Bam Bam Baklava
Write this down in your calendars everyone.
How many more MAJOR SPEECHES can this guy give to get free attention? I guess he still has healthcare remaining.
Write this down in your calendars everyone.
‏Why is Trump admitting that he's only two points ahead in Arizona?
Thank you Arizona! #VoteTrump
4:04 PM - 28 Aug 2016
Why is Trump admitting that he's only two points ahead in Arizona?
Because the alternative is 7 points behind in Ohio?
Chill and take care what you say.Chris, Chris, listen, Chris.
I'm just going to go on a limb and give Arizona to Clinton. That seems reasonable if trends continue.
I'd hope we can agree that someone running for president in his or her late 60s who had a concussion within the last couple years...probably should release his or her medical records. If anything republicans have jumped the shark on what could have been a rather simple issue most people would agree on, and instead turned it into a conspiracy theory driven shit show.
Crazyass Dr. said:At this point, I can listen and contemplate the relatedness of symptoms. Can one human body respond to so many situation against the laws of nature and science as we know them?
Thank you Arizona! #VoteTrump
4:04 PM - 28 Aug 2016
Why is Trump admitting that he's only two points ahead in Arizona?
Here is an actual example of something that was written in my wife's records once:
Crazyass Dr. said:At this point, I can listen and contemplate the relatedness of symptoms. Can one human body respond to so many situation against the laws of nature and science as we know them?
Arizona, where 30% of the population is latino, Arizona.Arizona we so red that we refused to recognize MLK until the 1990s? That Arizona?
Yet almost immediately, observers began to declare that womens suffrage was a failure. By the mid-1920s, popular magazine headlines like these were common:
Is Woman-Suffrage a Failure? (The Century, 1924)
Is Womens Suffrage a Failure? (Good Housekeeping, 1924)
Are Women a Failure in Politics? (Harpers, 1925)
She flies down stairs, while Drumpf needs assistance..
I legit lawled at this. Yup, let's not release the medical records.
I legit lawled at this. Yup, let's not release the medical records.
Arizona, where 30% of the population is latino, Arizona.
Yeah. The only surprise state would be Missouri. Definitely not South Carolina.I'm just going to go on a limb and give Arizona and Georgia to Clinton. That seems reasonable if trends continue.
Ok, so what kind of medical records have presidents been releasing in modern times. The media seems to indicate they are more comprehensive than what HRC has released.
To Whom It May Concern:
I am David L. Scheiner, a board certified general internist licensed to practice in the State of Illinois. I am on staff at the University of Chicago Hospitals and Rush University Medical Center. I have been Senator Barack Obamas primary care physician since March 23, 1987. The following is a summary of his medical records for the past 21 years.
During that period of time, Senator Obama has been in excellent health. He has been seen regularly for medical checkups and various minor problems such as upper respiratory infections, skin rashes and minor injuries.
His family history is pertinent for his mothers death from ovarian cancer and grandfather who died of prostate cancer. His own history included intermittent cigarette smoking. He has quit this practice on several occasions and is currently using Nicorette gum with success.
Senator Obamas last medical checkup was on January 15, 2007; he had no complaints. He exercised regularly often jogging three miles. His diet was balanced with good intake of roughage and fluids. A complete review of systems was unremarkable. On physical examination, his blood pressure was 90/60 and pulse 60/minute. His build was lean and muscular with no excess body fat. His physical examination was completely normal.
Laboratory studies included triglycerides of 44(normal under 150), cholesterol 173 (normal under 200), HDL 68 (normal over 40), and LDL 96 (normal under 130). Chem 24, urinalysis and CBC were normal, PSA was 0.6, very good. An EKG was normal.
In short, his examination showed him to be in excellent health. Senator Barack Obama is in overall good physical and mental health needed to maintain the resiliency required in the Office of President.
David L. Scheiner, M.D.
Hillary should release her medical records to shut up the healthers and put the ball back in Trump's court. But I'm sure he's creating false medical records as we speak with the help of that ID4 doctor guy.
He didn't release his birth certificate, he released his certificate of live birth!No, her physician released a summary of her history, not the actual records.
Hillary should release her medical records to shut up the healthers and put the ball back in Trump's court. But I'm sure he's creating false medical records as we speak with the help of that ID4 doctor guy.
this. Or pretend there is something amiss, or that they are forged or they will drop it and move to the next conspiracy.nah, they won't believe them anyway.
Hillary should release her medical records to shut up the healthers and put the ball back in Trump's court. But I'm sure he's creating false medical records as we speak with the help of that ID4 doctor guy.
Trump is probably in poorer mental and physical health, given he's older than Hillary, a man, chronically sleep deprived, overweight like the rest of America.
Hillary should release her medical records to shut up the healthers and put the ball back in Trump's court. But I'm sure he's creating false medical records as we speak with the help of that ID4 doctor guy.
Yeah. The only surprise state would be Missouri. Definitely not South Carolina.
trump: crooked hillary clearly paid her doctor to show proof she isn't dying.If she releases detailed health records, the fact that she did so at all would be used as proof they are fake. It's wrong to think any of these people are motivated by a desire to know, so treating the issue as if they did will get us nowhere.
Exactly. The effect is pretty much this:you dont answer crazy by validating them
trump: crooked hillary clearly paid her doctor to show proof she isn't dying.
my father just told me "Sometimes you talk like a libertarian and sometime you talk like a full blown socialist"
I'm mixed on whether she should release her medical records in a more detailed manner, or respond to any other rumor like that. Obama did it and managed to embarrassed Trump along the way for a while.
He effectively shut up Trump politically for years and only returned to the political scene after the 2012 election. Hillary already released the same type of medical records as Obama, and as others have said, nothing she releases will quiet any of the quacks who believe this story,
But I think releasing her medical records will just show the rest of the electorate just how stupid Trump's attacks are and will further pressure Trump to release both his medical records and tax returns (which he won't do, let's be real).
Is Huma really still married to this guy?
I just want the government to regulate illegal drugs like they do guns and regulate guns like they do with illegal drugs. Basically, I think we should switch drugs and guns. Instead of weed being on schedule 1 I want the AR-15 to be schedule 1Sounds like an anarchist to me.
Is Huma really still married to this guy?
Divorce, dude. You're an asshole.
Is Huma really still married to this guy?