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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Honestly, after hearing Nate yest his model makes more sense.

He addressed that it seems more pro Trump bc it bakes in way more uncertainty than some other models.
He said he felt that it accounted for equal parts a Trump win and a Hill landslide

There are some elements of uncertainty the model contemplates that I think are odd. I get fat tails but the odds of Clinton getting less than 200 EV are extremely low. I think they overdo it.


So, that Survey Monkey poll is pretty good for her. She hits 50 in the 2 way again, which it's been a while since that has happened. She's gone from a 2 point lead to a 5 point lead in the 4 way. I think it just reinforces the idea that last week was a shitty week for a lot of reasons.

Agree. If last week turns out to be her nadir (and there's no reason it shouldn't be), I'll take it. Onwards and upwards.

Still a bit nervous for the debate. Not doubting Hillary, just worried Trump will clear the media's low bar
I expect it to ebb and flow. Because people get complacent. Or they get self-righteous. And say they can't vote for either so instead they pick the stoner.

And then they realise that Donald F Trump could actually be President.


It makes sense to me that trump would target ads before a delayed trash game that milennials have been whining about and feeling entitled to control for the last 10 years. WHAT HAPPENED TO STELLA / BAN ALL MUSLIMS is basically identical


What about nominees who weren't President?




La Follette

had to really shuffle around those Dems a number of times


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009




can you tell which comments are from milennials and which are from trump fans? You cannot.

OMG, that picture that NBCNews is using to announce their poll numbers is giving me fucking LIFE. She looks so regal. She is a Queen. She looks down on the poors. I love it all so much. SLAY QUEEN YASSSSSSSSSSSSS.

: hacking my head off :


Obama led the world downward into chaos
President Obama will surely put his best spin on his legacy Tuesday in his eighth and final speech to the United Nations General Assembly. But even his biggest fans must struggle to ignore the spread of mayhem on his watch, in the Mideast and beyond.

The president is likely to highlight his oh-so-historic diplomacy, from that (toothless) global climate agreement to the improvement, such as it is, in the world’s economy. Plus, of course, the nuke agreement with Iran and the opening to Cuba.

So how fitting that as Obama speaks in New York, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will be completing a trip to Cuba and Venezuela, before giving his own UN speech Thursday. After all, these rogue nations have come together and, in Cuba’s and Iran’s cases, come in from the diplomatic cold thanks to Obama.

Similarly, the Obama-Hillary Clinton “reset” with Russia has left that nation far more aggressive than in 2008. China, too, is pushing hard in the Pacific, despite Obama’s much-announced “pivot to Asia.” In his UN speech eight years ago, Obama promised action on perennial UN priorities — including, of course, making peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

That unfulfilled goal proved to be a sideshow as the wider Mideast underwent tremendous changes through the Arab Spring — a brief surge of democracy, followed by chaos.

And as the Mideast (Israel excepted) became even more of a mess, America became a spectator.
The Kerry-Lavrov pact was doomed from the start, but the death blow came late last week when US planes bombed forces loyal to Syria’s butcher-in-chief, Bashar al-Assad. The Obama administration rushed to apologize, swearing it was a mistake.

Remember when Team Obama said Assad must go? That policy, we learned over the weekend, secretly became a dead letter two years ago: It was back then, Russian UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin disclosed, that the United States “committed,” in an agreement with Damascus, that our airstrikes in Syria “would not affect” Assad’s army.

We became, in effect, an accomplice of Assad, the world’s most prolific killer.

One chief reason: our desire to secure an agreement with his main regional backer, Iran.

That agreement was supposed to be the crown jewel in Obama’s attempt to promote a nuke-free world. Yet, eight years after he announced that goal at the United Nations, North Korea’s arsenal grows as it tests new nukes with added frequency. And under Obama’s deal, Pyongyang’s ally, Iran, is on the road to joining the growing club of nuclear-armed countries.

Meanwhile, Iran wages proxy wars with rival Saudi Arabia; consolidates its Syrian and Lebanese bases to assure a presence near the borders of the country it vows to annihilate, Israel; and stretches its tentacles as far as Africa and Latin America.

And America shies from confronting Iran for fear Tehran might walk away from the nuke deal. So instead, the West lifts sanctions and enriches Iran’s leaders.

A top promise of the Obama presidency was that, as a global child (African roots and Indonesian childhood), he’d unite the world and help nudge it toward the ideals the United Nations was originally meant to espouse.

Yet while America toiled these last eight years to strengthen global institutions like the United Nations, America’s global leadership has waned. The world is worse off, and so are we. But you won’t hear that part in Obama’s speech.
do you think Hillary is going to ask Obama to go hide in the West Wing and stop holding back her campaign from being able to challenge Trump's steamroller by distancing from the Obama disaster?






can you tell which comments are from milennials and which are from trump fans? You cannot.
Some of these statements come from whiny GAF mods


lol at all these Congressman fighting the real villains
Dear Mr. Goodell,

As the chief executive of the National Football League, I believe it is up to you to outright condemn the players who refuse to stand during our national anthem.


The NFL's players must be reminded that our flag, our national anthem and the uniform of our brave military are more sacred than the uniforms that they wear on the field.


Consider the players of high school teams around the country in the last week who have followed their heroes’ examples by remaining kneeled or seated during our national anthem.

These kids are too young to recall September 11th and the effect that had on our country.

They are too young to remember Pat Tillman, a safety for the Arizona Cardinals who left his NFL career to join the Army Rangers. As you know, he died in combat.

These kids, some of whom may one day honorably serve in the armed forces, do not yet understand that what they are doing isn’t silent protest but rather a slap in the face to the millions of Americans who sacrificed for them.


America is the greatest country in the world. It is the greatest country partly because of the rights that are guaranteed to us, including the freedom of speech, in our government’s founding document. While these players may not have a legal obligation to rise, they have an American duty to do so.


While there are still tragic and inexcusable incidents of injustice, racism and bigotry in this country of more than 300 million people, we cannot allow influential members of our society to undermine the monumental progress that has been made in our nation’s relatively short history.

These players must be reminded that our flag, our national anthem and the uniform of our brave military are more sacred than the uniforms that they wear on the field.

I urge you, Mr. Commissioner, to discipline these players who have shown such disrespect to a nation that has allowed them to achieve so much.

Roger Williams represents the 25th congressional district of Texas, which includes Fort Hood, in the U.S. House of Representatives. He played baseball, and coached, for Texas Christian University and was drafted into the Atlanta Braves farm system.
*sniff* gets you right there, rip in peace pat tilman, never forget the dangers of friendly fire

OMG, that picture that NBCNews is using to announce their poll numbers is giving me fucking LIFE. She looks so regal. She is a Queen. She looks down on the poors. I love it all so much. SLAY QUEEN YASSSSSSSSSSSSS.

: hacking my head off :

Usually the media seems to use the most awkward looking pictures of Hillary, but this picture is really nice and presidential.


While there are still tragic and inexcusable incidents of injustice, racism and bigotry in this country of more than 300 million people, we cannot allow influential members of our society to undermine the monumental progress that has been made in our nation�s relatively short history.




OMG, that picture that NBCNews is using to announce their poll numbers is giving me fucking LIFE. She looks so regal. She is a Queen. She looks down on the poors. I love it all so much. SLAY QUEEN YASSSSSSSSSSSSS.

: hacking my head off :
It was from her appearance at the CBC on Friday.
lol at all these Congressman fighting the real villains

*sniff* gets you right there, rip in peace pat tilman, never forget the dangers of friendly fire

This is pretty much that Onion article from yesterday, my god

edit: this one

Part of what makes America so great is that our citizens have the freedom of speech. I’m all for these players—or anyone else, for that matter—expressing their opinions, but once they start shifting the nation’s focus to serious and pressing matters facing millions of people, that’s where I draw the line. I’m sorry, but I don’t believe in any so-called “protest” if it involves raising awareness of systemic problems within our society.


It's amazing. Trump hasn't given a press conference in like 50 days. He's been going on friendly networks. And now he's going on Hamburg to discuss AA issues?

Get this man the outta here.


I don't even know what "our flag and national anthem is more sacred than their uniforms" is even supposed to mean? What do their jerseys have to do with anything lol? Like if he said "the color of their skin" that would still be terrible, but at least it'd make sense.


we haven't blamed generation x for anything this election cycle yet, have we?

Gen X is the real silent generation. Never mentioned, never discussed. We seem to obsess over the boomers and millenials and skip out the bulk of the current working age population.
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