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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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reaching for conspiracy theories... full speed ahead lol

You still got to have good responses anyway lol
God she seems so happy and hyped during that plane press conference. Fucking love it.

Because an immense weight was lifted off of her. There was massive pressure for her to perform at the debate. Some people believed that the entire fate of the planet rested on last night's debate, which might be a little extreme, but we've never had a candidate put under pressure like that when debating.


Most of the GOP debates were the other candidates pounding each other while treating Trump with kid gloves because they assumed he would fade away and wanted his support. If they had gone after him hard after New Hampshire, Cruz or Rubio would probably be the nominee and they would have a very good chance of becoming the next President.

I dunno. The mental framework of the typical republican voter was already fucked with bigotry and racism before. They were all just the undertone rather than explicit. And they had plenty of chances to drop the kids gloves, and it made no difference. One thing that I noticed about Hillary's debate is that she adamently refused to be baited and refused to let him talk over her. That's not what I saw in the Republican debates. When Trump wanted to needle someone, like Cruz or Rubio, it was pretty easy for him to do so, and once they were talking about dick sizes rather than policy, they were in trump's realm. And maybe that's all that the GOP base always wanted in the first place. You say that Cruz or Rubio could have nailed his ass to the wall intellectually, and I'm sure they could have, but it doesn't seem like that's what the GOP was after.

Regardless. If they could have handled trump, the fact remains that they didn't. Hillary did. Out of dozens of debates, only hers truly treated him as the clown he was.


Biden is eviscerating Trump on the 'not paying tax is smart' remark.

lol, I guess she was just so well prepared that it almost looked like she knew the questions in advance.

its obvious she was taking notes during the debate, focusing on the best zingers


OMG Barbara Boxer is trolling Trump so hard right now - called him low energy, and that he was like Marco Rubio, needing so much water.
"You look at North Korea, we're doing nothing there. China should solve that problem for us. China should go into North Korea."

I wonder if this gets any play.

There was so much waffle and bullshit I suspect not.

But so far as I can tell he advocated that China invade North Korea.

Imagine if she said this. Imagine if President Obama did. Hell, imagine if someone like Mitt Romney or John McCain did.
My initial impression of the debate after it ended:

-Trump started out sounding like a very dumb man with very smart and sinister people whispering in his ear. He was making the right strategic moves, but was too stupid to deliver effectively.

-Clinton stated ok, but seemed kinda nervous. I was a little worried about it at this point, but trade was probably going to be the hardest part for her anyway.

-Trump talked about helping the rich, Clinton the middle class. Really wish Clinton would also talk about the poor. Nobody talks about the poor.

-Once it moved to racial discussion, Trump couldn't help but be Trump and started going downhill fast.

-I actually got really pissed when Trump defended his housing discrimination thing by saying he got away with it without admitting guilt, and ended up yelling at the screen in frustration. YOU MEAN IT WAS EASY TO GET AWAY WITH DISCRIMINATION IN THE 70s?! NO SHIT!

-Clinton did well on this topic overall, but I felt she missed a few opportunities, and wish she would have called out more of the insane number of dog whistles he was throwing out there.

-Did I hear incorrectly, or did Clinton at one point say that stop and frisk worked?

-Clinton was already winning, but Trump setting her up with the temperament rant was the knockout blow.

-Everything after that was a broken Trump and an A performance from Hillary.
Just talking to my coworker about Hillary. Imagine 100 million people are scrutinizing your every single move, much more because you're a woman. Imagine millions more around the world also watching you. This will make anyone nervous. Now on top of that, you are carrying the hopes and dreams of half the country frightened by Trump and want her to deliver a Muhammad Ali type KO in under 2 minutes. Next, you have no fuckin clue which Trump will show up: the orange babboon from the primaries or a presidential Trump who did all his homework. She went in totally blind. Next, she needed to trip him. Then, she needed to counterpunch. Be prepared to deal with questions about Lewinsky and million other things!

ALL of these things resting on her shoulders, I'm surprised she did a decent as last night.
Just checked the Trump subreddit and every other post is blaming Lester Holt for Trump's performance.
How are we surprised by this? It's always the scary brown person's fault for their problems! Because the basket of deplorables is incapable of, you know, learning or studying.
This seems to be his schtick right now. Any time trump opens his mouth he's winning according to Moore

Michael Moore desperately wants Trump to win so he can use him as a springboard to make himself relevant again.

Because he thinks poor blue color whites are the only people that matter in elections, he also belittles them making them out to be idiots who can't be helped that they fall for trumps lies.
In a way, had Holt actually did his job and stopped Trump from talking over time and make sure he stayed on topic, Trump probably would have had a better night.

Since some of his biggest errors were bizarre off topic rants that had nothing to do with anything.
Uh oh! Michael Moore says Trump won the debate. It's over folks.
One of the funniest/most awkward moments of my life was in college when Michael Moore came to speak. Afterwards he did a little meet and greet with like 30 students. My good friend (who was standing right next to me) and Moore got in an interminable back-and-forth over Moore's absurd contrarian take on OJ Simpson, who he said couldn't have committed the murders because he was rich, and rich people would never jeopardize their wealth that way. I don't think Moore was lying, but I think sometimes he just stubbornly digs in. Anyway, it went on for over five minutes, the whole room disagreeing with an obviously exhausted Moore, but also wishing my equally stubborn, immune-to-social-cues friend would let it go since it was such a minor part of his talk. Good memories.
More hit pieces from the sad, failing WaPo

Trump directed $2.3 million owed to him to his tax-exempt foundation instead

The Post asked about the 2011 gift from Comedy Central. Back then, Trump had bragged on video that he was getting a big appearance fee. “They paid me a lot of money, and they were very generous. And all of that money goes to charity,” Trump said.

After The Post brought up the Comedy Central case during the Saturday interview, Epshteyn conceded that Trump had, indeed, controlled where this money went.

It was his income. And, Epshteyn said, he paid taxes on it.

Could he provide proof of that tax payment?

“Absolutely not,” Epshteyn said.

The Post offered the donations recorded from Ebers, who was the Trump Foundation’s biggest donor in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. Together, his gifts totaled $1.887 million.

The two people familiar with that arrangement said Ebers bought tickets and other goods and services from Trump. They said it was unclear if Trump himself or one of his employees instructed Ebers to pay the foundation instead of Trump.

The Post asked Epshteyn and Hicks if Trump had paid taxes on the money received from Ebers. They did not answer the question, beyond saying that Trump had followed “all applicable rules and regulations.”

During the interview with Epshteyn on Saturday, The Post asked if the Trump Foundation had self-reported any other violations to the IRS or paid any other penalties. “That’s not something we’re prepared to comment on,” he said.

There's just so much more in here to quote.


Just talking to my coworker about Hillary. Imagine 100 million people are scrutinizing your every single move, much more because you're a woman. Imagine millions more around the world also watching you. This will make anyone nervous. Now on top of that, you are carrying the hopes and dreams of half the country frightened by Trump and want her to deliver a Muhammad Ali type KO in under 2 minutes. Next, you have no fuckin clue which Trump will show up: the orange babboon from the primaries or a presidential Trump who did all his homework. She went in totally blind. Next, she needed to trip him. Then, she needed to counterpunch. Be prepared to deal with questions about Lewinsky and million other things!

ALL of these things resting on her shoulders, I'm surprised she did a decent as last night.

Yeah, seriously. And this is after a lifetime of being told that she couldn't do what she wanted to make the world a better place for one reason or anther, usually revolving around one idea. But she never stopped fighting.

Putting aside any potential political differences for a second, I hope people will one day acknowledge that the journey this woman has been on is a testament to her determination and endurance. It's hard to never stop fighting for what you believe in when the whole world is against you.


Just talking to my coworker about Hillary. Imagine 100 million people are scrutinizing your every single move, much more because you're a woman. Imagine millions more around the world also watching you. This will make anyone nervous. Now on top of that, you are carrying the hopes and dreams of half the country frightened by Trump and want her to deliver a Muhammad Ali type KO in under 2 minutes. Next, you have no fuckin clue which Trump will show up: the orange babboon from the primaries or a presidential Trump who did all his homework. She went in totally blind. Next, she needed to trip him. Then, she needed to counterpunch. Be prepared to deal with questions about Lewinsky and million other things!

ALL of these things resting on her shoulders, I'm surprised she did a decent as last night.
I think of it a different way. Trump is, in many respects, a culmination of the sort of right-wing AM radio blowhards that have been attacking her for decades. Now he's up on the debate stage. There's nowhere for him to run, nowhere for him to hide, and nobody for him to call in for backup (even though he did try at one point). It's her big chance to finally unload on him as payback and she made the most of it. That must've been quite therapeutic, so it's no wonder she's in a good mood after mopping the floor with him for much of the evening.
Donald Trump says he didn't have the sniffles during the debate.

The Republican presidential nominee sounded like he was sniffling — and loudly — through much of the presidential debate Monday, eliciting comments and jokes on social media. The hashtag #sniffle became popular on Twitter.

But asked about that in a phone interview Tuesday morning on "Fox & Friends," Trump denied there was any sniffling.

He said the microphone was very bad, "but maybe it was good enough to hear breathing. But there was no sniffles."

He said he doesn't have a cold or allergies.




In a way, had Holt actually did his job and stopped Trump from talking over time and make sure he stayed on topic, Trump probably would have had a better night.

Since some of his biggest errors were bizarre off topic rants that had nothing to do with anything.

Which is why debate 2 is even scarier for him, imo. It's largely just as loosely structured and he has to connect to voters individually and not seem like an asshole.

Tonight and Debate 3 are his best chances and he just bombed the first one. He only has 1 more chance to not seem like a total idiot and it's a month away, which is forever in a presidential season.
In a way, had Holt actually did his job and stopped Trump from talking over time and make sure he stayed on topic, Trump probably would have had a better night.

Since some of his biggest errors were bizarre off topic rants that had nothing to do with anything.
Lester did do those things, repeatedly, but he also allowed both candidates ample room to flex and Trump used his to hang himself.
Because he never gets sick or sounds bad! Deny deny deny! He's the best and breathes the best and sounds the best. If you think differently, it's the microphone. Believe me.

Yeah. That crazy microphone was picking up things he didn't even say. How broken a mic was that?


How are we surprised by this? It's always the scary brown person's fault for their problems! Because the basket of deplorables is incapable of, you know, learning or studying.

White supremacists blaming a black man for a white persons faults?


Delegitimize the first black president and a black Republican moderator.

In a way, had Holt actually did his job and stopped Trump from talking over time and make sure he stayed on topic, Trump probably would have had a better night.

Since some of his biggest errors were bizarre off topic rants that had nothing to do with anything.

Ultimately, Lester is in an impossible position, asked to keep someone like that on task and held to the ultimate standard is impossible.
The worst thing I think Clinton did that stood out to me, as I do a mental inventory of the night, is Clinton's answer to the stamina question where she brought up her testimony in front of Congress. Considering how many people are still angry about Benghazi/emails in this country, maybe don't bring up the 11 hour grilling before Congress as part of her bone fides. Against anyone with half a brain, that would have been a big opening to attack her over it.

I don't know but those sniffs drove my wife out of the room. That and the facial expressions and constant interruptions were very off-putting to her. She's not political at all and only starts paying attention around the first debate so it was interesting to see how stuff like that resonated with someone who hadn't seen The Donald on full display before.
Hair Mouse, the articulate vermin, paws through Donald Trump's hair and takes its perch at the stern of his scalp. Its small claws pierce Donald's head-skin. Though small, they seem to needle straight into his brain.

"You did well," says Hair Mouse. It has a voice like the sound of burning wood. It is not a friendly voice.

Donald does not feel he did well. In fact, he feels distinctly unwell. His daughter will not speak to him. He is disturbed by the example he is setting for his sons. He wishes this could all stop.
It was 11 hours of pointless questions in the millionth Benjamin Ghazi hearing. After which the coverage was about how well she did in it. It's fine to bring it up.
The worst thing I think Clinton did that stood out to me, as I do a mental inventory of the night, is Clinton's answer to the stamina question where she brought up her testimony in front of Congress. Considering how many people are still angry about Benghazi/emails in this country, maybe don't bring up the 11 hour grilling before Congress as part of her bone fides. Against anyone with half a brain, that would have been a big opening to attack her over it.

Nah. That was a good day for Clinton and she received a measurable bounce after it. Reminding people of that is no bad thing.
A bizarre moment from the debate that I hope people have been talking about is when Trump was rambling on about cybersecurity (or "cyber" as he calls it). At one point he brings up how good his 10 year old son is at computers and then somehow links that with how hard cybersecurity is??

Pretty minor compared to his other foreign policy remarks, but I think this is a good example of how he answers questions he literally has no clue about. He was probably somewhat prepared for the other foreign policy questions (although those answers were obviously terrible too), but you can tell that he did zero preparation for this question.
Hair Mouse, the articulate vermin, paws through Donald Trump's hair and takes its perch at the stern of his scalp. Its small claws pierce Donald's head-skin. Though small, they seem to needle straight into his brain.

"You did well," says Hair Mouse. It has a voice like the sound of burning wood. It is not a friendly voice.

Donald does not feel he did well. In fact, he feels distinctly unwell. His daughter will not speak to him. He is disturbed by the example he is setting for his sons. He wishes this could all stop.
"voice like the sound of burning wood" is brilliant.
"You look at North Korea, we're doing nothing there. China should solve that problem for us. China should go into North Korea."

I wonder if this gets any play.

There was so much waffle and bullshit I suspect not.

But so far as I can tell he advocated that China invade North Korea.

I feel like the intended subtext here is that North Korea is in China's sphere of influence, and so China should be the one who keeps North Korea in line. It's ignorant (because North Korean behavior poses a threat to our set of ally countries in the region) and dangerous (because if we're willing to let other countries do whatever they want to countries they feel are in their sphere on influence, we're just asking for more Russian irredentism).

Obama's foreign policy worked to keep a strong set of ties between Asian allies close to the US to isolate China and force it to play reasonably nicely with its neighbors. It's still belligerent as all get out but if they started chipping away at that network of alliances the US would lose a ton of say over what happens in SE Asia, with long term consequences for the people living in those countries.

US foreign policy puts a high premium on helping people in countries get favorable outcomes for themselves (promoting democracy, promoting peace, preventing wars). A China-dominated SE Asia would have a country in control that doesn't give a flip about anyone but themselves.
The worst thing I think Clinton did that stood out to me, as I do a mental inventory of the night, is Clinton's answer to the stamina question where she brought up her testimony in front of Congress. Considering how many people are still angry about Benghazi/emails in this country, maybe don't bring up the 11 hour grilling before Congress as part of her bone fides. Against anyone with half a brain, that would have been a big opening to attack her over it.

Trump was served a few easy layups like that and he didn't even notice.
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