Think about Alicia Machado right now, think about her. Think about the person. Think about the shame she endured at the hands of Trump. Think about the awful, degrading attacks he made to her face, behind her back, on camera, in print and years after the fact. Think about him parading her around and forcing her to exercise in public. Think about what that must've done to her life, her soul.
Now think about how this circles around. Waiting for 20-25 years, to strike at the heart of the beast with probably one of hundreds of people he's abused over the years. THINK ABOUT THAT.
I don't know how she feels now, and I don't know how she felt then. I can tell you how it feels to see a victim raise up and strike back at her abuser. It's not a good feeling, but it is a righteous one. Think about how it must feel to his other victims, to all other victims out there right now watching this rich, white, elderly, obese disgusting pervert of a 'man' be brought down so low by someone he discarded so long ago. Think about that.
May that fucker burn in hell.