Trump claimed that his lawyers were in charge of his making sure the money being sent to the Trump Foundation was filled properly with correct tax stuff.
But Trump hasn't paid any lawyers for Trump Foundation stuff:
There are a few possibilities here, but that Trump is guilty of a massive amount of tax evasion is creeping up as more and more likely.
Why did Clinton call Trump out for saying, "a woman will make as much as a man if she does as good a job"? I may be being naive and interpreting that differently, but I think that's a fair statement.
Trump claimed that his lawyers were in charge of his making sure the money being sent to the Trump Foundation was filled properly with correct tax stuff.
But Trump hasn't paid any lawyers for Trump Foundation stuff:
There are a few possibilities here, but that Trump is guilty of a massive amount of tax evasion is creeping up as more and more likely.
They need to get rid of this cocaine thing immediately. It's really stupid.
Why did Clinton call Trump out for saying, "a woman will make as much as a man if she does as good a job"? I may be being naive and interpreting that differently, but I think that's a fair statement.
I assume the implication being that women currently make less than men because they don't do as good a job.
That is how I saw it too. Similar to his comments about not paying contractors if their work does not meet his satisfaction. Not his fault for not paying them, it is their fault for not being better at their jobs.
I didn't see the context but my guess is the implication Trump was making isn't that women should earn equal pay for equal work, but rather that because women aren't making as much as men it's because they aren't doing as good a job.
Yeah that makes sense. They'll get paid equal only when they start doing equal jobs.Why did Clinton call Trump out for saying, "a woman will make as much as a man if she does as good a job"? I may be being naive and interpreting that differently, but I think that's a fair statement.
There is literally no defense for what Dean tweeted last night. None.
I agree with this. Shut up, Howard Dean.
Is The Donald campaigning today? I would think his team would desperately be trying to grab hold of the news cycle.
Unless it's actually true of course.
Zaid Jilani and other members of The Intercept are up in arms over Doctor Howard Dean saying Trump is a coke head and that's true that Dean is doing a dumb thing.
The Intercept and Zaid Jilani have frequently praised Dr. Rand Paul who said four (4) days ago that Hillary might have Parkinson's and He's Just Asking Questions.
They did not cover those statement from Dr. Rand Paul who is a much more important figure than Dean.
Trump claimed that his lawyers were in charge of his making sure the money being sent to the Trump Foundation was filled properly with correct tax stuff.
But Trump hasn't paid any lawyers for Trump Foundation stuff:
There are a few possibilities here, but that Trump is guilty of a massive amount of tax evasion is creeping up as more and more likely.
Trump rally tonight in Orlando, Florida at 7pm.. which version of Trump will we get? I'm pretty excited to see.
Trump rally tonight in Orlando, Florida at 7pm.. which version of Trump will we get? I'm pretty excited to see.
And Obama's CNN town hall is tomorrow night at 9pm.
I expect him to spend a good amount of time bashing Alicia Machado.
I guess it was poorly executed on Dean's part, but he was clearly making a tongue & cheek reference to Trump's style of insinuations.I doubt it's true. Not that I'm too worried about this, but Dean should apologize.
edit 2: or you guys can just ignore this post and keep outraging lolAgreed 100%. Idiotic statement.
I expect him to spend a good amount of time bashing Alicia Machado.
These MSNBC segments with {adjective redacted} undecided voters make me angrier than anything else on political TV. How do these folks function?
I can only imagine he'll talk about the debate. How he won, Hillary lying, mic broke. Shit he may even talk his shit about Bill there.
These MSNBC segments with {adjective redacted} undecided voters make me angrier than anything else on political TV. How do these folks function?
These MSNBC segments with {adjective redacted} undecided voters make me angrier than anything else on political TV. How do these folks function?
Today listening to NPR they had someone talking to undecided voters in North Carolina and one person said "I think Trump did best at what he usually does best, which is talking about issues that no one else wants to talk about like Hillary's emails."
This is what I've been saying ever since I heard Trump claim his foundation had 'zero' management costs. It's a HUGE red flag if you literally aren't paying anybody whose job it is to manage the foundation, and has commensurate experience.
I agree with this. Shut up, Howard Dean.
The North Carolina senate race is actually sort of insane right now. Almost zero consensus.
Just checked the Trump subreddit and every other post is blaming Lester Holt for Trump's performance.
Trump rally tonight in Orlando, Florida at 7pm.. which version of Trump will we get? I'm pretty excited to see.
And Obama's CNN town hall is tomorrow night at 9pm.
And that's why I think Lester Holt did an amazing job, regardless of what people seem to think. If he intervened more or interrupted Trump more, it'd have devolved into a pointless fight with Trump and him and it'd have stolen the light from Hilary. Plus, it'd have made it look like he was taking sides. I think Lester did what was needed.
She's the one who did the lying, stuffed her pockets with wall street cash, played politics and supporting/not supporting whatever was popular at the time, and was actively involved with the 1994 crime bill that resulted in the mass incarceration of African Americans (again because this was a popular idea at the time). She alone is to blame not Bernie. In fact, wasn't he the one who didn't want to get into her scandals and focus on the issues that actually impacted the American people?
He is in Florida for two events today, one being a rally. Geez, you'd think you guys didn't have access to cable news.
Can you imagine if the climax of this election cycle is Trump getting exposed for committing Al Capone levels of tax evasion?
Jesus, I just chubbed up a little.
Sam Stein ‏@samsteinhp 12m12 minutes ago
The Anti-Defamation League announces it is now identifying Pepe the Frog as a hate symbol.
Jesus, at this rate we're going to be on OT 12 before tomorrow.
What a time to be alive.
Regarding Holt:
I think he did fine. He wasn't great but he was not bad. More than passable, honestly.
He asked very good questions, overall, within the time frame. he followed up when there needed to be follow up (basically, Trump ignoring the question) and pressed him on Iraq (which had to be done.
A few times, I thought, Trump railroaded him (by this I mean talk over him and Holt acquiesced). And while he tried to get Trump to answer the birther question, even repeating the question, he did not finish it once and for all since Trump still ignored the question (what changed your mind?).
He let Hillary do most of the responses to him and he tried his best to keep things under 2 minutes but I like that he didn't really have a hard and fast rule regarding time and did let the candidates respond.
One complaint I do have is how in the world did immigration not come up? Like, it's Trump's biggest campaign issue. I understand there's not enough time for everything but this is likely the most watched debate and trump's stances on immigration are the biggest aspect of this entire campaign (outside of him)! It should have been brought up.
The immigration question not being brought up is what makes Holt's performance not great, IMO. But again, he did well and deserves another one in the future.
While not as many eyes will be on it the Town Hall debate is where I see the immigration issue being brought up.
Last night Marcia Blackburn said that she believes the earth is on a cooling trend.
Climate change is really the thing I feel Republicans have just gone completely mental over so they can say they don't agree with Democrats. It makes Obama Derangement Syndrome look normal.
Zaid Jilani and other members of The Intercept are up in arms over Doctor Howard Dean saying Trump is a coke head and that's true that Dean is doing a dumb thing.
The Intercept and Zaid Jilani have frequently praised Dr. Rand Paul who said four (4) days ago that Hillary might have Parkinson's and He's Just Asking Questions.
They did not cover those statement from Dr. Rand Paul who is a much more important figure than Dean.
But yes, Dean is dumb.
PPP is polling Rosie's favorables vs. Trump's.
So Trump is going to have a meltdown on Thursday if Rosie gets higher numbers (she will).