My initial impression of the debate after it ended:
-Trump started out sounding like a very dumb man with very smart and sinister people whispering in his ear. He was making the right strategic moves, but was too stupid to deliver effectively.
-Clinton stated ok, but seemed kinda nervous. I was a little worried about it at this point, but trade was probably going to be the hardest part for her anyway.
-Trump talked about helping the rich, Clinton the middle class. Really wish Clinton would also talk about the poor. Nobody talks about the poor.
-Once it moved to racial discussion, Trump couldn't help but be Trump and started going downhill fast.
-I actually got really pissed when Trump defended his housing discrimination thing by saying he got away with it without admitting guilt, and ended up yelling at the screen in frustration. YOU MEAN IT WAS EASY TO GET AWAY WITH DISCRIMINATION IN THE 70s?! NO SHIT!
-Clinton did well on this topic overall, but I felt she missed a few opportunities, and wish she would have called out more of the insane number of dog whistles he was throwing out there.
-Did I hear incorrectly, or did Clinton at one point say that stop and frisk worked?
-Clinton was already winning, but Trump setting her up with the temperament rant was the knockout blow.
-Everything after that was a broken Trump and an A performance from Hillary.