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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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For anyone saying "Eh, this won't be that big of a deal" you have no idea how much Castro is hated among Cuban voters in Miami. There are, literally, no words for the level of hatred, anger and disgust at Castro. Bernie refusing to walkback his praise from Castro was a guarantee he would lose the state.

A GOP nominee needs Cuban voters. Trump was already losing them by a point or two. If this is confirmed, this will be everywhere in Miami-Dade tomorrow, and he will be so royally fucked i'ts not even funny.

Also, I'm Priorities, I'm cutting an ad once I read this. I'm putting pictures of hardworking Americans with the voice saying "He didn't pay them for their hard work" and then cut to Fidel "But he had no problems paying him." And then I'm running that 24/7 all day, everyday in Florida.


I hope there's more in it than this Bloomberg story from the end of July:


If he did actual business that's bad. based on what we know so far they talked to former execs and have internal documents. And if he was using his charity to move money? oh boy.

But I'm probably getting to hyped about this. At best I feel it'll have some Cuban voters in Florida wavering a bit.


No Scrubs
For anyone saying "Eh, this won't be that big of a deal" you have no idea how much Castro is hated among Cuban voters in Miami. There are, literally, no words for the level of hatred, anger and disgust at Castro. Bernie refusing to walkback his praise from Castro was a guarantee he would lose the state.

A GOP nominee needs Cuban voters. Trump was already losing them by a point or two. If this is confirmed, this will be everywhere in Miami-Dade tomorrow, and he will be so royally fucked i'ts not even funny.

Also, I'm Priorities, I'm cutting an ad once I read this. I'm putting pictures of hardworking Americans with the voice saying "He didn't pay them for their hard work" and then cut to Fidel "But he had no problems paying him." And then I'm running that 24/7 all day, everyday in Florida.

That should be the only ad Priorities runs in Florida. Just dump all the money into it.


Juanita Broaddrick claims Hillary basically did so using polite language.

I've actually been surprised this hasn't come up more, as attitudes toward rape are one of the BIGGEST differences between now and the 90s, and pointing out that Hillary says to believe victims but did not do so in her own personal life always seemed to me a way they could peel off some lower-information millennials and get them to vote for Johnson and Stein.

Edit: And, yeah, Trump is definitely not a manly man, despite his pretensions toward it. No real man would be so bothered by some shit-talking, so insecure, that he'd bring up the size of his dick at a fucking presidential debate, or spend so much time playing the fucking victim.

I was just thinking about this yesterday. It seems like such a missed opportunity for the GOP to not paint Bill as a serial rapist and Hillary as a rapist-sympathizer. I mean, it seems extreme, but it's not like any line of attack is off limits for Trump. And honestly, given what we know, it wouldn't have been a huge stretch convincing chunks of swing voters and Millennials. All it takes is a couple testimonials and a huge spotlight from mainstream conservative media (Like Fox, instead of just Breitbart). It also fits the strategy of turning strengths into weaknesses (Hillary's history of fighting for women becomes a legacy of threatening women and defending her rapist husband).

Maybe GOP leaders have such little regard for women that they didn't think voters would care. Or maybe they're so terrified by the skeletons in their own closet that they were afraid of getting burned.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think we can safely solidify Florida in the blue column. Cubans will refuse to vote for the guy after this.

This is amazing, and my guess is it is only the beginning.
John Cook ‏@johnjcook 4 minutes ago
what kind of idiot shares their plan to defeat ISIS (i will begin attacking hillary on her husband's infidelities shortly)

Don't tell them what you're going to do! By the way, here's what I'm about to do.
So, since the article isn't out, what do we know about the article?

In that, what are the accusations being levied. I missed Maddow.









Is it time to dispel with this fiction that mi abuela doesn't know what she's doing? She knows exactly what she's doing.

Every. Fucking. Time. This campaign has faced a major moment, they've delivered in the biggest way I dared to imagine. Every super Tuesday when Bernie was planning a "no really I'm still in this" moment, the data, messaging and turnout operations crushed him.

Conventions roll around and everyone's hair is on fire because Julian Assange is apparently still a thing and Busters are idiot children? We get treat to 4 spectacular nights of that pure, unrefined hopium.

Trump voters sneak their way back into the game because Trump stops picking fights with random civilians and his own party while Hilldawg goes on the Meg Whitman money tour? BOOM. Flawlessly executed debate gobsmack, hitting Trump on his vulnerabilities all night long, highlighting his erratic behavior, and goading him into another self-defeating week of idiocy. WHILE managing to talk policy all night.

The positive ads start rolling out, the turnout machine is locked in, and the Superfriends are primed and ready to strike fear in the the hearts of Republicans everywhere in America. The oppo research is clearly prepared to wage war on Trump until election day, and in ways he is completely unprepared for. Trump is an insane idiot and completely blocked, demographically and electorally. Same as it ever was.


What the fuck were Senate Dems thinking when they passed this bill allowing Americans to sue Saudi Arabia. Like what the fuck. This sets such a horrible precedent.
What the fuck were Senate Dems thinking when they passed this bill allowing Americans to sue Saudi Arabia. Like what the fuck. This sets such a horrible precedent.

I've already seen more than one person say on Twitter that this opens up the courts to a reparations lawsuit.
Also, one thing. I know everyone goes into their "this won't hurt him" mode or "media won't cover it mode." But, I actually think things like this...the media does cover. Because, this is conventional campaign ending level stuff. Like, the media understands this stuff. There is no room to both sides this. Again, depending on what the story reveals, this could very well have been illegal. It also confirms (if he did do this through his charity) that he uses his charity for things he can't have his name on. This legitimizes the Bondi story and the portrait thing.

It fees back into the narrative that he's a greedy little money grubber.
October Surprise coming early this year.
I hope.
We're going to get a story like this every week that would sink any other candidate.

The difference I think is that Trump's ship has already been sunk. He's polling at 40%. The only reason Hillary isn't polling at 60 is because third parties are sponging up more of the vote than usual (due to Hillary herself not being a particularly popular candidate). 40% for Romney, McCain, Bush etc. would have been disastrous. This is the GOP floor and he's been sitting at it the whole campaign.


No Scrubs
Also, one thing. I know everyone goes into their "this won't hurt him" mode or "media won't cover it mode." But, I actually think things like this...the media does cover. Because, this is conventional campaign ending level stuff. Like, the media understands this stuff. There is no room to both sides this. Again, depending on what the story reveals, this could very well have been illegal. It also confirms (if he did do this through his charity) that he uses his charity for things he can't have his name on. This legitimizes the Bondi story and the portrait thing.

It fees back into the narrative that he's a greedy little money grubber.

If he violated he embargo for real, then not only is it illegal but jail time is on the table.


Trump Campaign Statement:

This is yet another desperate attempt by the Clinton Campaign to deflect and distract from the undeniable truth that the 33,000 emails she DELETED from her PERSONAL server held evidence that she did business in Cuba through her PAY-4-PLAY Clinton Foundation.

This question in the CiC forum with Obama is heartbreaking (wife whose veteran husband committed suicide after he didn't get the help he needed).

I can't imagine Donald Trump answering this woman with any sort of dignity.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Benjy Sarlin said:
Multiple Republicans who focus grouped attacking Hillary via Bill's scandals reached same conclusion: Doesn't work


Trump Campaign Statement:

This is yet another desperate attempt by the Clinton Campaign to deflect and distract from the undeniable truth that the 33,000 emails she DELETED from her PERSONAL server held evidence that she did business in Cuba through her PAY-4-PLAY Clinton Foundation.

All I saw was "deflect and distract."


It's stories like the Newsweek ones that honestly make me wonder what Ivanka thinks during this whole thing. We know she's smart-ish and doesn't seem as overwhelmingly scummy as her brothers. We know that Kushner seems like a smart guy who isn't afraid to take charge.

I wonder what it's like for the whole world to constantly reveal to you that your father is a lying, corrupt trash person.


Does the Trump campaign realize how much time they would save on writing statements if they just bought a stamp that said "I know you are, but what am I?"


Trump Campaign Statement:

This is yet another desperate attempt by the Clinton Campaign to deflect and distract from the undeniable truth that the 33,000 emails she DELETED from her PERSONAL server held evidence that she did business in Cuba through her PAY-4-PLAY Clinton Foundation.



If he violated he embargo for real, then not only is it illegal but jail time is on the table.

This seems like the kind of thing that would be easily deflected to some underling somewhere in the organization when it finally comes to prosecution, much like banking scandals.

LMAO at that Trump campaign response though, lol.
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