I was actually kinda worried at first because for the initial 20 minutes or so, Trump was doing a good job of acting like a proper candidate. Substantively, sure there was nothing there, but he had good optics. Hillary, on the other hand, looked incredibly robotic and rehearsed (and this was something that she never got out of through the entire debate). And since Trump achieved the absolute bare minimum that everyone asked of him, I was gonna brace myself for the tsunami of shitty opinion pieces that said that Trump vastly exceeded expectations and thus was the clear winner of the debate.
....but then the birth certificate stuff came up and he completely fucked things up. Aside from Trump's shitty defense, the birther issue is something that the media is more than happy to hammer him on since it's so outright and blatantly racist. I was concerned that there may have been an infinitesimal possibility that he would be more repentant, at least just for show, but nope, he just decided to keep chugging along on the shithead express, leaving Hillary a great opening to demonstrate how she, unlike Trump, is not a horrible piece of garbage.
Furthermore, Hilldawg got two more knockout punches, with the "temperament" incident, and then the "stamina" bit. The former was great if only for the part where she goes "Okay then!" and wiggles her shoulders. Probably her most "human" moment of the debate.
So like I said, early on things looked grim, but Trump just couldn't help being Trump, and Hillary did a great job taking advantage of that.