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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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I actually understand why Presidents tend to do poorly in debates. Because, like, seriously, fuck this. They have way more important things to deal with like banning broccoli or not choking to death on pretzels. So, like, they get disgruntled having to fight for the job they already have.
Also, they have to defend their decisions against someone who can promise the world.


I started talking to this girl who seemed really nice and we were talking and I asked her if she was in any clubs on campus and she said "No, but I'm starting a pro life club soon"

I'm never going to try and make friends again


Someone posted a map of it. He wins ME-2, NH, FL, and NC, I think it was.

NH Republican primaries are looking more interesting than their Democratic counterparts; Guinta has pulled ahead of Ashooh, but they're still within less than 1% of each other, and Sununu is catching up to Gatsas
That was on the second one, right? It was especially damaging because it was a town hall format, taking answers from the audience.

I can see Obama suffered from this in the first debates, and Bush Sr., but I don't remember Bush Jr. or Bill going through that. If anything, Kerry gave off the "I'm too good for this" vibe, and so did Dole.

In non-incumbent elections, it's usually the most "experienced" candidate that comes across as pompous, which is a bit of a danger for Hillary, although she's technically younger than Trump.

Huh, I just thought of something. If the pneumonia helps in anyway, is that people probably now have lower expectations for Hillary too. They'll be on edge thinking she'll faint or something.

Bush Jr. had a pretty terrible first debate in 2004 (I believe that was "you forgot Poland!") and I hardly think he was ever dazzling in them. Didn't matter though, obviously.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
People mistake debates as shifting a race when really all they do is get people who were "undecided" to come home. People were less embarrassed to vote Romney. If Trump gets embarrassed, you'll see people filter out to the third parties. If he does well, he'll pick up a few from the third parties. I don't believe there are undecided voters in this country who will actually vote.
Just saw the beginning of the Obama speech today. I noticed that he did not mention Obamacare during his initial rattling off of successes over the last 7 years. He did mention the % of Americans without insurance has fallen but that's it. Interestign.

Joe Molotov

Bush Jr. had a pretty terrible first debate in 2004 (I believe that was "you forgot Poland!") and I hardly think he was ever dazzling in them. Didn't matter though, obviously.

Yeah, I remember my pro-Bush roommate being despondent after the first debate. I think the perception was that he did okay or at least "good enough" in the other ones.


FGC Waterboy
Just saw the beginning of the Obama speech today. I noticed that he did not mention Obamacare during his initial rattling off of successes over the last 7 years. He did mention the % of Americans without insurance has fallen but that's it. Interestign.

ACA is in the predicament of needing a willing Congress to fix growing pains. Or SCOTUS to magically overrule the states being able to opt-out.

Honestly, the big issue is that if you're going to do ACA, you need to punish the crap out of young people who don't get health insurance. Otherwise the math completely fails.


WASHINGTON — Promising to deliver Donald Trump and the Republicans the highest percentage of black votes since 1965 Voting Rights Act, the founder of Black Men for Bernie is now launching Trump for Urban Communities.

Bruce Carter is touting the effort “largest ground game in the country” targeted at black voters — with a platform focused on urban investment, self-sufficiency, and resources for small businesses. “It’s about teaching people how to fish instead of giving them a fish and walking away,” Carter told BuzzFeed News in an interview.

He said he’s aiming to place 2,000 staffers in North Carolina, Florida, and Pennsylvania, hiring them to make direct voter contact and pitch Trump’s gospel by setting up barbershops as “our information hubs.” This would be an enormous project; by comparison, Hillary Clinton’s campaign had about 700 staffers total in recent months.
Carter believes his “partnership” with the Trump campaign is “ten times the value” of an endorsement. “A partnership means that both [sides] have an obligation to do something. It allows me to hold people accountable.”

“It’s about getting people to buy into the partnership. No other campaign has considered spending this kind of money.”

Carter said he had assurances from top Trump aides that the candidate and campaign was committed to making the effort successful, but he didn’t have specifics on what the Trump campaign plans to spend on Trump for Urban Communities. The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment. A website for the outreach strategy previewed by BuzzFeed News describes it as “a movement to ensure that Donald Trump wins the presidency and the Republicans retain Congress during the 2016 Election.”

Carter criticized political parties and campaigns who send staff from outside of areas instead of hiring inside communities where people need help. “We’re going to have train them and teach them how to market Donald Trump.”

The site also features video clips of Louis Farrakhan slamming Clinton as “a wicked woman,” clashing with Barack Obama on the debate stage, and her using the term “superpredators” in a 1996 speech. “We cannot afford to allow a self-serving POTUS and the Democrats to prevail, especially in light of the Supreme Court appointments (one to potentially three) that will occur this election cycle,” the site reads.
Since supporting Sanders’ unsuccessful bid, Carter has been an outspoken critic of black voters’ loyalty to the Democratic Party. He envisions a politics in which black voters’ are courted by both parties, and sees Trump for Urban Communities as part of an evolution in political identity in which “the people are the true benefactors of that process.”

His message echoes that of Trump, who has alienated black voters with his overtures, declaring that with failing schools and little opportunity, “What do you have to lose?”
Said Carter, “What we’ve gotten from the Democrat Party, it’s been zero. So now it’s like you have no option but to do something different if you want a different result.”

Carter said his foray into organizing black support for the Republican ticket has been a quandary for black Republicans discouraged by the GOP’s level of commitment to black outreach.

“Some black Republicans have asked me, ‘Are you anti-Hillary or are you pro-Trump?’ I’m not against anyone person, but I’m for a Trump partnership if it provides what we need for our community.”

Carter said black Republicans seeking to make inroads with black voters have “great respect” for what Black Men for Bernie does, particularly for its ability to relate to communities of color and engage voters in the political process. “They are disappointed with level of outreach they have not done, and that they’ve not made greater effort to expand base with unfavorable candidate. There are people out in space who are not being given any direction.”
These people are so ungrateful. More who I hope get what they want.
Lisa Blunt Rochester will win DE-At Large Dem primary, likely becoming the first woman AND the first African-American to represent Delaware statewide this November.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Those bet wetting should check out those two bloomberg articles.

MI and PA are out of reach for Trump.

This is true, but there is still a path or two for him without those two states. NH, for instance. Yes, I know recent polling has Hillary up there.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
NX will not suck before trump wins NH.

I have faith it will not suck. Faith. If NateDrake is right and it's using Pascal, with the rumors it's going to be an insanely powered handheld that can hook up to a TV, along with Nintendo's full attention on software. I'll take that in a heartbeat.
It had Kaine's personal cell number, as well as cell numbers from several WH staffers. That's all I've seen so far.

Wow. So they are now endangering Kaine directly.

Fuck it I don't care if it's unethical, I want the US or Sweden to send soldiers with knives to London to slowly flay Assange alive. I want to see someone make an example out of Assange to put some fear into anyone who even considers doing as much doxing as Assange.
Wow, not only has Sununu pulled ahead of Gatsas now, but Edelblut has as well. The order is now:
1. Sununu
2. Edelblut
3. Gatsas
4. Forrester

I'm so glad NH Republicans are rejecting Jeanie Forrester; she's the most Trump-ish of the 4. I hope this is a signal that Trump loses here...

Make Bernie camp out in NH for the remainder of the election.
That'd only work if he actually communicates with people here; when he does his own thing it leads to scheduling conflicts with the rest of the Democratic campaigns here.


Trump has privately held companies. He can set policy. None of Trump companies offer paid maternity leave as he now proposes. #AreYouKidding
Just shows how smart of businessman and deal maker he is. Impose it on all of his competitors and get praised for it instead of doing it only for himself and getting criticized for not going far enough.

He's going to make a great President.

Fuck it I don't care if it's unethical, I want the US or Sweden to send soldiers with knives to London to slowly flay Assange alive. I want to see someone make an example out of Assange to put some fear into anyone who even considers doing as much doxing as Assange.
So you want the U.S. to torture to death the most public person of a well-connected group dedicated to exposing what they consider things being covered up and kept secret for nefarious reasons.

Because it gave out a Senator's cell phone number.

Do you want the same for Donald Trump? Oh, wait, you probably shouldn't post the answer to that for when he's President and going down his enemy's list.
Wow, not only has Sununu pulled ahead of Gatsas now, but Edelblut has as well. The order is now:
1. Sununu
2. Edelblut
3. Gatsas
4. Forrester

I'm so glad NH Republicans are rejecting Jeanie Forrester; she's the most Trump-ish of the 4. I hope this is a signal that Trump loses here...

I've been doing canvassing and phone banks in NH lately, and from what I have seen, everyone here that is not a hardcore conservative refuses to vote for Trump.

Some are uneasy about Clinton for different reasons, but the moderates won't even entertain the idea of voting for Trump.


People mistake debates as shifting a race when really all they do is get people who were "undecided" to come home. People were less embarrassed to vote Romney. If Trump gets embarrassed, you'll see people filter out to the third parties. If he does well, he'll pick up a few from the third parties. I don't believe there are undecided voters in this country who will actually vote.

That, and the other replies, are really depressing.

I was hoping that seeing Trump finally held accountable for his BS.

Because I really think that's the main thing. The news just isn't covering him properly, and I don't understand why. I can understand fox, but everyone else should be nailing his ass to the wall. And I trust the debates to do that atleast.
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