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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Instead of Diablos lets return to earlier discussions on free will (and the lack thereof) and how that impacts policy! A throwback to the primary season.

Or alternatively a rousing debate on warfarina vs newer anticoagulants and what Pubmed says about up and coming treatments.
Fuck pubmed, I like quick and dirty. Give me uptodate.

That wasn't today lol
It's effect will last for weeks.


Thanks for the info! That makes sense of course.

They main reason I was bumped to Pradaxa was because I couldn't cover those blood tests without insurance (I wasn't insured then) and the cost of moving to Pradaxa was insanely cheaper than staying on Coumadin. My labs were $30-$50 and i was having them every day sometimes. :\

Ugh healthcare in this country is a mess.

Yeah, the insurance issue is just all over the place and mostly unpredictable. I see patients where either outcome is often better - for some monthly INR checks are cheaper, for others rivaroxaban/apixaban is cheaper.


Hillary and Kaine's new book is on pace to sell a grand total of 10k copies, lol.

I got mine day one son (srs). #Dedication#Blessed

The reason Clinton's margin of victory matter so damn much is not because Clinton won't win the election, but because a large margin of popular vote win will help push some close Senate/House races over the edge. If Clinton only wins by 2-3%, then the Dems will certainly pick up IL, WI and probably PA, and NH but NC, FL, and possibly NV will all probably stay Republican. If Clinton is winning by 6-8% however, taking down Rubio, Burr, and Heck will be much more likely.

Her margin of victory matters not just for her legitimacy as a president, but because it will help create a better environment for her to govern in.
Fuck pubmed, I like quick and dirty. Give me uptodate.

It's effect will last for weeks.

Wow, some of us like to wade through shifty studies instead of having a nice website to vet and summarize it all.

I'm getting a PhD as well so I have to love pubmed because my name is on there. At least shillary will be hopefully pumping the NIMH with cash for grants
I think the biggest problem with this election is that Republican intransigence has made governing functionally impossible. Unless the dems magically take the Senate and House I don't see how the next four years are any better than the previous in terms of actually passing meaningful legislation. And the midterms will only make the problem that much worse when Republicans erase their losses.


I think the biggest problem with this election is that Republican intransigence has made governing functionally impossible. Unless the dems magically take the Senate and House I don't see how the next four years are any better than the previous in terms of actually passing meaningful legislation. And the midterms will only make the problem that much worse when Republicans erase their losses.

The next 4 years won't be any better. As far as realistic consequences are concerned, 2016 is a fight for the court. That's it. Until something breaks to cause a paradigm shift, GOP intransigence will continue to be the norm, and it'll take brute strength of majority numbers to get anything through Congress. We'll continue to muddle along, passing half-measures to keep things running.. but little else.

It's depressing. Not a very inspiring message. But we still have to keep the fight up.
The next 4 years won't be any better. As far as realistic consequences are concerned, 2016 is a fight for the court. That's it. Until something breaks to cause a paradigm shift, GOP intransigence will continue to be the norm, and it'll take brute strength of majority numbers to get anything through Congress. We'll continue to muddle along, passing half-measures to keep things running.. but little else.

It's depressing. Not a very inspiring message. But we still have to keep the fight up.
AKA fight for climate change and the earth, plus not normalizing racism which is pretty big
Obama can legally get Trump's taxes out? But ISN'T?! My rating of him has officially switched to "disapprove." Maybe going to tease Trump with this for a few weeks...? Right??
Many here wrote off Michigan and Wisconsin, but the Clinton campaign never did, if that is any comfort.
The reasoning here is probably that it's way-the-hell cheaper to run field offices and targeted GOTV than do substantive ad buys. It's the right decision. Same for CO and VA.
Here's the relevant section:

(g) Disclosure to President and certain other persons

(1) In general
Upon written request by the President, signed by him personally, the Secretary shall furnish to the President, or to such employee or employees of the White House Office as the President may designate by name in such request, a return or return information with respect to any taxpayer named in such request. Any such request shall state—
(A) the name and address of the taxpayer whose return or return information is to be disclosed,
(B) the kind of return or return information which is to be disclosed,
(C) the taxable period or periods covered by such return or return information, and
(D) the specific reason why the inspection or disclosure is requested.

Obama can legally get Trump's taxes out? But ISN'T?! My rating of him has officially switched to "disapprove." Maybe going to tease Trump with this for a few weeks...? Right??.
TBH I feel like that would play right into Trump's hands. Adds fuel to the anti-establishment fire and all that.
Aaron Blake of The Fix ignores that 70% of Republicans thought that Hillary was dying prior to her being sick in a way to claim "Both Sides"

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have each managed to muck up what would otherwise be a non-controversial, one-day story about their health disclosures in thoroughly telling ways.

Clinton has done this by failing to disclose her Friday pneumonia diagnosis until after she felt dizzy and overheated at a 9/11 memorial on Sunday. The campaign left reporters in the dark about her condition for hours afterward. She told Anderson Cooper this week that "I just didn’t think it was going to be that big a deal.” Her husband, meanwhile, told CBS News that Clinton "frequently — not frequently, rarely, but on more than one occasion" has become ill because she is severely dehydrated. The sum total is a Clinton campaign that comes across as very concerned about saying the wrong thing and less concerned about just telling the truth.
Except the Rep is really trying to make it sound like its just an undermining instead of making Dem's look bad by Russia.

Most definitely. Seems like they are going great lengths to make it seems that the Russians are not siding with trump. I wonder if CNN will follow up on this claim.
A little self reflection

Diablos probably doesn't like having a verb named after him, and he especially doesn't like being PERSONALLY MENTIONED when something bad happens. Bullying, much?

Polls tightened. Next week, they'll widen. No need to wet your pants. Go outside and breathe some air. In fact, your life will change for the better if you only ever looked at HuffPost pollster from this point onward.

This election sucks because half the country is openly supporting the biggest buffoon to have ever run for office as a major party nominee. At this point, if you haven't found something that helps you tolerate that (in my case, alcohol abuse), find it quickly!
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