Was the Cooper interview done prior to today's speeches?
At this point they must have, but shit it's not a good look for him. Flipping back on immigration and no doubt tomorrow media will press him about all of this.
Was the Cooper interview done prior to today's speeches?
Was the Cooper interview done prior to today's speeches?
At this point they must have, but shit it's not a good look for him. Flipping back on immigration and no doubt tomorrow media will press him about all of this.
Chris Matthews is the fucking worst. Seriously.
Chris Matthews is the fucking worst. Seriously.
Chris Matthews is the fucking worst. Seriously.
"Here lemme give you some context about myself."
"NO ANSWER MY QUESTION! I'm angry with you for some reason!"
Yeah time to get him out and put Joy Reid in this spot.
Let me guess, he thinks Hillary was unfair to all those poor blue-collar workers that are "scared for their future" and not really racist?
She wasn't attacking them. This was about the fringiest of the fringiest among Trump's inner circle.
This is the weirdest spin I've ever seen. She's saying Trump's own defense is false and affirming that he was being grossly offensive, and yet concluding all of the criticism of Trump's disgusting imitation is wrong. Wut.
Colbert won.
No freaking way they used that word. No way.
Colbert won.
Ann Coulter is probably the worst person in the world. Coulter 2020 (TW: Ableism)
CNN is a mess right now.
I just don't believe her agent would let her take that big a paycut by going to network. CNN is the only group that could offer her competitive money and (somewhat)competitive eyeballs and a loyal daily audience. And let's be real, nobody at CNN really rivals her celebrity level. I could totally see Zucker making a hard pitch to her agent and publicist, moreso than just about anybody else.
Reading that article, her best option is just lobbying for O'Reilly to be removed (and eventually join TrumpTV anyway) and taking over his slot. But that'd require a huge culture change at Fox altogether first.
CNN is a mess right now.
I hope Mark Burns can sleep at night
You never go standard retard, too easy to be confusingOf course, the standard retard, I completely understand now. Sometimes, us crazy liberals get triggered by someone who isn't politically correct and it offends us. We know it's unreasonable but we can't help it. We love our safe spaces.
YOOOOO, UP IN THIS NEW THREAD. So I just got home and I was on blackout today. Did Hillary kill it in her speech? I'm about to go watch it if I can find it. I hope it's good.
SOOO fucking good.
God, I love Joy Reid.
He argued that both candidates are in the ditch, and he wants to know which one started it. And that what Trump and Hillary said are equal. His panel isn't having it. They're like "There is no way you can equate these things, because Trump ACTUALLY said these things."
The show's producers fact checked Chris Matthews.
Link to the speech so I can watch it? I just got home.
I'm about 17 minutes in and she is Vince Fostering the shit out of him. I love it.Holy hell, Hillary didn't catch charges for the emails or for killing Ben Ghazi, but she is definitely going down today for murdering Donald Trump. Only seven minutes and thirty seconds in and she is going in on him hard.
It's like he's playing dumb about what this entire election process so far. What's this alt right stuff, never heard of it, is it fair?