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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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I'd like to see that "what is your favorite foreign leader" question asked at the next debate. I know Hillary will answer with Aung San Suu Kyi and Trump with Putin but I'd love to hear them explain themselves.

I don't actually think Trump would answer with Putin. Netanyahu seems likelier.


No Scrubs
I'd like to see that "what is your favorite foreign leader" question asked at the next debate. I know Hillary will answer with Aung San Suu Kyi and Trump with Putin but I'd love to hear them explain themselves.

Explaining Aung San Suu Kyi isn't that hard, she's not perfect but it's an easy answer people can get behind, but I'd love to see a defense of Putin by Trump.


Obviously I'd hope we'd win a working majority in the House (say like 225 seats) but the hilarity if it ended up at 218 exactly would be priceless.

Lol, seriously.

I don't think it can be overstated how important having a Democratic Speaker would be. The GOP is such a fractured caucus that there would be quite a bit of ground for bipartisanship if the Speaker would just bring things up for a vote. Immigration reform would have passed the House in 2013 had it been brought up for a vote. Criminal justice reform could probably sail through if it was brought up. Certain tax reforms could make it through on a split vote. Even if the Dems just barely took back the House, the good would be immense (until 2020 when a popular, unsullied Paul Ryan defeats Clinton).


I've said it before. If people don't want get out and vote or resort to 3rd party and vote against their interests. If this man becomes president IMO they deserve the hell his presidency would bring.
In a sane republic, nobody deserves their rights violated because of how ~25% of people voted.

Plus, it's not like these people could do anything to stop it. They get one vote, in one state.

Libertarians want to live in imposed isolation anyways where everybody just lives off the land and paves their own roads or something.
That's weird, considering libertarians generally want to abolish all trade and travel restrictions to promote constant endless voluntary human interaction.

Well, never Trumping Republicans still have McMuffin to vote for.
They wouldn't have voted for Johnson if they were honest anyway, he's opposed to all of their favorite issues (wars on brown people namely) except immigration.

I'd like to see that "what is your favorite foreign leader" question asked at the next debate. I know Hillary will answer with Aung San Suu Kyi and Trump with Putin but I'd love to hear them explain themselves.
What about, you're in an elevator with two foreign leaders and two bullets, who are they and what do you do?


I probably couldn't name a single foreign leader I admire.

Or a domestic one for that matter.

Do we mean current or like in all of history?

EDIT: Nevermind found it:

Eventually, Johnson said "the former Mexican president", and when asked which former Mexican president... he still couldn't answer. Weld jumped in and listed a few starting with "Fox", at which point Johnson said, "Oh yeah, Fox."

Foreign leader's face most likely to make a baby cry


Eventually, Johnson said "the former Mexican president", and when asked which former Mexican president... he still couldn't answer. Weld jumped in and listed a few starting with "Fox", at which point Johnson said, "Oh yeah, Fox."
Again, why I shouldn't be allowed to do these things. I would have said Huerta or maybe Porfirio Diaz.

Maximilian amirite


Yeah it was pretty bad.


It didn't come off like he wasn't naming someone because he was being tactful, it looked like he couldn't name anyone period.

Yeah. The weed was kicking in and his veep had to do the thinking for him

Gary strikes me as a burnout, even if he's not actually a drug user. Just kinda chill and out of it, never says anything particularly intelligent and doesn't seem all there


Gary strikes me as a burnout, even if he's not actually a drug user.
He is a drug user. Openly so. (It's how he got over his terrible and chronic back injury/pain.) He just stopped smoking pot for the campaign and won't do any drugs if elected. (So he actually doesn't have to stop.)

He's also just a plain goofy guy on top of that. Watch the Samantha Bee segment:

Gary was only slightly less goofy back before he started using marijuana regularly:
PPP's poll has Obama+0 in approval rating so Hillary+4 is pretty good considering their sample.

Do you think that Donald Trump supported or opposed the war in Iraq, or do you think he both supposed and opposed the war?

Supported: 29%
Opposed: 26%
Both supported and opposed: 34%
Not sure: 11%



40% of Trump supporters think Trump was given a defective mic to help Hillary and 65% think Trump can only lose from rigging. But, Republicans finally think Obama was born in the United States at least.


The forced Hillary/Trump splits are even for the third parties:
90-5-1-1 for Clinton-Johnson-Stein-McMullin
91-5-1-1 for Trump-Johnson-Stein-McMullin

Obama supporters in 2012 are 81-6-6-1-1 for Hillary-Trump-Johnson-etc
Romney supporters are 5-81-6-0-2

Democrats are 78-11 for Hillary-Trump.

Republicans disapprove of Congress more than Democrats:
13-78 vs 18-69

26% of Democrats think Trump shouldn't participate in anymore debates. 7% of them think Obama wasn't born in the U.S.

45% of Democrats like Rosie and 20% don't.
10% of Republicans like Rosie and 74% don't.
14% of Independents like Rosie and 42% don't.
Republicans win that question.


"One consequence is that the heaviest drinkers are of greatly disproportionate importance to the sales and profitability of the alcoholic-beverage industry," he writes writes. "If the top decile somehow could be induced to curb their consumption level to that of the next lower group (the ninth decile), then total ethanol sales would fall by 60 percent."
And why would we want to curb their consumption? We should be raising the other deciles.


Probably was posted but I doubt the important part was focused on:
Among those efforts were a rally late last month at FAMU headlined by Clinton’s running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, in which he praised the value of HBCUs and hammered Trump for pushing the “bigoted notion that President Obama wasn’t even born in this country” and tying the Republican to “Ku Klux Klan values.”

Kaine’s rhetoric wasn’t enough to inspire Tyresha McClenney and Bryan Anderson, two first-time voters and FAMU students who attended the Democrat’s rally. McLenney noted that she doesn’t believe Clinton has spoken enough about racial inequality and police brutality.

“It’s not something that she continuously says, it’s only like when the media gets a video of a black person getting shot,” she said. “When the media dies down on that, and she’s still saying it … that would help have more trust in her and believe in what she says.”

Added Anderson: “A lot of her attempts to reach out come across as pandering.”

That lack of excitement worries Henry Crespo, president of the Miami-based Florida Democratic Black Caucus.

“No one is writing songs for Hillary. Obama had will.i.am. Hillary has nobody like that,” said Crespo. “Right now, the vote is against Trump. It’s not for Hillary. I still think she’s going to win. But you want your people to be for your candidate, not just against the other guy.”


Stephen Gianelli · Works at Retired Early
Blacks who are old enough to recall 2008 know that Hillary’s core constituency in opposition to the Obama coalition (which included 98% of the black vote) was the very group of white, blue-collar swing state voters that Hillary now calls “racist” and that it was Bill Clinton who compared Obama’s N. Carolina campaign to Jessie Jackson and called Obama’s message a “fairy tale” and that it was the Obama campaign in 2008 that called the Clinton’s “racist”. Those blacks that are too young to recall all of that simply find a 68 year old white lady to be irrelevant. In no case is it reasonable to expect that black voters will turn out in anywhere near the same numbers as they did to vote for the first black President in the history of our nation.

Ben Franklin · New Product Development at Heckler & Koch
No sense of irony. Disparaging people for being old and whiteis bigotry. You'd probably be herding people into box cars for being fascists. Just another ignorant leftist scumbag.
samantha bee was fucking great as usual tonight. LMFAOOOO @ megyn kelly's hannity shade. i never saw it before it came on bee but i'm still fucking laughing. megyn's gonna be golden on election day.


Megyn Kelly/Hannity clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTbpOv_95_A

Stephen Shine2 days ago
Megyn Kelly has turned in to one annoying sell out.
okir rama2 hours ago
no. megyn kelly is a closeted lib. she's not unbiased or something, most of her statement and reporting are leaning to the left.
Danielle G5 hours ago
Megan And Holt are an embarrassment to journalism!! No integrity at all. But truth will always prevail.
thumpahard1 day ago
Megyn Kelly is voting for genocide Hillary !
24 million Americans drink more than 10 drinks a day.


... This is insane and a horrific drug epidemic.

This is sad.

My girlfriend's brother is an alcoholic. I see him drink more than 10 drinks every time I see him. Thank fucking god he never drives and isn't a mean drunk person. He's actually way too functional while drunk for me. Never been around an alcoholic prior so it is very jarring. I'm used to drunk = hot mess cuz that's how everyone I know is. But he's functional.

edit: to clarify, he does all his drinking after work, so in the span of 3-4 hours as he crashes early.

10% being like that is really bad.


Will and Grace came back?

I thought most of the castmates died.

I honestly think I have never seen a full episode of that show ever.
During March, [April] Winchell was "banned for life" from KABC (AM) in Los Angeles at the behest of ABC radio host Bill O'Reilly, over a retelling of an occurrence she dubbed "Croissantgate" (KABC provided Bill O'Reilly with croissants that were not fresh enough for his taste, causing a commotion at the station).
Read this on wikipedia and thought it was funny

You just know some intern not being paid enough for this shit had to run out on the street looking for fresh croissants to placate the mercurial wrath of O'Reilly
Stein is the embodiment of craven opportunist

I really believe that if Jill Stein could somehow magically figure out the time and date for a mass shooting she would probably use that information to show up for the aftermath and look brave for the cameras while she "helps" the victims.


If you prefer angry Gary:

I want to stop with these military interventions! In my heart, I don't want to send our men and servicewomen to lose their lives, and I don't want to them to be responsible for what are ultimately thousands of innocent people being killed in these countries.

So Hillary Clinton dots the i's and crosses the t's on all the names and everything associated with this, but as a result of that, we have the foreign policy that we have now, that I have to tell you I think is horrible. Horrible!

And that's how I would answer it tonight. I would be mad. I would be angry. i would be angry that people would people would be calling me out on the names, geographic locations, names of foreign leaders, when the underlying policy has thousands of people dying. And that is unacceptable.
In a Facebook Live interview filmed on Tuesday morning after the debate, Johnson explained that his outbursts stem from the fact that U.S. servicemen and women "have to pull those triggers" and kill innocent people in misbegoten conflicts.

That's not their fault, that's the fault of political leadership. And these are the people I'm debating? And these are the people I'm debating? And I'm speaking specifically about Hillary Clinton...Somehow that makes her more qualified? Yeah, that just pisses me off, Matt. Really pisses me off.

Jose Martinez10 hours ago (edited)
Gary Johnson is a moron!! He is for TPP, gun control, forcing bakeries to bake someone a cake despite their religious or cultural differences, open borders and on top of that he is creepy. Only bernouts will vote for this clown.
Greeny9 hours ago
Should have been McAfee.
ohperkele8 hours ago
Gary Johnson is just a Hillary plant.
Mtjoyc35 hours ago
Gary shows passion against the mass murder resulting from US Foreign policy and trolls in the comment section are like "haha what a weirdo." F***ing despicable.

scienceandliberty10 hours ago
Yes, Gary, you should drop out. Gary, you should've read Harry Browne's books, his hundreds of articles, watched a bunch of his videos, and then maybe you would've been prepared to properly present libertarian ideas in a more persuasive and impactful manner.


another trump supporter exposed
@Kldugger 5h5 hours ago
@kurteichenwald @GovGaryJohnson As you well know, not voting is a vote for Trump. Disgusted that you would encourage others to do so.
‏@VinFromJersey 6h6 hours ago
@kurteichenwald Both of your suggestions are a vote for TRUMP.
@maagdalene 6h6 hours ago
@kurteichenwald @theonlyadult how awful is this advice..you want another insane congress and red governors, then? How shallow..
@mfore0142 6h6 hours ago
@kurteichenwald @puppymnkey @GovGaryJohnson Stay home and let Trump win. Shame on u-fiscally resp./good Christian-no reason not vote HRC!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
And that's how I would answer it tonight. I would be mad. I would be angry. i would be angry that people would people would be calling me out on the names, geographic locations, names of foreign leaders, when the underlying policy has thousands of people dying. And that is unacceptable.
This is simply moronic. This is the kind of excuse a smartass tries to use in 8th grade after never studying.


Nah, it's more like the answer he should have gave to Matthews in response to the stupid question. Weld's too.

Don't know why they always go along with the dumb media parade and then bitch about it after when they don't ask them anything of importance. They've been doing this for months, whining after the fact. Gary doesn't understand Trump and Sanders' appeal that he's getting residual support from. Hell, Trump understands Sanders' appeal better.


That (Bill) Clinton retrospective thread is amusing. You wouldn't have seen so many of those opinions regarding how he destroyed America in an equivalent one 18 months ago.

I initially forgot my standing rule to assume most people in these threads came of political age during either W. Bush or Obama.


That (Bill) Clinton retrospective thread is amusing. You wouldn't have seen so many of those opinions regarding how he destroyed America in an equivalent one 18 months ago.

They definitely aren't old enough to remember the 90s and maybe not even old enough to remember 2012 when Bill was Obama's biggest campaign asset.
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