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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Seriously there's no point in campaigning in CA/NY unless you're looking to raise funds for the campaign out here in my state or NY. We're locked in and out down ballots in CA at least are okay.

Plouffe said less fundraising in CA and NY from now on, not campaigning .

After listening to Plouffe, hopium++.
If Bernie looks like the future of the Democratic Party, Gary might foreshadow the ways the GOP will change.
I think assuming Bernie is the future of the Democrats is premature. McGovern was hella popular with the kids but also lost catastrophically and didn't represent any sort of long term movement.
Here we go.


Hillary Clinton has a millennial voter problem, and she's working to address it with help from progressive icons Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who are slated to campaign for her this weekend in Ohio.

The Democratic nominee is under-performing with younger voters who are generally a stronghold for her party, because of a huge trust deficit. Although surveys indicate they strongly prefer her to Republican Donald Trump, substantial numbers say they'll vote for a third-party candidate or stay home on Election Day.

"These are obstacles. These are issues," said Tad Devine, a veteran Democratic strategist who advised Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign, which won over young voters in large numbers. He suggested Clinton can enlist local leaders trusted by young people to "make the case that their vote is of great importance, real consequence" because failing to vote for her could lead to a Trump victory.

Devine said today's young voters are "turned off by party politics" and are less inclined than unusual to support a major party candidate but predicted they'll eventually move in her direction when they realize that "Hillary is the only game in town."

The strategist, who worked on Al Gore's 2000 campaign, recalled that "an awful lot" of young voters in states like Washington, Oregon and Wisconsin told pollsters they supported independent candidate Ralph Nader. "Many of them, particularly in places we went out and made an aggressive case not to do that, left Nader in the final days of the campaign."

"That support probably isn't going to come until the end. Nader's vote dropped by 40 to 80 percent in his strongholds in the final days," Devine said.

Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont, is slated to campaign for Clinton Saturday in Ohio in the Canton, Kent and Akron areas. In an advisory, her campaign said Sanders will "emphasize Clinton's plans to support millennials," touting her plans to make public college free for most, lift the minimum wage and tackle climate change.

While many favor the more liberal policies of Sanders, a major Clinton weakness is a perception that she's dishonest. In the new Quinnipiac poll, a jarring 77 percent of likely voters aged 18 to 34 said Clinton is not honest, while 21 percent said she is. Even Trump performed marginally better in the category.

"It's a real challenge for Secretary Clinton and her campaign," said Andrew Baumann, a Democratic pollster who has delved into millennial voting tendencies. "There's a character issue. There's a trust issue. She needs to address that."

A new Economist/YouGov poll Thursday found that just 52 percent of Sanders voters plan to vote for Clinton; 15 percent said Trump, 13 percent said Stein and 9 percent said Johnson.

Senator Elizabeth Warren will also campaign for Clinton in Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio, this weekend, to "lay out the stakes of November's election for millennial voters."

Appearing Thursday on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, Clinton sympathized with the struggles of young people.

"I really have a lot of sympathy, in a way, because think of what this millennial generation has faced," she said on the radio broadcast. "They entered the workforce during one of the worst recessions in our nation’s history. So what I’m focusing on are more good-paying jobs."

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
If we're being as unbiased as possible and willing to consider every avenue, re TheLaughingStock:

- Trump's childcare plan is reasonable. It's not as good as Clinton's, comparatively, but it is better than the status quo, and significantly more generous than quite a large amount of the traditional fiscally-conservative quarter of the Republican party.
- Withdrawing from TPP is the best thing to do if you are genuinely concerned about poorer white-collar workers. Yes, free trade improves the position of the average citizen, but the gains are unevenly distributed and unless there are forceful measures to redistribute, the poorest lose out. Insofar as we judge a society by how it treats its poorest, that makes this a good policy (ceteris paribus).
- His infrastructure plans are good. They're not Clinton good, but same as his childcare plans, they're better than much of the rest of the Republican party.
- There are elements of his veteran plan that are good.

I think that's it. I welcome anyone else to play the Find-Trump-Policies-That-Aren't-Shit game, though.


The only 2016 redux hypothetical I like to consider is what Bernie Sanders' campaign would have been if Warren had also run? If she ran, would he have not? If they both ran, who would the youth have chosen? etc etc blah blah.

yes, i know my avatar

Why, America?



Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said she wouldn’t be bound by President Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, hinting that she would consider a bolder choice if she takes office in January with the seat still unfilled.
Clinton would "look broadly and widely for people who represent the diversity of our country" if she has the opportunity to make "any" Supreme Court nominations, she said in a radio interview that aired Thursday on the Tom Joyner Morning Show.
The comments are Clinton’s most specific yet on how she would handle the 7-month-old vacancy. Her remarks offer hope to progressives who say the Supreme Court nomination should go to a younger, more liberal jurist and possibly to a racial minority or woman. Garland turns 64 in November, is white and is widely considered an ideological moderate.
Clinton said she wouldn’t ask Obama to withdraw Garland’s nomination after Election Day, leaving open the possibility he could be confirmed with her implicit blessing in a congressional lame-duck session.
Won't release his tax returns, lies about his foundation, lies about everything, won't release real medical records except through some quack doctor...

they didn't ask if he was honest. they asked if he was transparent. It's quite transparent when he's lying, given how shit he's at it, for example. As seen with his bullshit for not releasing his tax returns.
If we're being as unbiased as possible and willing to consider every avenue, re TheLaughingStock:

- Trump's childcare plan is reasonable. It's not as good as Clinton's, comparatively, but it is better than the status quo, and significantly more generous than quite a large amount of the traditional fiscally-conservative quarter of the Republican party.
- Withdrawing from TPP is the best thing to do if you are genuinely concerned about poorer white-collar workers. Yes, free trade improves the position of the average citizen, but the gains are unevenly distributed and unless there are forceful measures to redistribute, the poorest lose out. Insofar as we judge a society by how it treats its poorest, that makes this a good policy (ceteris paribus).
- His infrastructure plans are good. They're not Clinton good, but same as his childcare plans, they're better than much of the rest of the Republican party.
- There are elements of his veteran plan that are good.

I think that's it. I welcome anyone else to play the Find-Trump-Policies-That-Aren't-Shit game, though.
I can't with this. These jobs are leaving with or without these deals. Its cheaper and you can't just put your head in the sand about that.

When people say this I often read the people saying that policy needs to favor this group over other poor groups.


I think assuming Bernie is the future of the Democrats is premature. McGovern was hella popular with the kids but also lost catastrophically and didn't represent any sort of long term movement.

I agree with this. I think his economic policies were really the things that inflated the success he had outside of leftist Democrats, plus the vilification of Hillary had a lot to do with it. I know a lot of "moderates" and "moderate conservatives" that didn't give a shit about his social platform but identified with his anti-globalization platform that I don't care or know much about similar Democrats outside of Warren. And let's not forget that us youngins have grown up hearing about how we should hate Hillary in the media.
they didn't ask if he was honest. they asked if he was transparent. It's quite transparent when he's lying, given how shit he's at it, for example. As seen with his bullshit for not releasing his tax returns.

I see this kind of reasoning constantly. Its stupid. He's not transparent


If we're being as unbiased as possible and willing to consider every avenue, re TheLaughingStock:

- Trump's childcare plan is reasonable. It's not as good as Clinton's, comparatively, but it is better than the status quo, and significantly more generous than quite a large amount of

I think that's it. I welcome anyone else to play the Find-Trump-Policies-That-Aren't-Shit game, though.

No, it's garbage. It provides a tax deduction, not a tax credit, which is fucking worthless to the people who need it most because they already pay little taxes due to being dirt poor. Also, the pay for is some incomprehensible gobbledygook about ending unemployment benefits fraud. Its yet another handout to rich people who can afford expensive babysitters that fucks over the middle class and poor.
If we're being as unbiased as possible and willing to consider every avenue, re TheLaughingStock:

- Trump's childcare plan is reasonable. It's not as good as Clinton's, comparatively, but it is better than the status quo, and significantly more generous than quite a large amount of the traditional fiscally-conservative quarter of the Republican party.
- Withdrawing from TPP is the best thing to do if you are genuinely concerned about poorer white-collar workers. Yes, free trade improves the position of the average citizen, but the gains are unevenly distributed and unless there are forceful measures to redistribute, the poorest lose out. Insofar as we judge a society by how it treats its poorest, that makes this a good policy (ceteris paribus).
- His infrastructure plans are good. They're not Clinton good, but same as his childcare plans, they're better than much of the rest of the Republican party.
- There are elements of his veteran plan that are good.

I think that's it. I welcome anyone else to play the Find-Trump-Policies-That-Aren't-Shit game, though.

Let's not forget the other half of political proposals which is how you pay for them. In that respect, most of Trump's plans fall quite short as they are funded mostly by the magic of "tax breaks = super economy".
Let's not forget the other half of political proposals which is how you pay for them. In that respect, most of Trump's plans fall quite short as they are funded mostly by the magic of "tax breaks = super economy".

Yeah like that guy just said on CNN, trumps proposals are merely goals while Hillarys are actual policies based on real numbers
I have no faith in this country.

It's cause this isn't just a contest, but life and death (for many people). Like, would anybody be ok with a 50/50 chance your parachute would open if you jumped out of a plane. At what percentage would somebody feel comfortable? One reason why I understand why folks get antsy.

I am reminded of that movie In Time (2011), where the character Justin Timberlake plays has to gamble and make moves to buy more time to stay alive but he's done it so many times he's cool under pressure. That's what folks should strive to be.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Btw, problem the state with the weirdest polling has been NH. She was crushing him as recently as last week, but now it's practically a toss up?
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