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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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The media trying to pretend like it was wrong for Clinton to literally use facts to dismantle Trump when they have been doing the same exact thing every day for a year is ridiculous.

The media complaining about the negativity of the race when they control how much negativity is shown vs everything else is also strange.

I don't want to throw all the media under the bus because they have a really difficult job trying to neutrally cover this race when one candidate is a flaming racist sack of shit but the AP stooping to whatever level they are at right now is not a good look


The media trying to pretend like it was wrong for Clinton to literally use facts to dismantle Trump when they have been doing the same exact thing every day for a year is ridiculous.

The media complaining about the negativity of the race when they control how much negativity is shown vs everything else is also strange.

Yeah, this is a heap of bullshit and it needs to end. Hillary's speech the other day pointing out the Alt-Right connections and all the shit Breitbart has written over the years isn't negativity, that's the reality of the Donald Trump for President campaign. She's literally rattling off facts. If Trump put a baby in a blender it's not fucking "going negative" to say "Hey, so, Trump just killed a baby."
This sounds like something a republican would say.

I think it's rather clear why young people dislike Clinton. They have no nostalgia for her husband's presidency/her FLOTUS years, they aren't impressed by her record, she's old and doesn't come off as authentic to many of them. They didn't like her in 08 (back when they weren't old enough to vote), they don't like her now. Young people tend to be very politically illiterate, and those types respond the best to idealist candidates who appeal to their higher ideals on how things should be. Obama, Sanders, RFK, JFK, etc types.

Hillary Clinton (or the facade of Hillary Clinton, created by the media/republicans - or the real Hillary Clinton, after dealing with the media/republicans for decades) is the exact opposite of what many young people want in a candidate. She has blatantly flip flopped on a variety of important issues, she supports foreign policy that most young people despise, her demographic outreach is awkward/forced, she can't answer basic questions during an interview, etc. She's a flawed candidate who doesn't make up for it by being charming/deceptive like Bill Clinton.

There's some sexism thrown in too, not to mention the double standards she is held to plus dealing with decades of hit jobs. But at the same time I think it's wrong to dismiss her flaws or the reasons many (non republicans) have issues with her. There's no such thing as a perfect politician, everyone has flaws.

The bolded is the point that they were making, and that you were refuting.

There's no reason for these arguments to be mutually exclusive. I suspect that people just get rubbed the wrong way when old people insult young people, but young people do things that are a side effect of their youth! We all know that your first love was a joke of a crush, and we blame that on youth.

The other side of this is that we all understand and don't act like asses when a teen around you talks about being in love. Just quietly understand that they'll grow up like we did, and that's that. Eventually, every single Bernie supporter is going to grow up and fight for their own problematic candidate against the youth of their day. Who knows what they'll be fighting over.
We need a new term for what AP's doing with the map there. If Yellow Journalism is purposely trying to agitate, then this is "Grey" journalism; trying desperately to make the race look close or dead even when it clearly isn't.

That, or last night I slipped into an alternate reality where somehow West fucking Virginia is in play. Are the Bears Berenstain or Berenstein in this universe?

Berenstein, obviously.

If their goal was just to have a graphic on the Tweet they should have just used a generic picture or something.


Berenstein, obviously.

If their goal was just to have a graphic on the Tweet they should have just used a generic picture or something.

... It was Berenstain last time I looked. Oh well, at least I'm back in the one I started in. Wonder what else is different.
The "How would Bernie Sanders be doing" thread is maybe the most delusional thing I've ever seen.
Yeah. Although, it's kinda surprising to me to see so much focus on the "s"-word in there and if that would sink him or not, and not enough focus on the "t"-word: taxes. The Democrats had to learn the hard way that even if they're right to raise middle-class taxes in a fiscal-policy sense, that that's a losing battle politically and something they needed to back away from. No need for hammer and sickle ads (though those would certainly also be there and hurt him) or focusing on socialism or whatever: just focus on taxes, taxes, taxes. Done. Even people who otherwise agree with him would defect once they hear about the tax increases he'd propose. Taxes are just poison in American politics, and it's something Sanders would learn the hard way. With Trump wanting to decrease taxes and him raising them, that's all they'd have to hammer home, never mind anything else.

If that narrative were set early, combined with depressed turnout from Hispanic and Cuban voters for Sierra Blanca and his Castro comments and depressed turnout among African-Americans for acting like he's entitled to their votes and having a tendency to throw MLK in their faces, it would be a squeaker at best for Sanders if he would have been able to pull it off at all.

This of course is even more true since Trump and Sanders primarily focus on the same group of voters: white working-class voters. Y'know, the type of people who tend to absolutely hate, hate, hate tax increases. Just point out to them that Sanders wants to raise your taxes, Trump doesn't, and that pushes them so far towards Trump by itself that it's hard for anything Sanders says to get them back since that's such a huge issue.

And since Sanders himself is so stubborn, he would no doubt double-down on it and try to paint it in a positive light, but that would just be doing the GOP's work for them. His campaign/the DNC would of course try to get him to relent, but since he's stubborn if such a pivot were to happen it would come late and just be seen as a desperate pivot that's not really believable. Plus, if he were to relent on the middle-class tax increases, his free college-tuition plan, which already had tremendously shaky math which would have come under much more scrutiny in a general election regardless, would completely fall apart and so he would be attacked on his policies such as that no longer making any sense at all even if he did.

Even against Trump, at best he'd only barely squeak by; at worst he'd get completely destroy. Forget the hammer and sickle and whether people view socialism negatively anymore or not. Just create campaign ads where Sanders is holding giant bags of money while playing his own words where he said he'd increase taxes on the middle class with the tagline "Bernie Sanders. Bad for the middle class. Bad for America" and updating them as Sanders doubles down on it.

Even against Trump, that would be a hard thing to come back from, especially since Sanders would be relying heavily on DNC infrastructure to run his campaign/ground game in the same way that Trump's relying on the RNC so he wouldn't even have that advantage.

People just don't realize how much of a huge, single-issue taxes are for people. I mean, it should be kinda obvious how huge it is when Republicans created a false attack-ad against Hillary where they accuse her of saying she'd increase taxes on the middle class where she clearly says the exact opposite, but they created and ran that ad anyway, but yet...
We need a new term for what AP's doing with the map there. If Yellow Journalism is purposely trying to agitate, then this is "Grey" journalism; trying desperately to make the race look close or dead even when it clearly isn't.

That, or last night I slipped into an alternate reality where somehow West fucking Virginia is in play. Are the Bears Berenstain or Berenstein in this universe?

We already have a term. It's called The View From Nowhere

wikipedia said:
The term "view from nowhere" originates in Thomas Nagel's 1989 book The View From Nowhere in which he discusses Objectivity, Subjectivity, and how they relate. Later this phrase got used to describe a complex, widespread, particular kind of conflict of interest in media ethics, specifically between being objective and informative. It refers to journalism and analysis that disinform the audience by creating the impression that opposing parties to an issue have equal correctness and validity, even when the truth of their claims are mutually exclusive and easily verifiable.
The media trying to pretend like it was wrong for Clinton to literally use facts to dismantle Trump when they have been doing the same exact thing every day for a year is ridiculous.

The media complaining about the negativity of the race when they control how much negativity is shown vs everything else is also strange.

I don't want to throw all the media under the bus because they have a really difficult job trying to neutrally cover this race when one candidate is a flaming racist sack of shit but the AP stooping to whatever level they are at right now is not a good look
Yeah, it's especially hypocritical when they spend so much time talking about stuff like Hillary's e-mails or the Clinton foundation or the Iran-money stuff, etc, where there's literally nothing there, but Clinton listing a huge series of fact against Trump and outlining his entire history is what's problematic and wrong? Nah, fam. Just nah.
Some Twitter Communist called me out for retweeting a moderate Republican for being funny.

That Twitter Communist supports Gloria "North Korea is a great country" La Riva for president of the United States.


The Countries With the Worst Bad Habits

As the extensive literature on bureaucratic politics teaches us, such behavior often persists because a part of the government is committed to it and wants to keep itself in business. Just try telling the Air Force that manned aircraft are on the way out. Because eliminating entrenched agencies is difficult (and all the more so when they are secretive), bad habits can linger long after they have ceased to be useful. They can also persist because they appeal to widely held values, or because well-organized interest groups within society work overtime to defend them, even if the habits themselves are damaging.

Russia:Dealing with dissidents and other opponents in this way became a standard operating procedure, with a durable bureaucracy dedicated to maintaining these capabilities as part of Moscow’s repertoire, even when the people targeted are at worst minor irritants and killing them does more damage to Russia’s international position than leaving them alone.

United States: U.S. officials can’t bring themselves to stop trying to spread democracy willy-nilly, no matter how often such attempts backfire. It is partly because democracy, liberty, freedom, etc., are baked into American political culture, making it hard for critics to argue that other societies might be worse off if they suddenly became democratic. This policy also persists because various government agencies, NGOs, and hybrid organizations (such as the National Endowment for Democracy) are committed to the enterprise.

Israel: After independence, Israel adopted a strict policy of reprisal toward the Palestinian Fedayeen operating in the ill-defined borderlands left after the 1948 armistice.

Today, of course, the reprisal policy involves using the powerful Israel Defense Forces against a vastly weaker set of Palestinian groups, which inevitably causes disproportionate civilian casualties. The damage to Israel’s international image outweighs whatever strategic benefits might be gained, but it is a habit Tel Aviv cannot seem to break. Meanwhile, the Palestinians remained mired in their own set of bad habits — internal rivalries, corruption, and counterproductive forms of resistance — practices that have set their own national aspirations back for decades.

Germany: Given its experiences with the disastrous 1923 hyperinflation, it is not surprising that postwar Germans have been hypersensitive about a stable currency and obsessed with fiscal responsibility. As Christopher Alessi observes: “The German Bundesbank was established in 1957 as the world’s first fully independent central bank with a simple but all-encompassing mandate: to keep the price of the German deutsche mark stable by limiting inflation.”

the bold words were included by me for easier reading


Love the "warzone" America that all African-Americans live every day.

There's bad places in most states, cities and towns. Trump is really painting a hellish picture about this shit.

Chicago is a special case. I'll admit that. But when he says black people walking down the street get shot it just broadly paints that picture and quite frankly it just appeals to his base that believe it anyway.

It's backhanded as well because he's implying that minorities are killing each other in these areas and that he alone can fix it.
There are 11 million undocumented immigrants and some of them are murderers, gasp.

I'm sure a random sample of 11 million white dudes would have zero murderers in it.


Imagine if the media spent their time doing what I want them to, when we win they will, or they have to go to jail folks.

The commercials are phony, especially the one that's just my quotes.


I've never played a Civ game before. I think my computer would explode.....and I'd be bad at it.

Well, you've already shown you've got bad opinions on games, so what makes this different?

Well, you've already shown you've got bad opinions on games, so what makes this different?


Mama, that shit looks time intensive. I ain't got time to be messing with none of that.

You should play civ 4. It's the best civ game, and it should run on pretty much anything at this point. Plus it's super cheap during sales.

I pretty much just play Binding of Issac anymore. I'm obsessed. I need help.

Also, Dark Souls is trash. Tried to play it today

Rebel Leader

Mama, that shit looks time intensive. I ain't got time to be messing with none of that.

I pretty much just play Binding of Issac anymore. I'm obsessed. I need help.

Also, Dark Souls is trash. Tried to play it today
Adam is just a horrible player.
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