Somehow this is Hillary's fault
Who do you think gave him the black eye?Somehow this is Hillary's fault
Who do you think gave him the black eye?
By the same hands that smothered Antonin Scalia in his sleep.
African Americans prefer the bubonic plague to Donald Trump.
Fucking hell, stupid Facebook posts about Colin Kaepernick have arisen. Wanna smack some sense into these people. So tempted to call football a meaningless diversion but then I remember I occasionally watch baseball. These people don't get it.
Takes a lot of courage to take a stand, especially nationally, that's for sure.
FUCK.Especially hurts since the dude who sang it and like 90% of all Japanese Digimon songs, Koji Wada passed away recently.
Huma Abedin is Hillary Clinton's closest aide. Now she might be a liability
Wow, this is pretty bad. Almost as bad as the NYT article.
Somehow this is Hillary's fault
How the fuck is this Huma's fault at all. The media can't even seem to give her a break when she's a victim of Weiner's abhorrent behavior.
Breitbart should go to hell.
I mean, the NY Times and LA Times are major outlets pushing the "how Huma is bad because her husband cheats on her" it's not just right-wing tabloid trash.
Wow, this is pretty bad. Almost as bad as the NYT article.
Fucking hell, stupid Facebook posts about Colin Kaepernick have arisen. Wanna smack some sense into these people. So tempted to call football a meaningless diversion but then I remember I occasionally watch baseball. These people don't get it.
Takes a lot of courage to take a stand, especially nationally, that's for sure.
If she can't satisfy her husband, how can Huma satisfy Hillary, and then how can Hillary get anything done as a president if she's not satisfied?!
And how can Hillary satisfy her husband if she can't get anything done?
This is disgusting.
I'm really sick of the media being so focused on the politics of everything.
Huma's personal life is only a big deal because you're making it a big deal.
Wow, this is pretty bad. Almost as bad as the NYT article.
Just wanted to pop in and say that if Clinton wins, there will be great books and movies about this election.
If Trump wins, the continental US will probably collapse into a giant crater.
And Maryl Streep BETTER play Queen.
You can already see her lobbying for the role.
How can Hillary get anything done when she's 95% dead?
How can Hillary get anything done when she's 95% dead?
And Maryl Streep BETTER play Queen.
You can already see her lobbying for the role.
Robby Mook should send out some sexts to distract from Weinergate V3.4
Robby Mook should send out some sexts to distract from Weinergate V3.4
Adams, start your engines.Alternate universe
Pokemon design is so lazy
Draw blob and add shit=done
Team Digimon 4 Life
I never played a digimon or a pokemon game, but A dog with fucking missiles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a blue squirrel with buttplug ears.
I never played a digimon or a pokemon game, but A dog with fucking missiles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a blue squirrel with buttplug ears.
I never played a digimon or a pokemon game, but A dog with fucking missiles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a blue squirrel with buttplug ears.
Trump +3 in the USC Panel.
Everyone can panic.
Or don't. Whatever.
When you pay attention to it, you give it power.
On Hillary's mental health plan (as a person who has suffered from extreme depression, anxiety, and OCD):
-Training cops not to murder mentally ill people is probably good, but if there isn't punishment for murderous cops, not sure it will be THAT helpful.
-There definitely should be more mental health care professionals, but this part of her plan is a bit vague (as the plan hits around 4,000 points, that's to be expected for one single point). Need to invest a lot of money in getting people to become mental health care professionals, it's important.
-More money for mental health services and research is always good. Could see more money going to it.
-Collaborative care seems good and evidence backed.
-Good points about speaking on individual needs of people of color and other diversity.
-Encouraging firms to hire the severely mentally ill and telling them how they can provide good work environments can't hurt, but there's a huge amount of discrimination against the severely mentally ill to the point where I don't know if it would be too helpful.
-Open science is a great idea.
Other than touching on the issue of anti-depressants (lots of studies have shown they're very effective for severely depressed adults, not effective for anyone else. Because of this, we need to develop new anti-depressants), this is an extremely detailed plan full of ideas that are almost all in the right direction. I just wonder how much money exactly will be going to these initiatives because it needs to be a pretty large amount in my view.
Trump +3 in the USC Panel.
Everyone can panic.
Or don't. Whatever.
Lightning strike kills over 300 deer in Norway. Do you guys seriously think this was a lightning strike? I'm just asking questions.