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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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The thing about the town hall debate is that Trump objectively cannot stand still for one fucking second, so what will he do while Clinton is answering questions? Pace? Bounce on his chair? Get in her face and say "that's not true!"?
For me this is the most interesting thing to think about right now. He relied so heavily upon interruptions and one-word blurts in the first debate, which aren't really things you can do in a town hall format. As he's not obeyed any conventional campaign rules so far it wouldn't surprise me that much if he throws that courtesy out as well. He may well interrupt her from his chair as she's standing next to a voter, looking at them as she speaks. Would look soooooooo childish, of course. Imagine a "WRONG!" from 50 feet away across the stage while the camera isn't even on him.

Although this makes fact-checking both from Clinton and the moderators if they aren't wusses harder. It's in poor taste to interrupt a candidate as they're talking to a voter directly. I want to think that the most basic stuff like the Iraq war opposition and birther stuff he refuses to give up on would get called out instantly. It shouldn't be on poor Hillary to have to correct stuff like that during her own time. A town hall sort of relies on the expectations of the candidates being genuine, unfortunately.
8 in 10 Trump supporters? Okay, that's gotta be an outlier. Either that or Trump fans like fucking around with CNN pollsters.
Keep in mind this was done before the NYT Tax story bomb. If you poll those same folks now however, I'm sure it will come down to 4 in 10.

New PA poll

Queen 47
Trump 38

Among registered voters, she's ahead by 12.

McGinty+6 but it's 41-35.... How the fuck is Toomey only at 35%?

Toomey isn't well known here. He's done literally nothing in his 6 year term that anyone gives a shit about.

The sole campaign ad he runs here has something to do with a bipartisan bill on gun control, because that's literally the only thing he did.
Assange's big story today was linking to TruePundit.com who says that Hillary once suggested killing Assange in a drone strike.

TruePundit.com, always accurate.

TruePundit.com is actually getting clowned on by even fucking Info Wars, jesus christ.


I maintain that Clinton will have double digit wins in Colorado, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Florida and North Carolina are about as Democratic or maybe a little bit more Democratic than the national average. Which would make a Trump win in Ohio weird. I'm saying she wins but it's not as impressive as the first three states listed. Iowa..... dunno.
Can't wait for the VP debates tomorrow.

I honestly think I'm more excited for this than I was for the real one. Dad's got this.

What people are forgetting here is Pence has like, horrible stage fright.

Everyone remember the time that he had to address the media in front of everyone after the backlash from his gay discrimination law? He froze for like 10 minutes in front of the lights without saying anything
Why does Trump constantly scream about the national debt when all of his proposals would massively increase the national debt.

I know he treats his fans like the suckers they are, but it's honestly ballsy to bring up the national debt being high as a negative as a candidate when you want to make the debt much larger.
I just filled out my absentee ballot for NJ. It's gonna be really weird not getting into a booth next month. First time in nearly a decade of voting.


I kinda feel bad for the Newsweek guy - he's done good work, and keeps getting overshadowed by the Times and Post.


I maintain that Clinton will have double digit wins in Colorado, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Which would make a Trump win in Ohio weird. I'm saying she wins but it's not as impressive as the former three. Iowa..... dunno.

Virginia and Colorado have a larger percentage of white educated voters, which are looking to flip Democrat this election. Colorado is also more diverse than Ohio, can't speak for Virginia or PA on that.

Ohio essentially doesn't represent the American electorate anymore, maybe the electorate 20+ years ago, but it does not represent a modern, diversified, and highly educated electorate

I had a perfect map to illustrate white educated portion of the electorate, but I can't find it now.


Why does Trump constantly scream about the national debt when all of his proposals would massively increase the national debt.

I know he treats his fans like the suckers they are, but it's honestly ballsy to bring up the national debt being high as a negative as a candidate when you want to make the debt much larger.

It isn't ballsy, he is just an absolute idiot who doesn't understand the difference.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Damn, just realized I can't watch the VP debate live because I'll be tutoring. That takes away half the fun. Fortunately no scheduled conflicts for the next to presidential debates.



What the hell.

I dunno, it's not that weird -- what's weirder is the total vote turnaround for Nixon in those Deep South states. Otherwise, the West was deeply conservative, the Northeast had its particular Republicans, and the Democrats still held on to loyal working class voters throughout the Midwest and upper South, at least for people who weren't single issue race voters.

The Republicans were otherwise priming the pump for the Southern Strategy in the 50s with Eisenhower pandering to the God Fearing, prayerful America crowd and letting McCarthy resurrect the Jewish-Bolshieviks in Hollywood narrative that was popular with isolationist and religious fundamentalists before the war. Small wonder then, that the Republicans elected in the South before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed were even more radical than the regional Democrats on those issues.

If Clinton wins Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina this year, we should consider that the Democratic "Southern Strategy" is the long term winner in the most populous Southern states based on a platform of racial inclusivity and education.


Kills Photobucket
Much interest as I have in the election overall. I'm not really that interested in tomorrow night's debate.

Least it will be a bit more "even sided", as Pence knows how to conduct himself during a debate, even if he is full of it.
Virginia and Colorado have a larger percentage of white educated voters, which are looking to flip Democrat this election. Colorado is also more diverse than Ohio, can't speak for Virginia or PA on that.

Ohio essentially doesn't represent the American electorate anymore, maybe the electorate 20+ years ago, but it does not represent a modern, diversified, and highly educated electorate

I had a perfect map to illustrate white educated portion of the electorate, but I can't find it now.

Pennsylvania has similar demographics to Ohio- a lot of white voters and a negligible amount of hispanics.

it is much more educated though. 30% of the population here have bachelor's degrees- Ohio is more like 26%.

Pennsylvania's "rust belt" days are pretty much behind it- The Philadelphia and Pittsburgh metro areas have both embraced new industries and are booming. Appalachia is a mess, but few people live there, and the state's economy isn't dependent on steel in any meaningful sense anymore.

Ohio is still knee deep in the auto manufacturing business though. It's a lot more blue collar.


I'm using tomorrow's debate as a palette cleanser. A window into an alternate timeline where we still had normal, boring politicians talking about normal, boring things in "good ol' boy" accents.


I want to hear more questioning of Trump surrogates on how Trumps tax plan prevents his level of "genius" from ripping off the country.


contribute something
I dunno, it's not that weird -- what's weirder is the total vote turnaround for Nixon in those Deep South states. Otherwise, the West was deeply conservative, the Northeast had its particular Republicans, and the Democrats still held on to loyal working class voters throughout the Midwest and upper South, at least for people who weren't single issue race voters.

Demographics and ideology seem to be turning the West into one of the most left-wing parts of the US, with the exclusion of Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming.
I maintain that Clinton will have double digit wins in Colorado, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Florida and North Carolina are about as Democratic or maybe a little bit more Democratic than the national average. Which would make a Trump win in Ohio weird. I'm saying she wins but it's not as impressive as the first three states listed. Iowa..... dunno.

Hot take: I bet Ohio and NE-2 end up being the two closest EVs.


Kills Photobucket
Much as I want Trump and his ads out of Colorado, I guess it's worth knowing he's wasting money here, rather than some place it might help.


Much interest as I have in the election overall. I'm not really that interested in tomorrow night's debate.

Least it will be a bit more "even sided", as Pence knows how to conduct himself during a debate, even if he is full of it.

I hope Tim Kaine hits him on his discrimination laws and intentionally targeting woment seeking abortions.

Pennsylvania has similar demographics to Ohio- a lot of white voters and a negligible amount of hispanics.

it is much more educated though. 30% of the population here have bachelor's degrees- Ohio is more like 26%.

Pennsylvania's "rust belt" days are pretty much behind it- The Philadelphia and Pittsburgh metro areas have both embraced new industries and are booming. Appalachia is a mess, but few people live there, and the state's economy isn't dependent on steel in any meaningful sense anymore.

Ohio is still knee deep in the auto manufacturing business though. It's a lot more blue collar.

Does PA consist of a larger percentage of African Americans as well?


Nearly 75 percent of adults over 25 in the district are white and don’t have a four-year degree, according to Census data. If the 2nd District were a state, it would trail only West Virginia in that category.


To protect Democrats’ hold on all of the state’s four electoral votes, the Clinton campaign is relying on its ability to outwork Trump on the ground. “She’s got a terrific ground game,” former Democratic Gov. John Baldacci said. “Her organization has more offices, more people working and volunteering, than any previous campaign I can remember.”
Trump’s campaign hired Christie-Lee McNally, a former state party executive director, in July, but Republican and Democratic operatives alike say Trump has been slow to staff up. “It seems like an undermanned operation right now,” said Lance Dutson, a GOP operative in the state.
Clinton has 22 paid staffers in Maine, with some paid through the state party and other directly by the Clinton campaign. Republicans have nearly 70 paid staffers on the ground overall, according to Jason Savage, the state GOP’s executive director. But he declined to say how many of those staffers are working on the presidential campaign. There are only four staffers in Maine working directly for the Trump campaign, Bennett said.


8 in 10 Trump supporters? Okay, that's gotta be an outlier. Either that or Trump fans like fucking around with CNN pollsters.

She's also got a big forehead.

I think I like you.

I can believe it. They'll still vote for Trump and they'll justify it by saying he's a business genius.

Trump supporters haven't gotten the message yet—give it a couple weeks and it'll be patriotic to skip out on taxes, just like Republicans are now really sweet on Putin.

Stools because Hillary is weak and needs STOOLSSS & PILLOWS!

Exactly this.
To clarify, the poll is pre-NYT tax report on Trump
I'm using tomorrow's debate as a palette cleanser. A window into an alternate timeline where we still had normal, boring politicians talking about normal, boring things in "good ol' boy" accents.

I think Pence is going to have to defend a lot of Trump stuff, so that'll probably destroy the illusion of the alternate timeline you'll have going. I agree that a Kaine/ Pence debate in a vacuum could be interesting. Pence has a tougher record to defend for undecideds, though. I'm curious to see how good Kaine is at attacking while maintaining the nice-guy persona.
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