Too bad something like this will never end another GOP candidate.
Not when Hillary's too busy coughing and fainting while writing her e-mails about Vince Foster and Sydney Blumenthal.
Too bad something like this will never end another GOP candidate.
Only thing Obama is worried about is FFXV.Obama isn't worried about Trump and you shouldn't be either. If anything he's probably worried about the senate.
Trump hitting Hillary for taking the day off? Really?
WITCHER 3What should I rent after finishing Infamous Second Son: Batman Arkham Knight (PS4) or The Witcher 3 (PS4)? I get two week free rentals at my library.
Trump hitting Hillary for taking the day off? Really?
Arkham Knight is a solid rental.What should I rent after finishing Infamous Second Son: Batman Arkham Knight (PS4) or The Witcher 3 (PS4)? I get two week free rentals at my library.
Clinton 37
Trump 37
Johnson 11
Stein 5
Clinton 45
Trump 40
Trump 47
Clinton 42
Raising the quality of our discourse:This open letter to swing voters was posted by thedailybeast today
That is not in the normal realm. That’s in the Goebbels realm. It’s a 2016 American equivalent of “the Czechs are the aggressors in the Sudetenland.”
What if the President, hypothetically of course since this would never happen in the real world, murders an American and his son, without trial, and blames the child for "not having better parents" while stating that this authority and power to murder without trial doesn't apply to just Americans on foreign soil but to Americans on American soil. Also, that he keeps aSo think ahead to a Trump presidency. He’s capable of saying something similar about anyone who crosses him—a liberal judge, a by-the-book bureaucrat, a left-wing academic, whatever. And then suppose one of his followers actually takes him up on it. Imagine explaining to your kids why the president of the United States incited a murder. And then imagine your kids asking if you voted for him, and you explaining that well, before the election, you just didn’t see much difference between the two.
There’s a world of difference. One candidate is flawed. Even deeply flawed, if you prefer. The other is psychotic.
NYT gave their raw polling data to 4 different firms. All 4 arrived at different results:
After your Shenmue blaspphemy no one should be taking videogaming advice from you!!Arkham Knight is a solid rental.
Jon Stewart is such a dumbo for skipping this year.
Anyone know if Dennis Miller is Trump fan?
After your Shenmue blaspphemy no one should be taking videogaming advice from you!!
That "do you believe the current candidate is better than the last one" question in that poll bothers me a bit, because it doesn't really mean much.
I love Hillary, but I'm not going to try and pretend she's a better candidate than Obama. But I'd not go so far as to say Hillary is a weak candidate, just that Obama knocks it out of the park.
Knew it. All these conserva "comedians" are mean streak jackholes. Except PJ O Rourke maybe.
Evan McMullin said this about trump today.
So the Paul Combetta reddit saga has gone full circle.
The House is requesting an interview with Combetta by Friday at noon or they issue a subpoena.
All it's missing is a "cha-cha.." at the end.
NYT gave their raw polling data to 4 different firms. All 4 arrived at different results:
wait, is she taking the day off?
While she is set to make a quick trip to Florida on Wednesday, after dipping into Pennsylvania on Monday, Clinton will devote the lion's share of her time huddling with her debate team, gaming out how she will confront Trump next Monday night at Hofstra University.
God damn. That Putin comment was the most blunt, brutal thing I've heard on basic TV in a while.
Conveniently ignoring, of course, that the replies on the reddit thread said what he wanted to do was impossible, and with no actual evidence he did anything at all
Funny hearing that kind of rhetoric about someone else for once.
So the Paul Combetta reddit saga has gone full circle.
The House is requesting an interview with Combetta by Friday at noon or they issue a subpoena.
So the Paul Combetta reddit saga has gone full circle.
The House is requesting an interview with Combetta by Friday at noon or they issue a subpoena.
NYT gave their raw polling data to 4 different firms. All 4 arrived at different results:
It would be great if the press didn't feed the trolls on this one.
Yeah, back when Al Franken was writing for him.I remember a time when Dennis Miller seemed smart.
Still boggles that Lamar Smith is on anything involving science
Ahmad Khan Rahamis Father Told Police in 2014 His Son Was a Terrorist, Officials Say
They also didn't report on the WikiLeaks email dump last week. I think the press is past all of that now.Literally nobody is reporting on this. I checked all the major network's websites.
Too busy with the NYC bomber, celebrity divorces and skittles.
Well this kind of stuff helps Trump tremendously
Well this kind of stuff helps Trump tremendously
Well this kind of stuff helps Trump tremendously
I could be remembering incorrectly, but hasn't Clinton been repeatedly rated significantly higher than Trump in polls IRT handling domestic terrorist incidents?Well this kind of stuff helps Trump tremendously
EVERYTHING helps Trump. Everything is on fire. 10,000 years of darkness.Has it helped him yet?