Hillary has to win or at least tie with Trump this evening. I would argue that this first debate is far more important than Obama's at this point in 2012, because the second debate is town hall, and that is a setting that definitely does not play to Hillary strengths and I could really see Trump winning that one based on optics/perception alone. On the other hand, Obama does really good in that kind of format, whereas Romney looked like a moron. Clinton won't have that luxury to turn around a disastrous first debate and no one cares as much about the third one. Tonight is so crucial for her.
Morning JoeVerified account
.@KellyannePolls: Trump 'didn't lie' about Lester Holt, 'a lie would mean that he knew the man's party registration'
Hillary has to win or at least tie with Trump this evening. I would argue that this first debate is far more important than Obama's at this point in 2012, because the second debate is town hall, and that is a setting that definitely does not play to Hillary strengths and I could really see Trump winning that one based on optics/perception alone. On the other hand, Obama does really good in that kind of format, whereas Romney looked like a moron. Clinton won't have that luxury to turn around a disastrous first debate and no one cares as much about the third one. Tonight is so crucial for her.
Buddy, gonna disagree with you here. I think she needs a good night tonight, but that's true no matter what. But, she's not bad in Town Hall formats. That is, in fact, what her listening tours during the primary were all about. That's where she's pretty damn good. Trump managed to correct a veteran with PTSD in his last town hall. So, I'ma disagree with you there.
It's not a lie if you believe it.This is awesome spin.
So you can bullshit all you want without it being called a lie as long as you're not sure it's actually bullshit!
This was the election where he said they cling to their guns and religion. I'm gonna eye roll this.This is a major problem I believe the democrats have ignored for far too long. Everybody in the DNC focused on the increasing number of minorities in the country. However, with what the republicans have done to the lower- and middle-class over the past decades, the amount of uneducated whites is quite large. Democrats have not effectively reached out to this block of voters.
I have lived in rural areas most of my life. I have been around these people. Democrats have a tendency to believe these people will auotmatically vote for republicans, but that just isn't true. There are many who are willing to listen if the candidate would just reach out to their group a bit. The biggest problem I hear? "The democratic candidate seems like they talk down to us." Seriously--that is the most common complaint. That's why Obama won Indiana in 2008 and made slight inroads elsewhere--he didn't come off that way.
This is why I am really surprised Hillary hasn't hit on Trump's economic plans more. The 47% comment killed Romney's campaign.
Is it even DIABLOSING anymore?Can't wait for the diablosing today
This is awesome spin.
So you can bullshit all you want without it being called a lie as long as you're not sure it's actually bullshit!
What does this mean?I'm very much against demonizing the "media"
24 hr cable has serious issues, but I do think they're legitimate. Once the media is delegitimized what do we have.
While some people look at polls showing Trump +1 and see "oh my godddd we're dooomed" I look and see " holy crap, if Trump gets the most share of the white vote in 30 years, he still can only manage a +1!"
What the fuck are young voters doing
And you just know Johnson 'independents' will break home at the voting booth
Diablos has specifically asked that this stop. Please stop. Like...honestly.Can't wait for the diablosing today
That generally they aren't biased to the point that they should be ignored. They're are incentive/format issues that we can acknowledge - but once we can't trust TV news what do we have?What does this mean?
Just give up on IA.
what I want to know regarding OH is: Is this a sign of a potential shift in the state's voting populace preference for what party to break for in the GE for Pres, or is it just Hillary being too unpopular there?
It's not a question of 'if', the polls show he already has it. That's where we are.
I continue to think Hillary's bleed out is being caused by her relentless negative campaign against Trump while bit running any positive ads for herself.
Guys Trump has a ceiling. We've seen clinton higher. He's not gonna win the presidency with 42 percent of the vote.
There is no perot
My advice to Democrats, and I don't have to give this advice to Hillary Clinton because she already knows it, is you stay worried until all those votes are cast and counted because you know, one of the dangers in an election like this is that people don't take the challenge seriously.
Yep.I believe this started in here as "Trump's ceiling is 35," then moved to 40, now it is 42.
Guys Trump has a ceiling. We've seen clinton higher. He's not gonna win the presidency with 42 percent of the vote.
There is no perot
While some people look at polls showing Trump +1 and see "oh my godddd we're dooomed" I look and see " holy crap, if Trump gets the most share of the white vote in 30 years, he still can only manage a +1!"
Can't wait for the diablosing today
Is it even DIABLOSING anymore?
It's a legitimately close race. And one candidate is apocalyptic.
I believe this started in here as "Trump's ceiling is 35," then moved to 40, now it is 42.
No it's been 43-44. Let's not rewrite the past. He was hitting that after the conventions when the first bed wetting startedI believe this started in here as "Trump's ceiling is 35," then moved to 40, now it is 42.
It should be incredibly comforting to people that a unprecedented land slide turnout for white people still results in Trump losing.
A month ago what were we saying about Colorado.
How can you say this? This is denial Adam.And we're still saying it, because it's still true!
Literally mamathisistrash.gif
I'd disagree here. She has plenty of positive ads out and when she's out speaking publicly she's very positive and pushes her message and policy
I like this hopium posts. I need more
I am still pissed how the Clinton campaign bungled her huge ass lead.
I like this hopium posts. I need more
I am still pissed how the Clinton campaign bungled her huge ass lead.
Lmao.I'm confident Trump's ceiling is no higher than 54-55.
We've said this hundreds of times but people continue to be shocked by this.everyone here was warned that this would be tight leading up the elections. our country is split mostly down the middle, no matter who is running.