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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Arguing with some of my right wring friends is just going to make me actively despise them whenever they use the both sides rhetoric. Just a quick research shows how Hillary is inifinitely the better choice.
Remember, his bipolar models are a feature!

Comparing Trump to a bull is highly offensive to the bulls. Bulls lose because they're maimed and tortured before the fight. Trump lost because he's a fucking loser and dumb as shit.

This is just so important.

edit: Are there "fundamentals" papers in political science that look at wage gains (losses) by income/wealth bracket? For example, the economic conditions of the late 1980s would be okay for the non-rich and simply amazing for the rich, but did the non-rich treat those years as having good economic conditions?
Arguing with some of my right wring friends is just going to make me actively despise them whenever they use the both sides rhetoric. Just a quick research shows how Hillary is inifinitely the better choice.

When PJ O'Rourke, who's probably so loaded that he could have a proof labeled on him can explain why to vote for Clinton as a conservative, it just shows how morally bankrupt the rest of the Party apparatus is.

Talked my Republican-leaning mother.

She hated Trump. Thought that he did a really terrible job. She couldn't believe he brought up Rosie.

She does not like Hillary. There's too much "drama". She didn't love that red pant suit she wore. She really thought it looked bad. She hated her smile. But she also couldn't believe what Melania was wearing and thought she looked like she was "going to a club". She thinks that Trump is a universally terrible candidate. She can't vote for Trump. And she can't vote third party.

It's hard for her not vote for a Republican. But, she had a dream last night, a VIVID dream, where she talked to Hillary and told her she did such a good job. She thought that this was maybe a sign. And her smartest friend who is a Republican is voting for Hillary.

She's not sure. But feels like she's voting for Hillary.

So I was listening to Thom Hartmann today (sue me benji), and he recounted that back when Mike Pence was a conservative radio host (10 or so years ago), he debated Pence and basically admitted that he got a thrashing. He was cautioning Kaine about how well researched Pence was, pulling quotes that Thom said from decades ago that threw him off balance. Also that Pence is a very good at being a chameleon on his policies.

I mean Kaine is going to be prepared, but I guess I dont have high expectations from him. He's been out of office for a while too, and just seems too nice of a guy to counterpunch.


Kaine is like a boxer dog. He's utterly adorable and friendly but I get the feeling he's going to tear his enemies apart. Dude seems to know how to defend Hillary better than she does for herself lol.


Kaine and Pence is the closest thing we'll get to an ordinary Presidential debate this year.

In a way that actually makes it a novelty. Could be interesting. Ratings will be shit though, and it won't affect the outcome one bit.
So I was listening to Thom Hartmann today (sue me benji), and he recounted that back when Mike Pence was a conservative radio host (10 or so years ago), he debated Pence and basically admitted that he got a thrashing. He was cautioning Kaine about how well researched Pence was, pulling quotes that Thom said from decades ago that threw him off balance. Also that Pence is a very good at being a chameleon on his policies.

I mean Kaine is going to be prepared, but I guess I dont have high expectations from him. He's been out of office for a while too, and just seems too nice of a guy to counterpunch.

Watching the 2012 Indiana Gubernatorial Debate right now (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwGg6lmO80k). He should have tagged in yesterday for Trump.

He'll obviously come fully prep'd with the Republican establishment agenda, but I predict the debate to be very boring.

Talked my Republican-leaning mother.

She hated Trump. Thought that he did a really terrible job. She couldn't believe he brought up Rosie.

She does not like Hillary. There's too much "drama". She didn't love that red pant suit she wore. She really thought it looked bad. She hated her smile. But she also couldn't believe what Melania was wearing and thought she looked like she was "going to a club". She thinks that Trump is a universally terrible candidate. She can't vote for Trump. And she can't vote third party.

It's hard for her not vote for a Republican. But, she had a dream last night, a VIVID dream, where she talked to Hillary and told her she did such a good job. She thought that this was maybe a sign. And her smartest friend who is a Republican is voting for Hillary.

She's not sure. But feels like she's voting for Hillary.

Lmao the fact that she needed a dream has me yelling.
What better encapsulation of the special snowflake mentality could there be than requiring a dream to open your eyes like you're a damn biblical prophet. That's just how important your vote is to the universe.

I mean, struggling with who to vote for in this presidential election is incomprehensible to me, but I don't see a need to bash her because her subconscious is working out how to make the right decision while she sleeps.


I mean, struggling with who to vote for in this presidential election is incomprehensible to me, but I don't see a need to bash her because her subconscious is working out how to make the right decision while she sleeps.

Yep. Dreams aren't magic, all that stuff drawn out by them exist within to begin with. I think it's kinda cool someone came to that paradigm shift while they were "nominally" resting.



Arizona Republic, founded in 1890, endorses a Democrat for the first time ever.
An interesting excerpt.
We understand that Trump’s candidacy tapped a deep discontent among those who feel left behind by a changed economy and shifting demographics.
Their concerns deserve to be discussed with respect.

Ironically, Trump hasn’t done that. He has merely pandered. Instead of offering solutions, he hangs scapegoats like piñatas and invites people to take a swing.
In a nation with an increasingly diverse population, Trump offers a recipe for permanent civil discord.

His supporters' total inability (sometimes intentionally burying their heads in the sand) to see that he never, ever offers any actual solutions or plans, only broad, sweeping promises and blame games, is the most irksome part. I'm glad at least this Republican publication can see through his bullshit.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Kaine is like a boxer dog. He's utterly adorable and friendly but I get the feeling he's going to tear his enemies apart. Dude seems to know how to defend Hillary better than she does for herself lol.

There's that, and there's also the thing about whether Pence has any effective defence for Trump.

Absolutely anything that Pence says about policy is wide open to the response, "Well Mike, you says that's your policy and I'll explain why I disagree with it in a moment, but what on earth makes you think that your guy, who can't even deliver a coherent sentence, can deliver a policy like that?"


Brilliant line I heard on TV:

Clinton went after Trump's strengths, not his weaknesses, and surgically dismantled him: his boasting about owning a beauty pageant, his claims about his business acumen contrasted with the housing crisis; him being a smart businessman who fights to pay as little taxes as possible; how he started his business with a 'small loan'; his sense of achievement about 'putting the birther issue to rest'.



Brilliant line I heard on TV:

Clinton went after Trump's strengths, not his weaknesses, and surgically dismantled him: his boasting about owning a beauty pageant, his claims about his business acumen contrasted with the housing crisis; him being a smart businessman who fights to pay as little taxes as possible; how he started his business with a 'small loan'; his sense of achievement about 'putting the birther issue to rest'.


I have come to bury Caesar...


Sucks at poetry

Talked my Republican-leaning mother.

She hated Trump. Thought that he did a really terrible job. She couldn't believe he brought up Rosie.

She does not like Hillary. There's too much "drama". She didn't love that red pant suit she wore. She really thought it looked bad. She hated her smile. But she also couldn't believe what Melania was wearing and thought she looked like she was "going to a club". She thinks that Trump is a universally terrible candidate. She can't vote for Trump. And she can't vote third party.

It's hard for her not vote for a Republican. But, she had a dream last night, a VIVID dream, where she talked to Hillary and told her she did such a good job. She thought that this was maybe a sign. And her smartest friend who is a Republican is voting for Hillary.

She's not sure. But feels like she's voting for Hillary.


This is what it boils down to for a lot of undecideds I bet. What you wear, and how you look. Policy be damned. But look, you know you're supposed to dress for the occasion, right? A bright red pant suit isn't just something you casually throw on for mimosas over brunch. But you can goddamn bet that red power suit is pretty appropriate for the first female presidential candidate going head to head with the most egotistical politician of all time. I think she looked pretty good.


Something that may be of interest to people, and which I only just found...

The Washington Post e-Replica Homepage. Basically, an exact replica of the print edition of the Post on a website. If you're not a subscriber, you only get the front page of each day, but to me that's the most interesting... For all that print news has fallen, the front page of a paper can still be visually and emotionally arresting, and can still make people think as they pass news-stands, or buy cigarettes and a bite to eat.

In terms of "optics" it's a good way to measure both what a paper thinks is important, and how people who aren't glued to the internet, or are only casually interested in the news, are fed a message. Most people here are probably in the States so will know what it says anyways, but for those abroad, I think it's an interesting site to look at. :)


Something that may be of interest to people, and which I only just found...

The Washington Post e-Replica Homepage. Basically, an exact replica of the print edition of the Post on a website. If you're not a subscriber, you only get the front page of each day, but to me that's the most interesting... For all that print news has fallen, the front page of a paper can still be visually and emotionally arresting, and can still make people think as they pass news-stands, or buy cigarettes and a bite to eat.

In terms of "optics" it's a good way to measure both what a paper thinks is important, and how people who aren't glued to the internet, or are only casually interested in the news, are fed a message. Most people here are probably in the States so will know what it says anyways, but for those abroad, I think it's an interesting site to look at. :)
In case you're not familiar with it, you can get the front pages of a ton of newspaper from all over the world here -

They also have an archive of important historical dates.


so la times poll has trump up 4 again, gaining support among young and black voters today.

i wonder if it's trump gaining support or if it's a really good couple of days for hillary leaving the weekly average.


I honestly think the methodology behind the LA times thing has shown itself to be so fundamentally flawed as to make the entire thing completely worthless. It's an interesting idea, that might work with development, but this time around it's simply garbage.


New Debate Strategy for Donald Trump: Practice, Practice, Practice

Almost all of his advisers rejected the idea that the debate was a failure for Mr. Trump, noting that he landed some punches and insisting that Mrs. Clinton looked more polished than she was because of her opposition

That, to me, is a weird thing for an adviser to say - "She wasn't good... She just looked good because Trump was shit," is essentially what they're saying. And even worse - they're his advisers, if they can't admit that she actually played the debate well (if not excellently), then they're just underestimating her. The first debate was the one to stress about, for Hillary - whilst a different Trump may emerge in debates 2 and 3, she knows she can do this now, and she'll be far better in the next two.


She better not get over-confident.

Trump was able to land some pretty good attacks over TPP and NAFTA in the first 15-20 minutes of the debate. He just didn't have the stamina to keep it together past the first half-hour.

She needs to be able to turn aside those attacks more effectively than "I disagree".
New Debate Strategy for Donald Trump: Practice, Practice, Practice

That, to me, is a weird thing for an adviser to say - "She wasn't good... She just looked good because Trump was shit," is essentially what they're saying. And even worse - they're his advisers, if they can't admit that she actually played the debate well (if not excellently), then they're just underestimating her. The first debate was the one to stress about, for Hillary - whilst a different Trump may emerge in debates 2 and 3, she knows she can do this now, and she'll be far better in the next two.

They will also be FARRRRR less watched. Trump had his chance. People wanted their answer and they got it.
She gives bad answers on the TPP, and trade in general, because she's only giving those answers to appease the anti-trade odd-couple of blue collar workers who have been disproportionately impacted by it, and annoying dumb contrarian millennials whom have only ever benefited from it and aren't doing their pointless overpriced liberal arts degrees to go make cars.
She better not get over-confident.

Trump was able to land some pretty good attacks over TPP and NAFTA in the first 15-20 minutes of the debate. He just didn't have the stamina to keep it together past the first half-hour.

She needs to be able to turn aside those attacks more effectively than "I disagree".

No he didn't, both are nonstarters.

Hillary supported the idea of TPP, but didn't negotiate it and disagreed with the final form and doesn't endorse it. Been consistent on that for months now.

Hillary wasn't in office for NAFTA and didn't vote for it, that was Bill and Bill isn't running. Want to slam Bill's record that's fine...but Bill has 8 years of a phenomenal economic boom and job increase to give him credibility. Good luck there.

Hillary had the opportunity to vote on CAFTA, didn't like it and shot it down on merit.

"Hillary loves bad trade deals!" Is pure fiction and Trump has never negotiated any deal in the same universe as CAFTA, NAFTA, or TPP to point to as experience...and as has quickly become apparent he's nowhere near the businessman he claims he is.
So someone on my Facebook shared some Harry Potter meme that compared Hillary Clinton to fucking Dolores Umbridge...

Fucking hell. I'm tired of this idiocy about her.
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