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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Wow. So they are now endangering Kaine directly.

Fuck it I don't care if it's unethical, I want the US or Sweden to send soldiers with knives to London to slowly flay Assange alive. I want to see someone make an example out of Assange to put some fear into anyone who even considers doing as much doxing as Assange.

Wow, not only has Sununu pulled ahead of Gatsas now, but Edelblut has as well. The order is now:
1. Sununu
2. Edelblut
3. Gatsas
4. Forrester

I'm so glad NH Republicans are rejecting Jeanie Forrester; she's the most Trump-ish of the 4. I hope this is a signal that Trump loses here...

That'd only work if he actually communicates with people here; when he does his own thing it leads to scheduling conflicts with the rest of the Democratic campaigns here.
Isnt Sununu pretty Trumpish himself? Or am I mistaking him with LePage. Whats with Northeast and fat blowhard governors? Christie, LePage, Sununu etc.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump has privately held companies. He can set policy. None of Trump companies offer paid maternity leave as he now proposes. #AreYouKidding

Add it to the "things to bring up at the debate" list, Hilldawg.


That, and the other replies, are really depressing.

I was hoping that seeing Trump finally held accountable for his BS.

Because I really think that's the main thing. The news just isn't covering him properly, and I don't understand why. I can understand fox, but everyone else should be nailing his ass to the wall. And I trust the debates to do that atleast.
That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works.
Isnt Sununu pretty Trumpish himself? Or am I mistaking him with LePage. Whats with Northeast and fat blowhard governors? Christie, LePage, Sununu etc.
You're either mistaking him for LePage as you mentioned, or John H. Sununu, who was also governor, and is Chris Sununu's father. Chris isn't quite as much of a blowhard as his dad is.
Edit: Although John H. Sununu wasn't even our worst Republican governor, that would either be Craig Benson or Meldrim Thomson. I imagine a Trump presidency would probably be more like Benson's or Thomson's governorship, as opposed to Sununu Sr.'s.



Mrs Clinton’s guess about the magnitude of the “deplorable” fraction of Mr Trump’s enthusiasts can still be subjected to a rough fact-check. On July 30th and August 6th, YouGov included in its weekly poll four questions about “racial resentment”, which seek to measure attitudes regarding race relations. At first glance, Mrs Clinton’s 50% estimate looks impressively accurate: 58% of respondents who said they backed Mr Trump resided in the poll’s highest quartile for combined racial-resentment scores. And at a lower threshold of offensiveness—merely distasteful rather than outright deplorable, say—91% of Mr Trump’s voters scored above the national average.

Nonetheless, caution is required before declaring Mrs Clinton’s claim vindicated. First, our racial-resentment index, constructed from a standard battery of questions used in political-science studies for decades, is only an indirect proxy for racism itself. For all the pride in political incorrectness that Mr Trump has brought into vogue, people remain hesitant to admit their prejudices to pollsters. Instead, researchers measure racial resentment using questions on preferential treatment for blacks, such as strong disagreement with the statement that “generations of slavery and discrimination have created conditions that make it difficult for blacks to work their way out of the lower class”.

Moreover, Mrs Clinton accused Trumpistas of far more prejudices than racism alone. Regarding her charge of homophobia, 51.8% of Mr Trump’s partisans—again, just above her suggested figure of half—do support a hypothetical constitutional amendment that would allow states to ban gay marriage. But it is of course possible to support this policy for reasons other than bias against homosexuals, just as it is possible to oppose affirmative action for reasons other than bias against racial minorities.

How deplorable are Trump supporters?

pretty deplorable
Bring Back Bernie Sanders. Clinton Might Actually Lose To Trump.
During my writing this election, I’ve warned Democrats and voters afraid of Donald Trump that Bernie Sanders was the only way to defeat the GOP nominee. My advocacy for Bernie in over 200 articles in The Hill, Salon, and The Huffington Post was fueled in large part by my admiration for his honesty and message. As a result of being an inspiration to millions, polls showed Vermont’s Senator consistently beating Trump by over 10 points.

In contrast, Hillary Clinton was only up by 2.7 points over Trump the other day. Furthermore, time is no longer on Clinton’s side. She’ll need to actively campaign to win, yet just canceled a trip to California. Not long ago, a Trump presidency was viewed as an impossibility. Now, both candidates are battling for swing states and national polls show a virtual tie. How did this become possible?
While Trump and Clinton compete for historic lows in favorability ratings, Bernie Sanders could once again break fundraising records. With less than two months before Election Day, can you imagine the passion and energy of progressive voters (and independents) if Bernie entered the race?

Bernie Sanders actually raised more money (for a certain time period) than Clinton. The renewed energy that Bernie would bring to the race is a prime reason for Democrats to consider a change. Before it’s too late, and before Donald Trump wins the election, Clinton could decide to hand the nomination to her runner-up.
If Trump eventually wins the White House, it will be the fault of “progressive” writers and media. The people who defended Clinton at all costs, regardless of the latest controversy, have done this country a disservice. The journalists who focused on removing Bernie Sanders from the race, while at the same time spreading the notion that Trump must be stopped (even if Bernie was cheated), helped create the “Never Hillary” hashtag. When voters are deceived and then told to accept the deception, a Trump presidency is the natural consequence.

Today, however, it’s not too late for Bernie to save the Democratic Party. If Democrats truly want to win, they’ll rally around Bernie Sanders before Election Day. If Hillary Clinton cares about the future of this country, she’ll hand the nomination to Vermont’s Senator.
Sone good points made here I felt
Rachel is breaking the Newsweek story. She has the nut graph for it. Looks like it's a takedown of his company's foreign entanglements with foreign leaders, criminals and thugs.
Rachel Maddow is reporting that the Newsweek story is on the Trump's Organizations entanglements with a bunch of foreign financiers and even some criminals.

The really weird thing for me, and I brought it up a few weeks ago, is how no one seems to be asking wtf Trump would do to cut himself off from his own business which actually he profits someone, and instead went after a charitable foundation that Clinton gets no money from. Like seriously, the press has even been calling for Chelsea to step down from the board of a freaking charity, but no one cares that Trump will have multiple connections to a huge business?



You felt wrong, unfortunately. While Sander supporters might be energized, Clinton supporters would not. They will obviously back Sanders over Trump (most), but not all of them and many would probably sit it out.

The moral blow to Democrats should Clinton bow out, would be huge, and not even Bernie supporters' enthusiasm would be enough to ensure a Trump win.

This type of delusional opinions appear everything Clinton has a rough patch and suddenly disappear once she's back with a wider lead.
You felt wrong, unfortunately. While Sander supporters might be energized, Clinton supporters would not. They will obviously back Sanders over Trump (most), but not all of them and many would probably sit it out.

The moral blow to Democrats should Clinton bow out, would be huge, and not even Bernie supporters' enthusiasm would be enough to ensure a Trump win.

This type of delusional opinions appear everything Clinton has a rough patch and suddenly disappear once she's back with a wider lead.
I feel like you are blatantly overlooking the question posed by the esteemed author. Does hillary clinton care enough about the future of our country to turn over the nomination to beloved abuelito sanders?
From the nut graph it sounded like the foreign ties are so deep that there's almost no way for Trump to separate the Trump Corporation from foreign people. That's an interesting predicament.
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