more from Hillary than from Trump. (She usually has bigger leads in the H2H than in the 4-way polls.)

So if there is any decrease in Johnson's numbers, Hillary is likely to benefit from it (but I think Johnson maintains his level of support through Election Day).

Well, that's a bit complicated since Stein is almost entirely pulling from Clinton, so when you switch to H2H, you add most of the Stein people to Hillary.

I have a question: Historically speaking, have Debates been the deciding factor of other president races?

I totally believe that that will be where Trump takes the biggest hits. But is it whats going to finish him off?

It made the difference in Kennedy vs Nixon, but that was the very first televised debate.

This is the recent one. The famous "Kennedy won if you watched it, Nixon won if you listened" thing is pretty common. Bill had a good one against Bush 41 that you can find video of. You can see HW's face fall for one particularly good answer on trickle down economics.
I have a question: Historically speaking, have Debates been the deciding factor of other president races?

I totally believe that that will be where Trump takes the biggest hits. But is it whats going to finish him off?

They mostly only "matter" in the sense that they occur right around when everyone really starts to commit, but they don't often do much to change people's minds.

Still, one might fairly argue this is an, uh, exceptional year.
I actually understand why Presidents tend to do poorly in debates. Because, like, seriously, fuck this. They have way more important things to deal with like banning broccoli or not choking to death on pretzels. So, like, they get disgruntled having to fight for the job they already have.


Also has basically no supporting evidence.

More importantly, he checked his watch.

That was on the second one, right? It was especially damaging because it was a town hall format, taking answers from the audience.

I actually understand why Presidents tend to do poorly in debates. Because, like, seriously, fuck this. They have way more important things to deal with like banning broccoli or not choking to death on pretzels. So, like, they get disgruntled having to fight for the job they already have.

I can see Obama suffered from this in the first debates, and Bush Sr., but I don't remember Bush Jr. or Bill going through that. If anything, Kerry gave off the "I'm too good for this" vibe, and so did Dole.

In non-incumbent elections, it's usually the most "experienced" candidate that comes across as pompous, which is a bit of a danger for Hillary, although she's technically younger than Trump.

Huh, I just thought of something. If the pneumonia helps in anyway, is that people probably now have lower expectations for Hillary too. They'll be on edge thinking she'll faint or something.


"Hillary" of course retweeted video of Trump saying she doesn't have a childcare plan with a link to her childcare plan.
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