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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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The most infuriating race of the year. Pathetic performance from arguably the worst local state democrat party. I feel better from a national perspective after talking to a couple people involved on the "outside fringes" of that race but even still it's a missed opportunity with long term consequences.
The party is a mess and is practically 3 parties (north florida, central and then south) there's no common party and everyone is fighting for themselves. This was obvious in 2010 and 2014 still not fixed. I fear for Nelson's seat when he resigns.


Lol, is Trump REALLY lecturing others on cyber-security? Have I wandered into the Twilight Zone or something? This fucking guy......
Can we blame DWS and the Florida Democratic Party?

FL Dems don't have anything to build around and haven't for decades. The FL GOP on the other hand puts in work making sure there's a steady steam of candidates for state office, and the legislature does everything they can to entrench GOP control whenever possible.

The party is a mess and is practically 3 parties (north florida, central and then south) there's no common party and everyone is fighting for themselves.

This is a great (and very true) observation. North Florida Dems and South Florida Dems especially have vastly different constituencies and don't have an overall statewide platform they can coalesce around, unlike the GOP that has enough elected officials they are more or less forced into one by consistency. Not being able to govern at scale really, really hurts in FL.
FL Dems don't have anything to build around and haven't for decades. The FL GOP on the other hand puts in work making sure there's a steady steam of candidates for state office, and the legislature does everything they can to entrench GOP control whenever possible.
Yup. And every times the Dems get slaughtered they pretend the party is going to get together and build the bench, they go on listening tours and lose again in 2 years.


FL Dems don't have anything to build around and haven't for decades. The FL GOP on the other hand puts in work making sure there's a steady steam of candidates for state office, and the legislature does everything they can to entrench GOP control whenever possible.

isnt that the case for most of the Democratic states parties outside of the Northeast? TN, AL, MS, SD, UT, KS, etc parties aint doing well at all. Some are completely dead shutout of everything like WY, ID.


"We care too much about criminals and people who want to do us harm"

"We need to go back to a little old fashioned thinking if that makes sense"

What Donald.


"Most people don't know what acid washing emails means."

Donald, NO ONE knows what acid washing emails means.


CNN: "Trump: I will make sure military leads on cybersecurity."

I'm pretty sure before that it said he's going to use cyberattacks as a form of fighting. Did I read that right? (Had it on without sound!)
isnt that the case for most of the Democratic states parties outside of the Northeast? TN, AL, MS, SD, UT, KS, etc parties aint doing well at all. Some are completely dead shutout of everything like WY, ID.
Florida has dem politicians but the party is balkanized into different parts of the state which has lead to decimation and infighting on the state level. They occasionally get their shit together for national elections though, usually with outsiders forcing unity and squishing infighting.

Florida should be a very balanced state.


Another day, another round of Silver tweets defending his own/attacking others' forecasts. Just let it go, Nathaniel.


Lol, is Trump REALLY lecturing others on cyber-security? Have I wandered into the Twilight Zone or something? This fucking guy......

The day Donald Trump got the nomination is when we entered the twilight zone. Can't believe he's even in the race. But whatever at this point we gotta beat this fucker come election in November.


First tragedy, then farce.
Donald sounds like one of the mid level technology project managers I had to work with at Goldman.

Doesn't understand the words coming out of their mouth, but wants to form 8 action committees to come up with a 'best in class solution' and hope the underpaid programmers make something that works, and then they'll just call it 'best in class' and that it does what it was supposed to, whether it does or not.


Donald proving again that he has no comprehension about how anything in government or the military works. "We don't even know where our bombs are landing. We don't know who we're hitting."


isnt that the case for most of the Democratic states parties outside of the Northeast? TN, AL, MS, SD, UT, KS, etc parties aint doing well at all. Some are completely dead shutout of everything like WY, ID.

It's kinda hard to get solid recurits for local races when on the presidential level the democrats have been losing almost all of those states by double digit margins in the last decade or two(besides SD in 08).


Florida has dem politicians but the party is balkanized into different parts of the state which has lead to decimation and infighting on the state level. They occasionally get their shit together for national elections though, usually with outsiders forcing unity and squishing infighting.

Florida should be a very balanced state.

On paper Democrats should be competitive in FL, OH, WI, MI, VA, NC, NV, CO, NM, IA, but they don't control any of those except for the CO & VA governorship. Adding insult is NJ, ME, IL, MD & MA blue territory controlled by Rs. The only governorship they have in Red Territory is LA. They know how to win in Presidential but crap the bed 2 years later.

Now there will be self-correction next year and in 2018. I have no faith Democrats will self correct in some of those in a midterm.
Can we blame DWS and the Florida Democratic Party? We haven't had a good DWS-related controversy in a while. Feels overdue.

She's one of the worst, most ineffective people in Washington and apparently even worse in Florida. Murphy isn't her fault but if anyone is emblematic of the republican-lite empty suit culture that Murphy comes from it's her. It's 2016, that empty suit shit doesn't work as well for white guys anymore.
The whole "don't tell them we are attacking" is some of the stupidest shit. Like in Mosul ISIS is going to see the Iraqi army out their windows and think "oh they are here for a stroll."


One random thing about this whole "1995" thing that amuses me:

Over the past few days, in various conversations, I've seen this approximate sentiment:
"wow - how did Trump lose money during the Clinton Boom?"

Whether or not Bill deserves credit for 1995's economy, I love having "The Clinton Boom" randomly popping-up into conversations. It's a subtle reinforcement of the notion that the economy does well with a Clinton (and/or Democrats) in charge.



Oct 3, 10:48 AM. The latest forecast gives Clinton a 77% chance to win.
(Up from 70% last week)


My father says the Clinton Boom only happened because of the long term payoff of Reaganomics.
Same as my uncle, hehe..

I've also been thinking: the idea that an economic recession is inevitable before 2020 seems pretty widespread. Imagine the fallout if we get another economic upswing in that time frame. Rightly or wrongly, the Clinton name would be forever tied to the idea of economic good times.
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