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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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I like the notion of Diablosing over what could have happened this year. That's fun.

Edit: Crap, top post of the page. Ummmm...Hope your day is going well, person reading this!


FGC Waterboy
I reject this notion. You're talking about the ideal version of those candidates vs current Hillary. How in the hell would Bush win with O'Malley level of support? Rubio bombs everytime he gets close to a microphone.

It would have been a very different race, clearly. But i don't think anybody would have surely won it.

It's more of the fact that Trump's support isn't increasing, it's that Clinton's is decreasing. That's a really bad sign. Plus, I do think we are underestimating the GOP machine because it isn't really behind Trump, and we forgot what a singularly unified GOP might be able to do. Trump isn't getting the operatives or any of the skilled GOP folks to help him.

Customary "The debates will probably change everything again" caveat though.

Probably right to say that it isn't a clear winner on that front - but I think the race would be within MoE, which is pretty screwed compared to the comfortable lead we are sitting on now.

Christie owned Rubio.

Christie of all people.

If Christie hadn't imploded in NJ with the bridge scandal and then thrown in with Trump; he probably would have been the nominee. Hell, if Christie had done his spiel against Trump throughout this campaign instead of aligning with Trump, I think the GOP would be looking at him in 2020. Folks like Romney and Bush I suspect will get a lot of credit for being against Trump from the beginning.

Plus, Christie was a federal prosecutor. The dude can, if anything, absolutely beast someone if he gets in the zone.

I mean, if I'm the GOP, I'm looking at some combination of Ryan/Haley for 2020, but Ryan may have permanently damaged his stock by not standing up to Trump more forcefully.
Jeb Bush is just about as hated as Trump is.


Jeb was a terrible candidate disliked by everyone and the retrospective Diablosing is weird.

Rubio might have done OK, but he's such a scrub politician that it's hard to tell how well he would actually do in a fight with Hillary. He got bodied by Trump within two weeks and was left talking about Trump's dick.


I like the notion of Diablosing over what could have happened this year. That's fun.

Edit: Crap, top post of the page. Ummmm...Hope your day is going well, person reading this!

Saying that a Rubio or Kasich would be a better GE candidate is not Diablosing.

But in the remote chance that she loses, it's going to be interesting to see what folks think why she lost/ didn't regain control of the Senate.

Brian Stelter ‏@brianstelter 2h2 hours ago
This morning's logistics call between Trump press aides & beat reporters was heated-- lots of frustration about lack of access to Mexico mtg


It's more of the fact that Trump's support isn't increasing, it's that Clinton's is decreasing. That's a really bad sign.

I mean if the common, unfortunate, consensus is that polls should tighten and that can only happen if one candidate loses support or one gains support, isn't Clinton losing support strictly better than Trump gaining support?
Christie is such a scrub politician that he attached himself to the Trump wagon and then got humiliated for the next several months while his political prospects died.

I mean, I just don't know if we should be worried about people that not only lost but lost in the most humiliating fashion possible.
I mean if the common, unfortunate, consensus is that polls should tighten and that can only happen if one candidate loses support or one gains support, isn't Clinton losing support strictly better than Trump gaining support?
I would argue it is because if those people said they'd support Clinton at one point, they can be persuaded back.

For undecideds breaking for Trump, it's a much harder sell.


Brian Stelter ‏@brianstelter 2h2 hours ago
This morning's logistics call between Trump press aides & beat reporters was heated-- lots of frustration about lack of access to Mexico mtg

I read this as "beta" reporters at first.

Also you're welcome, Hillary.
This was Grayson's last fundraising email before the results. I did not get another one thanking his supporters and donaters.

Dear Kristoffer,

Corrupt party bosses controlling the un-Democratic Party are trying to steal this election. Don’t let it happen! Contribute to our unbought and unbossed Senate campaign today >>

We’ve all heard of examples of gross party bias in favor of some candidates and against others this year. But check out this chronology:

July 13: My primary opponent’s father contributes $1 million to the Senate Democrats’ Super PAC. It was the largest contribution that that Super PAC received during the entire month of July. No public announcement is made.

July 15: The same Super PAC announces that it will be spending $1 million in TV ads touting its endorsement of my primary opponent. The Washington Post calls it the party’s “first-ever television ads in a Democratic primary.” Still no public disclosure of the contribution from my opponent’s father, who literally bought and paid for the endorsement ad. Some Democratic Party flunky presumably pockets $150,000 in media “commissions” from the buy.

August 1: The endorsement ad runs for two weeks. The average voter in Orlando, my home town, sees it six times. The voters have no way to know that my opponent’s father paid for it, or that some party “media consultant” got a six-figure payday from it.

August 20: “The Hill,” an obscure DC news outlet, reports that my opponent’s father paid for the endorsement ad – 19 days after it stops running.

This is disgusting! Please contribute $3, and help us fight back! >>

We all have a choice to make – you, me and every other progressive in the country. The choice is this: leave the party whose bosses brutally mistreat progressive candidates all around the country, or stand and fight. Today, I have a primary election. I’m standing and I’m fighting.

I need you with me. Now, more than ever. Please donate to our cause. If we lose, the party’s over >>


Rep. Alan Grayson

So every time we were accused of being wildly balanced towards Hillary in the primaries - it was true! How on earth has GAF ended up that high? Do we get an ask me anything with Clinton as a reward?

And are all those links solely due to Adam?

I think we are one of the few sites and/or forums that actually try to link our arguments to her policy that she has listed out on her site. Also I would bet a high portion of GAF actually does read most any thread regarding Trump/Hillary right now.


So this is what I expect will happen today with orange turd. After meeting with the idiot president of Mexico he will declare during his speech that they came to an understanding about immigration and that not everyone would be deported. Meanwhile in Mexico, Nieto will say the same thing except make it seem like he had some influence over orange turd changing his stance.

So this brings me to consider two possibilities as to why this meeting happened in the first place. The first being that it was initially meant as a bluff in order to work out some type of diplomatic relationship, not expecting either candidate to accept. The second and most likely possibility, if what I say happens, is that this was a collaborated effort between representatives of orange turd and the Mexican president in order to create positive publicity for both sides. Of course the only one that gains anything from this is orange turd who was still going to lie and backtrack on his immigration proposals either way.


A commentator on CNN made a great point, which I think makes the most sense of this Trump/Mexico situation:

Both Trump and Nieto have very poor poll numbers; Nieto wants to project the image that he's standing up to Trump, and Trump wants to show he's going into the 'lion's den' to stand up for Americans.

My take is that if that indeed is the case, with both men pulling in opposite directions, the whole thing can only be a disaster.


So how long until we can ask Hillary to do a "Hello, Neogaf" video like Bernie did for Reddit?

Where is the Pay-to-Play we were promised?!


Sorry to just jump in here at random, but I saw this and didn't think it deserved its own thread:

Racist trolls of 8chan are driving traffic to Donald Trump's website

Apologies if already posted.

Thats sad


Professional Schmuck
Where are the actual links to her site here on NeoGAF?

Also Hillary if you're looking, we love you and are only slightly nervous about your foreign policy approach! Fix my student loans plz? <3


FGC Waterboy
I mean if the common, unfortunate, consensus is that polls should tighten and that can only happen if one candidate loses support or one gains support, isn't Clinton losing support strictly better than Trump gaining support?

For the election itself - probably. But I am also looking at the ability to govern and unite, since I think Clinton can run the clock out on this election more or less at this point (just needs to not blow the debates super hard) - and that's where the decreasing support worries me.

Though I guess a more accurate answer would come from why people are choosing to go third party more and more. Honestly, I think as we get closer to the election, if third party candidates fall off as they tend to do, Clinton's lead will increase, as Johnson + Stein are pulling more from Dems than GOP as it currently stands. Which is a really nice buffer campaign wise for us - there's a belief that if it actually gets close, a lot of the Stein / Johnson folks who poll for those two (especially since there is a gamesmanship involved in trying to get Johnson up to 15% for the debates) will probably come home to Clinton. Another reason I think the debates will shape the race is that assuming Johnson doesn't get 15%, I think Johnson's support will drop as any realistic path he has of making an impact lies in getting on the debate stage IMO.

I think this election may have a lot more gamesmanship in terms of how people poll and vote than usual. That's my theory on the disconnect between swing state polls versus national polls (besides the normal theory of "we haven't had good swing state polls yet"). People who are on the fence about Clinton or Trump instead of Johnson are possibly breaking towards Clinton/Trump in swing states, and staying put in non-swing states.
Not doing press conferences reinforces the views that Hillary has something to hide, is not honest, is not transparent, etc. Ironically if she actually did a press conference she'd reinforce those same views by dodging simple questions. It's a lose lose.

Laying low and letting Trump hang himself remains the best option.

See the clinton rules I posted.

She can not win. The press is convinced she's done wrong and not honest. Everything is spun that way.
Yep. 2018/2020 is shaping up to be a shellshock though. If I remember correctly 2018 is a rough year for Dems Senate wise. But man, we'd probably be screwed if Rubot or Bush or almost anyone else had won.

Agreed on all counts except for Jeb. He looked so terrible and uninspired that I don't think he could have lasted in a general election race. But yea, Kasich or Rubio would be beating Clinton right now. Imagine a Kasich Rubio ticket...


Where are the actual links to her site here on NeoGAF?

Also Hillary if you're looking, we love you and are only slightly nervous about your foreign policy approach! Fix my student loans plz? <3

i honestly haven't seen enough links from posts that would end up being a top referrer to her website.


Agreed on all counts except for Jeb. He looked so terrible and uninspired that I don't think he could have lasted in a general election race. But yea, Kasich or Rubio would be beating Clinton right now. Imagine a Kasich Rubio ticket...

No thank you. I prefer not to diablos about counterfactuals.


No Scrubs
Agreed on all counts except for Jeb. He looked so terrible and uninspired that I don't think he could have lasted in a general election race. But yea, Kasich or Rubio would be beating Clinton right now. Imagine a Kasich Rubio ticket...

I still think Kasich would have pulled a Lazzio in the debate and sunk himself. There were way too many stories from female reporters about his actions.


FGC Waterboy
Agreed on all counts except for Jeb. He looked so terrible and uninspired that I don't think he could have lasted in a general election race. But yea, Kasich or Rubio would be beating Clinton right now. Imagine a Kasich Rubio ticket...

Kasich / Rubio would have been rough. The Midwest probably comes into complete play, and Florida also probably comes into play. Rubio being the VP pick takes away his biggest weaknesses as well.

Holy shit!

I know we get called pro Hillary, but I had no idea.

Wow, we actually are Hillary GAF. EDIT: Holy crap, apparently we were 4th for Bernie as well. Wow.

I think OT11 has to be Welcome to Hillary-GAF?
Kasich / Rubio would have been rough. The Midwest probably comes into complete play, and Florida also probably comes into play. Rubio being the VP pick takes away his biggest weaknesses as well.

Wow, we actually are Hillary GAF. I guess the Bernie folks did actually have a point about the bias here, one that the data bears out pretty heavily.

I think OT11 has to be Welcome to Hillary-GAF?

OT11: Welcome to GAF, Hillary!

Oh wow, according to that same site, Neogaf was the #4 referrer to berniesanders.com. So Bernie folks were dead wrong about the bias here.

Trump won't speak at Detroit church

Donald Trump will not be speaking this weekend during his scheduled visit to a Detroit church, The Detroit Free Press reported.

Trump on Saturday will attend a service at the Great Faith Ministries in Detroit, but won't be addressing the predominately African-American audience.
He will conduct a one-on-one interview with the congregation's leader, Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, on the church's Impact Network. The interview will not be open to the public or media.

"He’ll be here Saturday. He’s going to sit in service and have the experience in the black church, and then he and I will be in this office and do an interview for the Impact Network that will be aired later on," Jackson told the Detroit Free Press.

"Just like any visitor, there will be fellowship at the service, and he can talk to people one-on-one."

Jackson said his congregation trusts his judgment.

"They know that I’m not going to put anything or anyone in front of them that I feel is going to be harmful, and I feel we should have an educated conversation about what you’re going to do," he said.

"He will be talking to voters just like when he sits down with any news agency, like CNN. Every time he’s on Fox or MSNBC, he’s talking to voters."

Jackson said his first question to Trump will be about whether he is Christian. He will also ask the GOP nominee if he's racist "because so many people think that's what you are."

"His candidacy has stirred up a lot of emotions with people saying he’s a racist, and people saying, 'I don’t want to hear him' and 'How could you bring him here,' " he said. "He’s coming to be interviewed. This is not a Trump rally. This is an opportunity for a dialogue."

The GOP presidential nominee may meet with a small group of people at the church, the Detroit Free Press reported.

Trump has been making a pitch to black voters of late, slamming Democratic leadership and asking "what the hell do you have to lose" by backing him instead.

Great outreach.


Professional Schmuck
(there's no way NeoGAF ranks in the top 5 of any non video game site's referrer)

(unless literally nobody actually links to hillary.com or w/e it is)
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