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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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I'm really getting annoyed by all the self important millennials appearing on TV to say that Hillary has a millennial problem. It's most likely an exteme minority yet they look equal because of the air time they are getting. Watch millennials vote for her overwhelmingly on election day.
RCP has a column out suggesting that Hillary should peel Weld from the Lib ticket. But I dont see how that can be seen ethical, if Hillary promises him a place in her administration. The diehards will dig in deeper and blame Hillary for ruining the ticket. It was to come from Weld himself. I hope he really does some soul searching and that Hillary has a small back office where folks are figuring out a way to disrupt the ticket.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So, if the Audio was fine at home. It was not the mic.

It must have been whatever was running from the control board to the auditorium speakers?

Which is also kinda weird, as I would assume both of them (well, all 3) were mixed to the same output?

Maybe a feedback problem since he is such a blowhard?


will gain confidence one day
smh @ these idiots finding what ever stupid reason not to vote for Hillary. You got this one dude that voted for Barrack and now wants to vote for Gary Johnson? How the do you reconcile that?
It's easy to do if you have no understanding about anything related to politics or if you really don't give a shit about the outcome of the election.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It's easy to do if you have no understanding about anything related to politics or if you really don't give a shit about the outcome of the election.

Or, if feeling 'above it all' is more important.


Professional Schmuck

Think about Alicia Machado right now, think about her. Think about the person. Think about the shame she endured at the hands of Trump. Think about the awful, degrading attacks he made to her face, behind her back, on camera, in print and years after the fact. Think about him parading her around and forcing her to exercise in public. Think about what that must've done to her life, her soul.

Now think about how this circles around. Waiting for 20-25 years, to strike at the heart of the beast with probably one of hundreds of people he's abused over the years. THINK ABOUT THAT.

I don't know how she feels now, and I don't know how she felt then. I can tell you how it feels to see a victim raise up and strike back at her abuser. It's not a good feeling, but it is a righteous one. Think about how it must feel to his other victims, to all other victims out there right now watching this rich, white, elderly, obese disgusting pervert of a 'man' be brought down so low by someone he discarded so long ago. Think about that.

May that fucker burn in hell.
Going to be a tight fight in Iowa.
I think we'll hold onto Iowa for one more round, but if the GOP puts up a more conventional candidate in 2020 it's probably gone.

Then again, Trump really could just have a unique effect in places like Iowa or Ohio that a boring schlub like Paul Ryan might not appeal to.


Should we be worried? I mean Trump must be shitting the bed pretty hard. Someone should get him a baby sized pedialite for his baby sized hands to make sure he doesn't fall over dead from dehydration as he continues spewing out metric fucktons of crap today.


The crowd reacted to both Trump and Hillary in the debate hall so I'm confused as to what the problem was. He says it was too quiet or what?


Some more on Hillary doing an interview with Megyn Kelly


After the first presidential debate Monday, Kelly interviewed Clinton campaign press secretary Brian Fallon and asked him why Clinton has yet to appear on her show.

“Hillary Clinton went on record and called yours truly a ‘superb journalist’ when Trump was attacking me,” Kelly said. “Why won’t she come on ‘The Kelly File’?”

Fallon said he agreed with Clinton’s assessment of Kelly “one-thousand percent” and it is “only a matter of time” before Clinton will come on her show for an interview.

“I’m gonna go back right after I walk off this platform here and make the case that we need to get her on the show,” he said.


The crowd reacted to both Trump and Hillary in the debate hall so I'm confused as to what the problem was. He says it was too quiet or what?

@Politico_Steve I was in the debate hall -- and this is true. He was difficult to hear at the very, very beginning of the debate. (1/2)

@Politico_Steve His level was adjusted pretty quickly, though. And he got more animated as the debate went on, and his personal volume rose, too. (2/2)


The crowd reacted to both Trump and Hillary in the debate hall so I'm confused as to what the problem was. He says it was too quiet or what?

There was no problem or it was very negligible by anyone with thicker skin than a tomato. The debate commission is trying to appease orange turd's campaign by saying that.


Interesting. Usually Hillary talks off the cuff during rallies but I see her glancing at notes in this Florida rally. Mentioned Machado and Trump's early morning Twitter meltdown.
I mean the jobs aren't coming back to Iowa/Ohio/Pennsylvania no matter what we do. Trump is flat out, brazenly, openly lying by saying he's going to get jobs back. Hillary is bounded by parameters of real world, so all she can do is talk about her manufacutring plans. Like guys, assemblyline jobs from the 50's never came back for a reason. It's because if a task is repetative, it's programmable, hence robots. Ok, if Democrats lose Rust Belt in 10 years, what then? You voted for a Repub president who cannot deliver on his dumb lies, and he's going to send more of your jobs overseas in reality. Yay.

Midwest was a mistake. Chicago is the only island of reason in this ocean of stupidity.


Interesting. Usually Hillary talks off the cuff during rallies but I see her glancing at notes in this Florida rally. Mentioned Machado and Trump's early morning Twitter meltdown.

I definitely think those are last minute additions. I mean his twitter meltdown was epic.
I mean the jobs aren't coming back to Iowa/Ohio/Pennsylvania no matter what we do. Trump is flat out, brazenly, openly lying by saying he's going to get jobs back. Hillary is bounded by parameters of real world, so all she can do is talk about her manufacutring plans. Like guys, assemblyline jobs from the 50's never came back for a reason. It's because if a task is repetative, it's programmable, hence robots. Ok, if Democrats lose Rust Belt in 10 years, what then? You voted for a Repub president who cannot deliver on his dumb lies, and he's going to send more of your jobs overseas in reality. Yay.

Midwest was a mistake. Chicago is the only island of reason in this ocean of stupidity.
Hey man, Minnesota's doing fine. I'd like to see a DFL House first though.
So what are dems going to do to keep the white house in 2020 when the gop runs a non-loon that looks 400x better than Trump and Hillary loses her shine?

She's probably gonna lose in 2020. I can feel it in mah bones. :-(

I hope not but yeah... She would lose now but luckily her opponent has the personality and charm of a piece of used toilet paper.
I mean the jobs aren't coming back to Iowa/Ohio/Pennsylvania no matter what we do. Trump is flat out, brazenly, openly lying by saying he's going to get jobs back. Hillary is bounded by parameters of real world, so all she can do is talk about her manufacutring plans. Like guys, assemblyline jobs from the 50's never came back for a reason. It's because if a task is repetative, it's programmable, hence robots. Ok, if Democrats lose Rust Belt in 10 years, what then? You voted for a Repub president who cannot deliver on his dumb lies, and he's going to send more of your jobs overseas in reality. Yay.

Midwest was a mistake. Chicago is the only island of reason in this ocean of stupidity.

Pretty much, low skill labor/production line style jobs are vanishing. High skill machinist's, CNC workers, etc are still in demand though, and are going to be even more in demand as there is a void of workers with these skills once the baby boomer generation retires.

Although some factory jobs HAVE started to come back as rising incomes in places like china and cheap energy here has started to shift the balance of cost
She also consulted with aliens.

Bill Mitchell is a crazy person that makes up things to fit his narrative that Trump is actually winning but the media is doing everything it can to convince people otherwise.

It's been awhile since I checked up on him, but he usually has interesting thoughts on polls (when Hillary is up).

The good news is he promised to delete his Twitter account if Hillary wins.


So the campaign is going to make Donald give up his phone when he goes to bed everynight, aren't they?

Crazy how this is a legit question.

I really think Trump is unhinged right now. I doubt anyone at this moment has a hand on the campaign which is why it's been so damn crazy. Like all those shit is going into the weekend.

I doubt it'll happen but it would be awesome if there was some sort of shakeup this late in the game.


Crazy how this is a legit question.

I really think Trump is unhinged right now. I doubt anyone at this moment has a hand on the campaign which is why it's been so damn crazy. Like all those shit is going into the weekend.

I doubt it'll happen but it would be awesome if there was some sort of shakeup this late in the game.

Must be that staffer who hides in the bathroom each night from Trump with his phone.
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