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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Kid Heart

What a shit show for Peña over here in Mexico (and no, Mexicans on both sides of the border aren't buying what Trump's selling either).

The reaction from social media and politicians is the strongest I've ever seen against Peña lately.

Former President Fox right now is spewing fire against Peña and Trump right now on Univision/Fusion with Jorge Ramos in a live stream and social media is simply flabbergast with how Trump played Peña.

The jury may still be out on whether this a net positive or negative for Trump, (my bet is on it probably being a net nothing), but I think it's safe to say Pena definitely came out looking worse after this.
I'm curious what are the odds that Bernie actually goes out and stumps for her, at this point. I'm honestly unsure how many times he'd be willing to do it.

again, just a question. not every question or hesitancy is a Diablos.

I think he'll gladly do as much as the campaign wants him to, honestly.

Ironically, what I question is how effective or useful he is now. Like I said earlier, I feel like he's been chewed up and spit out like an old meme already by the bulk of his primary support.


What a shit show for Peña over here in Mexico (and no, Mexicans on both sides of the border aren't buying what Trump's selling either).

The reaction from social media and politicians is the strongest I've ever seen against Peña lately.

Former President Fox right now is spewing fire against Peña and Trump right now on Univision/Fusion with Jorge Ramos in a live stream and social media is simply flabbergast with how Trump played Peña.

"Mexican's lost two things this week: Juan Gabriel and its dignity" people are retweeting.

Again we know this is just to appeal to white moderates. Minorities know who Trump is because he's been the same person.

Black won't forget the shit he's said and done. Hell didn't he just cancel his thing in detriot at the black church?

Hispanics will never forget the language used and Muslims won't forget. This is all an appeal to white moderates.


LOL at y'all freaking out. Every single time. Hillary is getting 380 EV. Trump has ONE field office in Florida and is losing bigly.
I have some news from the inside that Trump's (south) Florida ground game is nonexistent. They are apparently in the "recruitment" phase... and have been for the past month with no improvements. There's currently no one who knows data analytics, but there is an old guy who expressed interest in starting to learn about it who will then teach other people once he learns. They do have lots of meetings at restaurants, though!

Source: disappointing to me and now disappointed themselves family members trying to volunteer for the nonexistent Trump campaign


For what it's worth, the youth here still particularly adore Bernie. One of my project groups still has a Bernie sticker on his laptop.


The one positive is that even if turd manages to patch one of his negatives there is still many others that he wont be able to fix.
Chuck Todd grew a pair! Who knew!?

And the media is showing his previous comments and contrasting them to now. Which is exactly what we want to happen. Because it proves this whole thing was a stupid stunt.

OH GOD Jan Brewer.

Trump had a bobby pin in his hair.

And my local news is actually saying this was a stunt to cover up for the shit he said during the race.


When you announce your run for president and your whole speech is pretty much shitting on mexican people. You can't walk that back.


I don't think people are freaking. Its probably nothing. I think we're all shocked at how poorly Nieto calculated this, and how Trump pretty much just did nothing and won.

howard wolfsonVerified account
If you believe Trump needed to pivot, moderate and look more Presidential, that event was a home run.

^ex Hillary comms director

My feelings basically.

Like, it was the ONE thing I was not expecting Nieto to do.

This won't play well with Trump's base, but it's silly if any you gals thought that pleasing his base was the point of this trip, unless you thought Trump was going to go there and shit talk Nieto to his face (which, let's be real, would have been the only thing he could have done to please his base here).

This was about appearing to moderate. Whether or not it's successful, surprised Nieto played into it.

Also, Hillary should NOT attack him over this. At least, not yet. Like it or not, Even if we see right through it, meeting with the Mexican president and appearing to reach common ground is the kind of thing legit candidates should and would be doing. Normally, this would be a good thing. So if Hillary attacks him now, she runs the risk of looking petty.

Hillary should ignore this, pivot to her positive message, and hit him on his NAFTA flip-flopping at the debate.


Put me in the "it's nothing" camp. Might help him a bit with moderates and hurt him a bit with far right voters, but that's pretty much it.


Professional Schmuck
You just know how Rachel's show is going to go tonight.

-- Open with Mexican Cartel video from the early 80s
-- Tie in the KGB takeover of the Kremlin
-- now lace in a worldwide Ailes-led takeover of conservative media
-- now drop in goofy EPN presidency and popularity
-- marry EPN and Trump's shared facism, shady backgrounds, and wild unpopularity before showing Trump wiggling on stage like a child

: cut to commercial :
Yeah, after thinking about it, this was probably a net positive for Trump that might not matter in the long run. I have no idea what Nieto was thinking.


That was like super nothing. Not even good optics. The only soundbite that will exist in a day or two is a looping Vine of Trump forcefully saying Mexico will pay for the wall then him sounding like a pussy saying it wasn't even discussed. Meanwhile Hillary is addressing a pivotal demographic in an important swing state and NC is having their early voting time close to doubled and made easier.
I tend to view an event through local media's eyes. Like, that's the way most people get their news, really. And...my local news basically said it was a stunt to try and walk back the things he's said before...and then they proceeded to show the racist shit he said in the past. Then, they mentioned that Trump basically said the opposite on a lot of these things last week when they spoke with him. And they're totally done with it. They spent more time talking about Hillary's speech today than this.

The ONE thing local media kept hitting is that Mexico didn't agree to pay for the wall. That was the takeaway.
I clarified a bit earlier that my fear stems from the governing aspect of what that means rather than the electoral aspect. Barring something extremely unexpected happening; I think Clinton is pretty safe electorally speaking (basically, I see three things that could be bad - something super incriminating / TSI pops up in the e-mails, debates go catastrophically bad consistently, or wikileaks has something absolutely bonkers. None of these strike me as a high probability) - but I am worried about the governing aspect.

Aka - stuff like this. Mind you, it's not like Obama winning comfortably was terribly much better - but the general country may be more OK with the GOP doing this to HRC then Obama.

I wish more folks understood how insanely dangerous this is for the country as a whole.

We literally have Steve King of all people saying that he can work with Clinton.

This country is just plain racist. Lots of racists. Iknow quiteafew Republicans, and while they all hate Hillary, they all say that she's just shady or whatever. They call Obama an anti-American traitor. Sexism is also big here, but not to the degree that racism is. The GOP base views Hillary as a "bad American" while they see Obama as a Muslim infiltrator.

Also, I don't really see the difference between change coming through the Courts or through Congress. Both are government institutions with minimal input from the populace if we're being honest.
My feelings basically.

Like, it was the ONE thing I was not expecting Nieto to do.

This won't play well with Trump's base, but it's silly if any you gals thought that pleasing his base was the point of this trip, unless you thought Trump was going to go there and shit talk Nieto to his face (which, let's be real, would have been the only thing he could have done to please his base here).

This was about appearing to moderate. Whether or not it's successful, surprised Nieto played into it.

Also, Hillary should NOT attack him over this. At least, not yet. Like it or not, Even if we see right through it, meeting with the Mexican president and appearing to reach common ground is the kind of thing legit candidates should and would be doing. Normally, this would be a good thing. So if Hillary attacks him now, she runs the risk of looking petty.

Hillary should ignore this, pivot to her positive message, and hit him on his NAFTA flip-flopping at the debate.

Well, she already acknowledged this and made a comment.


Well, she already acknowledged this and made a comment.

Mexicans are loving Hillary's Twitter list. Several news sites have translated the entire thing and sharing the hell out of it.

But yeah, I don't think she will attack Trump for going and meeting with Peña. She will simply keep reminding people what he already has said, and Trump didn't do or say anything that even resembles an apology to Mexicans or for his comments. He even doubled down on the wall in front of him!

I'm glad to see the rest of the world is seeing our President, Peña Nieto, for what he is.


Yeah this really doesn't matter in the end, Nieto is still a huge fool for validating Trump but everyone hates him so meh. It's a stunt...


Where did the phrase "nothingburger" even come from. How come when something big happens no one says, "this is totally a burger! It's a Baconator!"
Keep jobs in our "hemisphere" he says

I'm sorry, I thought that it was Mexico, not Asia, that was taking all of our jobs. Why does he care if they get jobs from Asia anyway? Weren't we supposed to bring them all back here FROM Mexico?


Professional Schmuck

ho ho ho HOLY shit lol

Here we go:

"Weiner’s Texts Cast Shadow on Campaign" (Print headline).

"Mr. Weiner’s tawdry activities may have claimed his marriage — and have cast another shadow on the adviser and confidante who has been by Mrs. Clinton’s side for the past two decades."

"Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin to Separate After His Latest Sexting Scandal," Aug. 29, Amy Chozick and Patrick Healy


"...Potential conflicts would shadow any policy decision affecting past donors...."

"Many Donors To Clinton Foundation Met With Her at State," Aug. 23, Associated Press


“The dispute over Hillary Clinton’s email practices now threatens to shadow her for the rest of the presidential campaign...”

"Hillary Clinton’s 15,000 New Emails To Get Timetable For Release," Aug. 22, Mark Landler and Steven Lee Myers


“The future of the Clinton Foundation has been one of the overarching questions shadowing Clinton's campaign.”

"Clinton’s foundation to alter donations policy if elected," Aug. 18, Associated Press


"The sprawling estate of Winthrop Rockefeller, the celebrated former governor, was so close that it practically cast a shadow on the Clintons’ grassy backyard."

"Stress Over Family Finances Propelled Hillary Clinton Into Corporate World," Aug. 11, Amy Chozick


“Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign, which has been shadowed for 17 months by the controversy over the private email server she used exclusively while at the State Department, said that the emails released Tuesday had no bearing on the foundation’s work.”

"Emails Renew Questions About Clinton Foundation and State Dept. Overlap," Aug. 9, Eric Lichtblau


“The messages...cast a cloud over the start of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia last week….”

"3 Top D.N.C. Officials Leave as Upheaval After Email Breach Continues," Aug. 2, Alan Rappeport


“Given his insights and experience, Mr. Clinton could be more capable than anyone else in ensuring the success of her presidency—or he could cast a long shadow over her.”

"A Worry if Hillary Clinton Wins: What to Do With Bill," July 26, Patrick Healy


“She, too, is damaged after a bruising campaign and shadowed by a cloud of mistrust stirred by her actions.”

"How Can Hillary Clinton Sell Herself to Voters Who Already Know Her?" July 25, Adam Nagourney


“The Republican request...threatens to shadow her through the campaign and perhaps even into the White House if she is elected.”

"GOP Seeks Criminal Inquiring of Hillary Clinton’s Testimony to Congress," July 11, Eric Lichtblau and Michael S. Schmidt


“Obama aimed to have no shadows, but the Clintons operate in shadows [...] The fallout from the email scandal has clouded the futures of longtime Hillary aides Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan….”

"The Clinton Contamination," July 9, Maureen Dowd


“Questions raised by the F.B.I. about the State Department’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s emails have cast a cloud of doubt over the political futures of a number of her top advisers….”

"Email Case May Complicate Clinton Aides’ Pursuit of Security Clearance," July 6, Eric Lichtblau, Steven Lee Myers


“For Mrs. Clinton, the public announcement by the attorney general formally ends a legal cloud that has been shadowing her campaign...

"Attorney General Accepts Recommendation Not to Charge Hillary Clinton," July 6, Michael D. Shear


“As bad as this looks for Mrs. Clinton, with voters reminded once more of the history of scandal that shadows the Clintons, she could still rebound quickly.”

"F.B.I’s Critique of Hillary Clinton Is a Ready-Made Attack Ad," July 6, Patrick Healy


“Shadow of Plea Deal for David Petraeus Loomed Over Hillary Clinton Email Case”

"Shadow of Plea Deal for David Petraeus Loomed Over Hillary Clinton Email Case," July 5, Eric Lichtblau


“...the investigation continues to cast a shadow over Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign.”

"Loretta Lynch to Accept F.B.I. Recommendations in Clinton Email Inquiry," July 1, Mark Landler, Matt Apuzzo and Amy Chozick


“‘Brexit’ Revolt Casts a Shadow Over Hillary Clinton’s Cautious Path”

“‘Brexit’ Revolt Casts a Shadow Over Hillary Clinton’s Cautious Path,” June 25, Patrick Healy


“The report, as well as an F.B.I. investigation and other legal challenges seeking information about her emails, is certain to keep alive a controversy that has shadowed Mrs. Clinton’s campaign.”

"Hillary Clinton Is Criticized for Private Emails in State Dept. Review," May 25, Steven Lee Myers and Eric Lichtblau


“The federal inquiry throws a cloud over Mr. McAuliffe at a critical time: He is a top fund-raiser for Hillary Clinton….”

"Inquiry Highlights Terry McAuliffe’s Ties to Chinese Company," May 24, Nicholas Confessore and Stephanie Saul


“The investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s email practices and her handling of classified intelligence has shadowed her presidential campaign….”

"Hillary Clinton Says She Is Available for F.B.I. Interviews Over Emails," May 8, Alexander Burns


Where did the phrase "nothingburger" even come from. How come when something big happens no one says, "this is totally a burger! It's a Baconator!"

A quick search doesn't give a specific origin, but a wikipedia article mentions it being used in 1984 by the former head of the EPA under Reagan when he was going to appoint her as head of NOAA.

I wonder if it came about because of Wendy's "Where's the Beef" ad (which ran in the same year, actually).

Either way, when you've got a story that sounds juicy but turns out to have no meat at all, that's a burger with no meat, and thus not a burger at all.

I'm not clicking any of your links anymore. Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
They really need to start.

Also did he cancel his trip to the black church?

He's still going to the church service. As in, he's sitting in a pew. He's not speaking to anyone. Then, he's going to be interviewed in private for the TV show. No media allowed. And the interview will air in a few weeks.


Yes. He's only speaking to a pastor in private.

He really needs to get more blowback from this. He never spoke to the NAACP when they invited him. Even if it was rhetorical. At least today you can say he went to Mexico to try and appeal to them.

This man hasn't made a single effort to make inroads with black voters.


He really needs to get more blowback from this. He never spoke to the NAACP when they invited him. Even if it was rhetorical. At least today you can say he went to Mexico to try and appeal to them.

This man hasn't made a single effort to make inroads with black voters.

He's good at shaming them in front of White voters though.
He really needs to get more blowback from this. He never spoke to the NAACP when they invited him. Even if it was rhetorical. At least today you can say he went to Mexico to try and appeal to them.

This man hasn't made a single effort to make inroads with black voters.

He visited an entirely different country before giving a speech to a group that wasn't essentially 99% white. And he's still not going to talk at the church, just sit there. Maybe they can read from Two Corinthians.
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