Is it time to dispel with this fiction that mi abuela doesn't know what she's doing? She knows exactly what she's doing.
Every. Fucking. Time. This campaign has faced a major moment, they've delivered in the biggest way I dared to imagine. Every super Tuesday when Bernie was planning a "no really I'm still in this" moment, the data, messaging and turnout operations crushed him.
Conventions roll around and everyone's hair is on fire because Julian Assange is apparently still a thing and Busters are idiot children? We get treat to 4 spectacular nights of that pure, unrefined hopium.
Trump voters sneak their way back into the game because Trump stops picking fights with random civilians and his own party while Hilldawg goes on the Meg Whitman money tour? BOOM. Flawlessly executed debate gobsmack, hitting Trump on his vulnerabilities all night long, highlighting his erratic behavior, and goading him into another self-defeating week of idiocy. WHILE managing to talk policy all night.
The positive ads start rolling out, the turnout machine is locked in, and the Superfriends are primed and ready to strike fear in the the hearts of Republicans everywhere in America. The oppo research is clearly prepared to wage war on Trump until election day, and in ways he is completely unprepared for. Trump is an insane idiot and completely blocked, demographically and electorally. Same as it ever was.