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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Trump deposition video could be made public today.

This reply tweet:

As long as the FL polls float between +1 and +5/+6, then that's about where I expect things to pan out- a comfy +3 to +4 win, keeping in track with the larger narrative that FL runs just about the same as Hillary's lead nationally.
As long as the FL polls float between +1 and +5/+6, then that's about where I expect things to pan out- a comfy +3 to +4 win, keeping in track with the larger narrative that FL runs just about the same as Hillary's lead nationally.

A +3-4 win in Florida for Hillary would indicate a landslide.

Obama won Florida by 3 in 2008, and <1% in 2012.


FGC Waterboy
Fun article about the whole e-mail thing


Basically boils down to this

The Clinton team’s arrival in Foggy Bottom was harried, like all administration transitions, but came with the extra complication that she intended to install two deputy secretaries of state. That decision required physically rejiggering the seventh floor of the State Department headquarters that houses the leadership’s offices, a historic, wood-paneled area known internally as “Mahogany Row.”

In Clinton’s early days in office, there were various conversations among Clinton, her team and career State Department officials about her preferences and how to set up communications to aid her. There was a crucial complication: BlackBerrys—the tools that Clinton and her aides had come to rely upon in the Senate and on the campaign trail—weren’t allowed inside Mahogany Row. This section of the State Department was technically considered a “Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility,” government-speak for an eavesdropping-proofed room. The assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security, Eric Boswell, later stated he never received any complaints about Clinton using her personal BlackBerry inside the secure area, but that among the State Department team there was some “general concern” that Clinton’s team might use the BlackBerrys that they’d relied on so heavily during the campaign. His team made clear that the devices were prohibited.

Yet something was going to have to change: Hillary Clinton, after all, didn’t know how to use a desktop computer. A BlackBerry was her lifeline. As Cheryl Mills told FBI agents later, “Clinton was not computer savvy and thus was not accustomed to using a computer, so efforts were made to try to figure out a system that would allow Clinton to operate as she did before DoS.”

State Department officials presented Clinton’s team with a memo on January 24, 2009, outlining various options, suggesting if Clinton wanted to check her email, she would have to either physically walk out of her office to use her BlackBerry, or the State Department could set up a dedicated computer for her. Jake Sullivan, a foreign policy expert from the campaign who had grown to become one of Clinton’s most trusted advisors, immediately saw problems with the proposal and echoed Mills’ concern: “Clinton did not know how to use a computer, so the suggestion of a stand-alone computer for Clinton was not an appropriate solution.”

That same day, Lewis Lukens, the department’s deputy assistant secretary for the Executive Secretariat—the unit that oversaw the logistics for State’s leadership—sent an email asking about the possibility of setting up a “living room” outside the office’s secure area where the new secretary could check her email. There was a model for this; something similar had been done for Colin Powell.

Instead, after much back and forth and various proposals, the solution turned out to be a simple one. During her tenure as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton—who was known to her security detail by the code name Evergreen—would deposit her BlackBerry into a desk drawer at the Diplomatic Security station outside her office when she arrived on the seventh floor. The practice of leaving the BlackBerry at the guard station, known as Post-1, was technically a security violation—the desk was considered inside the Mahogany Row secure area—but it seemed to those involved an appropriate compromise. To use it, she’d leave her office and wander, often visiting State’s eighth-floor balcony.

Basically, never assume malice what can be attributed to ignorance and laziness. :D


Here we go

David Paleologos &#8207;@davidpaleologos 2m2 minutes ago

Suffolk Poll of Nevada - Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump 44-38 with GJ 7, others 2, "none of these" 3 (a NV option), 5 und, and 1 refused

My guess
Hillary 42
Donald 38
Aleppo Ben Ghazi 12
Stein 2

Not too bad a guess
David Paleologos &#8207;@davidpaleologos 3m3 minutes ago

SUPRC Nevada likely voters U.S. Senate – GOP Joe Heck leads Dem Catherine
Cortez Masto 38-35
, others 2, "none of these" 4, und 18, and ref 2

Sucks, but close enough to turn around. I believe in the Reid machine!


Dat ground game.

Also, holy fuck at that NC poll. That's the single biggest lead she's had in a NV poll this whole cycle right?

Per Nate Cohn, it is her best in a live interview poll of NV. Was +2 mid-August (post-DNC). May have to adjust down to Trump+1 for trendz, though.

edit: Recent polls in NV were bad for her, all Trump +2 to Trump +4.
Does Trump have any stops scheduled for today? He's been pretty run down this last week and it appears that he was up all night. I can only imagine what he'd sound like if he tries to give a speech.

He'll be so irritable and low energy.
Does Trump have any stops scheduled for today? He's been pretty run down this last week and it appears that he was up all night. I can only imagine what he'd sound like if he tries to give a speech.

He'll be so irritable and low energy.

Are you questioning the Donald's stamina? Because he has the best stamina.
Does Trump have any stops scheduled for today? He's been pretty run down this last week and it appears that he was up all night. I can only imagine what he'd sound like if he tries to give a speech.

He'll be so irritable and low energy.

He'll be irritable for the rest of the election. These headlines and questions aren't going to stop.


Hillary is speaking in my city of Fort Pierce, FL right now. My parents tried to go to it but they said there was too many people. Sucks that they couldn't get in but glad that there's a bunch of people there!


Hillary is speaking in my city of Fort Pierce, FL right now. My parents tried to go to it but they said there was too many people. Sucks that they couldn't get in but glad that there's a bunch of people there!

Small crowds! No enthusiasm!
I'm more worried about the first because it could catch everyone off guard but the only currently measurable part is the second.

Surge in non-college whites that didn't vote in 2012 or before has been debunked in the primaries, and the pollsters aren't expecting that in the GE.

Folks who don't vote aren't showing up in November.
more from the 'this guy is a disgusting fuck' dept

Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but is in actuality very beautiful is Paris Hilton,” Trump told Stern. “I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’ At 12, I wasn’t interested… but she was beautiful.” He also admitted to watching Paris Hilton’s sex tape with Knauss, despite knowing her since the age of 12 and being very close friends with the Hilton Family

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