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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Remember that a lot of pretty knowledgeable security experts thought the Sony hack was an inside job as well. It's not completely far fetched, especially if it was someone who wanted DWS gone really badly, or simply someone who social engineered their way in through a contact.

Social engineering wouldn't be part of an 'inside job', by definition its an external source using available information to mislead someone. For Stone to be correct a DNC official would have to leak the social security and phone numbers of hundreds of high dollar donors as a smoke screen to cover their real agenda and two high profile cyber security firms would have to be lying to hide it.


FGC Waterboy
I mean, if it's me, I take Roger "Huma's genitals were mutilated" Stone's speculation every time.

So much credibility as a founder of:


The anti-Hillary group.

(people talk about false flags all the time because people are stupid. The same reason people believed Jade Helm was a thing)

Things Roger Stone also believes in:

-LBJ killed Kennedy.
-Bill Clinton should be executed for "selling missile secrets to the Chinese."

You do know the difference between Roger Stone and Oliver Stone, right?

It wasn't Russia everybody go see my movie about Snowden.

Probably a healthy dose of that too.

Social engineering wouldn't be part of an 'inside job', by definition its an external source using available information to mislead someone. For Stone to be correct a DNC official would have to leak the social security and phone numbers of hundreds of high dollar donors as a smoke screen to cover their real agenda and two high profile cyber security firms would have to be lying to hide it.

DNC official or an IT guy, or someone at the multitude of companies they contract at. I don't think it was an internal job, but people aren't even reading the article to realize that Stone isn't saying false flag, but instead more along the lines of someone backstabbing them.

My understanding is that one could make a social engineering attack look like an inside job and lead to confusion of the source. Detection methods might have gotten way more sophisticated though.


Remember that a lot of pretty knowledgeable security experts thought the Sony hack was an inside job as well. It's not completely far fetched, especially if it was someone who wanted DWS gone really badly, or simply someone who social engineered their way in through a contact.

Except all security experts - government and private contractors - say that it was Russia. So yes, it is completely far-fetched.

Saying that it was the DNC who did it is just some conspiratorial nonsense thought up in a fever dream by wackos who believe implicitly anything bad about the United States and the West, no matter how nuts it is, but are highly skeptical to the point of outright rejection of any information that puts America's enemies in a bad light. The former is unquestionably true, while the later is just American propaganda nonsense propagated by the vast Neoliberal, Coprortist, Imperialist Illuminati
Misread Oliver as Roger!

edit: Oliver, much better at this, but still not good!

In December 2014, Stone made statements supporting the Russian government's narrative on Ukraine, portraying the 2014 Ukrainian revolution as a CIA plot and former Ukrainian president (who was ousted as a result of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution) Viktor Yanukovych, whose responsibility for the killing of protesters is claimed by the new Ukrainian government, as a legitimate president forced to leave Ukraine by "well-armed, neo-Nazi radicals."[68][69][70][71][72][73] The University of Toronto's Stephen Velychenko, the author of several books on Ukrainian history, and James Kirchick of The Daily Beast criticized Stone's comments and plans for a film.[74][75]

In an interview with The Times newspaper on July 25, 2010, Stone claimed that America does not know "the full story" on Iran and complained about Jewish "domination" in parts of the U.S. media and foreign policy, notably his view that Adolf Hitler was misunderstood due to Jewish control of the media.[59] When Stone was asked why so much of an emphasis has been placed on the Holocaust, as opposed to the 20-plus million casualties the Soviet Union, for example, suffered in World War II, he stated that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was an overly powerful Jewish lobby within the U.S.


FGC Waterboy
Except all security experts - government and private contractors - say that it was Russia. So yes, it is completely far-fetched.

Saying that it was the DNC who did it is just some conspiratorial nonsense thought up in a fever dream by wackos who believe implicitly anything bad about the United States and the West, no matter how nuts it is, but are highly skeptical to the point of outright rejection of any information that puts America's enemies in a bad light. The former is unquestionably true, while the later is just American propaganda nonsense propagated by the vast Neoliberal, Coprortist, Imperialist Illuminati

That would mean that Oliver Stone is like crazy pro Russia...that's not the...

In December 2014, Stone made statements supporting the Russian government's narrative on Ukraine, portraying the 2014 Ukrainian revolution as a CIA plot and former Ukrainian president (who was ousted as a result of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution) Viktor Yanukovych, whose responsibility for the killing of protesters is claimed by the new Ukrainian government, as a legitimate president forced to leave Ukraine by "well-armed, neo-Nazi radicals."The University of Toronto's Stephen Velychenko, the author of several books on Ukrainian history, and James Kirchick of The Daily Beast criticized Stone's comments and plans for a film.

Ok, so Stone is apparently a crazy pro Russia guy. I stand corrected.
Well that new Snowden movie looks like it will have the nuance of anvil.

I don't even understand how leftists even end up spouting Russian propoganda like this is some battle between communism and capitalism.

So sassy.
Remember that a lot of pretty knowledgeable security experts thought the Sony hack was an inside job as well. It's not completely far fetched, especially if it was someone who wanted DWS gone really badly, or simply someone who social engineered their way in through a contact.

The problem is that all of the forensic evidence we have shows that the DNC hack was not the result of social engineering or a disgruntled employee.

Motherboard said:
The forensic evidence linking the DNC breach to known Russian operations is very strong. On June 20, two competing cybersecurity companies, Mandiant (part of FireEye) and Fidelis, confirmed CrowdStrike’s initial findings that Russian intelligence indeed hacked the DNC. The forensic evidence that links network breaches to known groups is solid: used and reused tools, methods, infrastructure, even unique encryption keys. For example: in late March the attackers registered a domain with a typo—misdepatrment[.]com—to look suspiciously like the company hired by the DNC to manage its network, MIS Department. They then linked this deceptive domain to a long-known APT 28 so-called X-Tunnel command-and-control IP address, 45.32.129[.]185.

One of the strongest pieces of evidence linking GRU to the DNC hack is the equivalent of identical fingerprints found in two burglarized buildings: a reused command-and-control address—176.31.112[.]10—that was hard coded in a piece of malware found both in the German parliament as well as on the DNC’s servers. Russian military intelligence was identified by the German domestic security agency BfV as the actor responsible for the Bundestag breach. The infrastructure behind the fake MIS Department domain was also linked to the Berlin intrusion through at least one other element, a shared SSL certificate.

They used the same tools, techniques and even IP addresses as Russian hackers have used. This was either the Russians or an incredibly intricate copycat attack.
Which one. The one that days Benghazi is a witch hunt or one talking about Clinton's email.

The ones calling Trump a national disgrace and saying 99% of birthes are racist.

To be honest I don't think it moves the needle much because he's not enthusiastically supporting Hilary and they can't really use him after the recent comments between them.
uh, collin powell's e-mails seem to be getting play on cable news...not on poli-gaf?
They got a brief mention. Not a whole lot to talk about, though.

In the abstract I want to say that it's concerning that every few weeks I hear about a bunch of Russian hacks. Pretty soon the next headline will be "Russia shuts down Hoover Dam."


uh, collin powell's e-mails seem to be getting play on cable news...not on poli-gaf?
It's just more unfounded GOP smears from yet another discredited butthurt Republican liar:
“Sad thing,” Powell wrote to one confidant, “HRC could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me to it.”

“I told her staff three times not to try that gambit. I had to throw a mini tantrum at a Hampton’s party to get their attention. She keeps tripping into these ‘character’ minefields,” Powell lamented. He noted that he had tried to settle the matter by meeting with Clinton aide Cheryl Mills in August.
The Clinton campaign’s effort to blur the lines between Clinton’s private email server and Powell’s AOL account left Powell deeply frustrated.

“They are going to dick up the legitimate and necessary use of emails with friggin record rules. I saw email more like a telephone than a cable machine,” Powell wrote last year to his business partner Jeffrey Leeds. “As long as the stuff is unclassified. I had a secure State.gov machine. Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris.”

Powell added in a tangential complaint: “I told you about the gig I lost at a University because she so overcharged them they came under heat and couldn’t any fees for awhile. I should send her a bill.”
“Dumb. She should have done a ‘Full Monty’ at the beginning,” Powell wrote. He added: “I warned her staff three times over the past two years not to try to connect it to me. I am not sure HRC even knew or understood what was going on in the basement.”
uh, collin powell's e-mails seem to be getting play on cable news...not on poli-gaf?

I don't think anyone outside of the media cares about Colin Powell?

He's obviously right about a lot of stuff because he's a rational human being (unlike a lot of his party), but he's too much of a liar for a lot of people to care about anymore.


I feel like you are blatantly overlooking the question posed by the esteemed author. Does hillary clinton care enough about the future of our country to turn over the nomination to beloved abuelito sanders?

Wait... is this sarcasm?

That "esteemed author" gives it away. (for me)


I don't think anyone outside of the media cares about Colin Powell?

He's obviously right about a lot of stuff because he's a rational human being (unlike a lot of his party), but he's too much of a liar for a lot of people to care about anymore.

Hmmm, but the media does listen to him and usually they are the ones who have been dictating the narrative for the campaign. These Powell emails basically confirm that she probably "even knew or understood what was going on in the basement [where the server was]" and that only Hillary's hubris is to blame, but nothing more there.

But this also helps amplify his criticism of Trump in the other emails. He's a man who recognizes Hillary's flaws but deems Trump the real threat.


But this also helps amplify his criticism of Trump in the other emails. He's a man who recognizes Hillary's flaws but deems Trump the real threat.
Except he doesn't endorse Hillary like he did Obama and W. Bush. And has said he has no plans on endorsing her.


Except he doesn't endorse Hillary like he did Obama and W. Bush. And has said he has no plans on endorsing her.

But that's my point. The fact that he doesn't endorse Hillary amplifies his criticism of Trump. It "neutralizes" his opinion a bit in the eyes of independents.

The guy is saying "Trump is a national disgrace" and outright calling him a racist:

"Yup, the whole birther movement was racist,” Powell wrote. “That’s what the 99% believe. When Trump couldn’t keep that up he said he also wanted to see if the certificate noted that he was a Muslim.”

Powell told BuzzFeed News, “I have no further comment. I’m not denying it.”

He might not endorse Hillary and even got angry with her team, but his complaints against Hillary and her emails (which he even says is a non-issue) come nowhere near as damning as his comments against Trump.

His comments about Hillary's emails even vindicate her, saying it's mostly dumb decisions and not outright malice (If that makes anyone feel better...)
Except he doesn't endorse Hillary like he did Obama and W. Bush. And has said he has no plans on endorsing her.

You read everything. And yet you didn't read this?

The hacked emails reveal some people close to Powell expect him to endorse Hillary Clinton before the Nov. 8 election.

Former New Jersey governor Christie Whitman — a Republican who has said she will vote for Clinton over Trump — sent Powell an email in late July with the subject line, “Hillary.”

“Have you endorsed her yet?” the one line email said.

“Nope,” Powell replied. “By the way, if you have a WSJ today take a look at my piece on immigration. I can send it you missed. On Oped pages.”

“You’ll recall that in 2008 and 2012 I waited until early fall,” he added.

Powell confirmed the email chain’s legitimacy to TheDC.

On July 30, Powell emailed several people a link to a Huffington Post article on Trump’s then-budding feud with the Khans.

On August 2, longtime Powell friend and adviser Harlan Ullman asked Powell, “when are you going to throw the knock out blow?”

“I try not to bother someone who is beating himself and the GOP up. And please, don’t start bugging me like every newsie and getter in town,” Powell replied. “If and when I do it will be known.”

That's as good as gold.


Naw, guys, he couldn't get paid for a speech because of her speaking fees. That's far worse than anything Trump related. There's certain lines you can't cross and get away with it.

The Flop

As much as people don't think Sunday's "Health Episode" mattered to the GP. My whole office was talking about it still today. They are worried, and are now looking at what a Kaine presidency means.


Naw, guys, he couldn't get paid for a speech because of her speaking fees. That's far worse than anything Trump related. There's certain lines you can't cross and get away with it.

It's going to be hilarious when some Trump surrogate inevitably tries to use that as an attack during the rounds tomorrow.


I wonder what university it was.

Have we seen a transcript of that speech she gave? Why does Hillary try and hide everything like this? Why was she hiding these e-mails of Colin Powell's?


I wonder what university it was.

Have we seen a transcript of that speech she gave? Why does Hillary try and hide everything like this? Why was she hiding these e-mails of Colin Powell's?

What? These aren't Hillary's emails to Powell. These are hacked Powell emails. Hillary had nothing to do with these.


What? These aren't Hillary's emails to Powell. These are hacked Powell emails. Hillary had nothing to do with these.
Are you sure? She might have even had these hacked herself, I heard speculation that she might have played a role in the hacked DNC e-mails as part of a way to frame Trump and Putin for it and cover up what she did to Bernie. She's probably had a lot of free time sitting in her hospital bed while on dialysis and amped up from all the speed. And with her knowledge about e-mail servers and ties to corrupt government, it wouldn't surprise me if this wasn't a false flag revenge for her Iraq vote.

But we won't know anything until she releases documented evidence of where she was for the last six years or so. It's weird that someone would just try to hide that kind of thing.


Are you sure? She might have even had these hacked herself, I heard speculation that she might have played a role in the hacked DNC e-mails as part of a way to frame Trump and Putin for it and cover up what she did to Bernie. She's probably had a lot of free time sitting in her hospital bed while on dialysis and amped up from all the speed. And with her knowledge about e-mail servers and ties to corrupt government, it wouldn't surprise me if this wasn't a false flag revenge for her Iraq vote.

But we won't know anything until she releases documented evidence of where she was for the last six years or so. It's weird that someone would just try to hide that kind of thing.

A lot of people are saying she hacked Colin Powell's emails. I don't know, I haven't seen anything. A lot of people are saying it, though.
No one in Washington is gonna want to use email anymore after this year.

Are you sure? She might have even had these hacked herself, I heard speculation that she might have played a role in the hacked DNC e-mails as part of a way to frame Trump and Putin for it and cover up what she did to Bernie. She's probably had a lot of free time sitting in her hospital bed while on dialysis and amped up from all the speed. And with her knowledge about e-mail servers and ties to corrupt government, it wouldn't surprise me if this wasn't a false flag revenge for her Iraq vote.

But we won't know anything until she releases documented evidence of where she was for the last six years or so. It's weird that someone would just try to hide that kind of thing.

"This is Art Bell. You're on Coast to Coast."

"Hey Art. First time caller, long time listener. I've got definitive proof that Hillary uses Abilify."


A lot of people are saying she hacked Colin Powell's emails. I don't know, I haven't seen anything. A lot of people are saying it, though.
Isn't it a little suspicious that Colin Powell worked in the Clinton Administration at the same time that Hillary Clinton was working in the White House and then just happened to have a vial of faux-anthrax to take to the UN to promote a war that Hillary just happened to then support? I mean, there's gotta be something there. It's amazing that nobody is looking into this kind of thing. How do we know the truth about this stuff when all these theories are flying around constantly and nobody's checking on them? I don't know, there wouldn't be smoke if there wasn't fire. That's just my opinion though.


How did Powell's email get hacked? Who did it? And who leaked it?
People in another thread and above were suggesting Hillary almost certainly had something to do with this. I mean, I don't know if I'd go that far. But they seem pretty confident, hopefully someone will find out for sure.


remember me
Ok this is hilarious


Gov. Mike Pence came to Capitol Hill on Tuesday on a mission to promote Republican unity, attacking Hillary Clinton for describing many supporters of the G.O.P. ticket as bigoted “deplorables” and urging Republicans to rally behind their nominee, Donald J. Trump.

But Mr. Pence struggled to press the attack: In separate news conferences, House and Senate Republican leaders declined to join Mr. Pence, the Indiana governor and vice-presidential nominee, in rebuking Mrs. Clinton over her remark.

Mr. Pence wound up raising the subject only when pressed by a reporter — and then gave a halting answer in which he would not call David Duke, a white supremacist and onetime Ku Klux Klan leader, “deplorable.” He insisted instead that Mrs. Clinton did not have “that bad man” in mind when she assailed Mr. Trump’s supporters.
As much as people don't think Sunday's "Health Episode" mattered to the GP. My whole office was talking about it still today. They are worried, and are now looking at what a Kaine presidency means.

Makes it seem obvious why past Presidents and candidates aren't exactly forthcoming with medical details. Public is just not smart enough to understand it.


Are WhatsApp and Facebook subject to FOIA requests?
This is what the federal government seems to think:
Government-sourced content posted via third-party social media Web sites or on public Government Web servers becomes part of the public domain upon posting. With limited exceptions, such content is therefore not exempt from FOIA requests.
Not all records can be released under the FOIA. Congress established certain categories of information that are not required to be released in response to a FOIA request because release would be harmful to a government or private interest. These categories are called "exemptions" from disclosures. Still, even if an exemption applies, agencies may use their discretion to release information when there is no foreseeable harm in doing so and disclosure is not otherwise prohibited by law. There are nine categories of exempt information and each is described below.

Exemption 1: Information that is classified to protect national security.

Exemption 2: Information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency.

Exemption 3: Information that is prohibited from disclosure by another federal law.

Exemption 4: Trade secrets or commercial or financial information that is confidential or privileged.

Exemption 5: Privileged communications within or between agencies, including:

Deliberative Process Privilege
Attorney-Work Product Privilege
Attorney-Client Privilege

Exemption 6: Information that, if disclosed, would invade another individual's personal privacy.

Exemption 7: Information compiled for law enforcement purposes that:

7(A). Could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings
7(B). Would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication
7(C). Could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy
7(D). Could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of a confidential source
7(E). Would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions
7(F). Could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any individual

Exemption 8: Information that concerns the supervision of financial institutions.

Exemption 9: Geological information on wells.
So just hide all your messages inside geological information about wells.


Mr. Pence faced resistance again when he met privately with Senators Mike Lee of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas, neither of whom has endorsed Mr. Trump. Mr. Lee pressed the governor on his reluctance to denounce Mr. Duke and the so-called alt-right movement more explicitly, stressing “that Republicans must identify David Duke’s racism as deplorable,” according to Conn Carroll, a spokesman for Mr. Lee.

Mr. Pence was greeted warmly by Senate Republicans when he joined them for a lunch of Chick-fil-A sandwiches, but received a firm rebuke from John McCain of Arizona, the chairman of the Armed Services Committee. Calling Vladimir V. Putin, the Russian president, “a thug and a butcher,” Mr. McCain said Mr. Trump’s embrace of the autocratic ruler was unacceptable, according to a Republican official present who also insisted on anonymity.
that sounds like a terrible lunch
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