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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Was glancing through the responses for Ayotte's retraction tweet and saw PoliGAF's own Boke18 (recognized the avatar). Now I'm curious how many of you duders and dudettes tweet at politicians, also? Lol

I tweeted at a ton of political writers about my Trump/Blood Meridian piece, only to realize months later that my tweets had been set to private the whole time. I also tweeted at Tim Heidecker to let him know that Grover Norquist was ripping off his vaping material.




Was Brian Williams one of the only people tonight to give any attention to wikileaks? He did it in passing as he was ending his show I believe.

Anyone staying up for Julian Assange's address? 4am eastern time

No way. Need more sleep. :) While I believe and hope it's nothing. I can't help but be annoyed/concerned as I'm paranoid like that given how much this guy has it in for Hillary and dems.
Someone wanna make a separate thread about the Ayotte quotes? It's blowing up my Twitter feed but I can't really choose a good link to use for an OP...
I dunno, it's not that weird -- what's weirder is the total vote turnaround for Nixon in those Deep South states. Otherwise, the West was deeply conservative, the Northeast had its particular Republicans, and the Democrats still held on to loyal working class voters throughout the Midwest and upper South, at least for people who weren't single issue race voters.

The Republicans were otherwise priming the pump for the Southern Strategy in the 50s with Eisenhower pandering to the God Fearing, prayerful America crowd and letting McCarthy resurrect the Jewish-Bolshieviks in Hollywood narrative that was popular with isolationist and religious fundamentalists before the war. Small wonder then, that the Republicans elected in the South before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed were even more radical than the regional Democrats on those issues.

If Clinton wins Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina this year, we should consider that the Democratic "Southern Strategy" is the long term winner in the most populous Southern states based on a platform of racial inclusivity and education.

Those 3 states at the end are a good place to stop too. With the way white voters are tipped to the Republicans in the other Southern states that lack true metro areas (MS, AL, TN, etc..), there's basically no way to win those states anymore. Any left-wing social position would sink you instantly. Those 3 states have a good shot of getting taken over by their populous cities though (and hipsters in the case of NC).

The invasion wouldn't come out of nowhere, there would be signs and a nuclear response would be threatened. It'd trigger a diplomatic crisis and Russia would back down, but if they didn't the US isn't going to make their threats of nuclear deterrence toothless.

If only war between nuclear powers would be so clean. Especially since fighting Russia in northern Europe would be a daunting challenge even for the US.

I'm not convinced that we'd go for the nukes over a smaller country like Estonia. Certainly for a larger ally, but I think if pushed, we balk on smaller invasions and go conventional. And even then, I don't think we use ground troops as much as we use constant drone strikes; it's one thing to hide from drones when you're a lowkey terrorist cell that can move covertly. It's another thing to maintain stuff like an airfield in broad daylight without us obliterating the runways. It'd take about a month for us to drone strike most of the major airfields, and also their aircraft carriers (they've only got the one good one if it's been completed, the other one is ancient and gets tugged back to harbor frequently).

It's been a long time since we had to fight a conventional war against a nation with organization and infrastructure to blow up. Those targets are super exposed and really easy to destroy. If Russia tried to go that route, I give it a few months before top gov't officials "slip in the shower" and the new officials call the whole thing off.


What if this Assange stuff is a real knockout?

I am of two minds if it was some real hellfire and brimstone they would have dropped it, because that kind of stuff works best unannounced.

But if it is something ,even minimal the news could twist it into a gigantic thing.

Tell me I am just bedwetting


What if this Assange stuff is a real knockout?

I am of two minds if it was some real hellfire and brimstone they would have dropped it, because that kind of stuff works best unannounced.

But if it is something ,even minimal the news could twist it into a gigantic thing.

Tell me I am just bedwetting

I'm not worried about it until it's actually something. This isn't the first time Assange has done this and he craves attention
I'm not convinced that we'd go for the nukes over a smaller country like Estonia. Certainly for a larger ally, but I think if pushed, we balk on smaller invasions and go conventional. And even then, I don't think we use ground troops as much as we use constant drone strikes; it's one thing to hide from drones when you're a lowkey terrorist cell that can move covertly. It's another thing to maintain stuff like an airfield in broad daylight without us obliterating the runways. It'd take about a month for us to drone strike most of the major airfields, and also their aircraft carriers (they've only got the one good one if it's been completed, the other one is ancient and gets tugged back to harbor frequently).

It's been a long time since we had to fight a conventional war against a nation with organization and infrastructure to blow up. Those targets are super exposed and really easy to destroy. If Russia tried to go that route, I give it a few months before top gov't officials "slip in the shower" and the new officials call the whole thing off.

Russia isn't some push-over country that the US can fight like this. How do you use only drones against a country whose air force will be a real threat over its own air space unless the US fights hard for it and will mine the Baltic to hell?
Those 3 states at the end are a good place to stop too. With the way white voters are tipped to the Republicans in the other Southern states that lack true metro areas (MS, AL, TN, etc..), there's basically no way to win those states anymore. Any left-wing social position would sink you instantly. Those 3 states have a good shot of getting taken over by their populous cities though (and hipsters in the case of NC).

I'm not convinced that we'd go for the nukes over a smaller country like Estonia. Certainly for a larger ally, but I think if pushed, we balk on smaller invasions and go conventional. And even then, I don't think we use ground troops as much as we use constant drone strikes; it's one thing to hide from drones when you're a lowkey terrorist cell that can move covertly. It's another thing to maintain stuff like an airfield in broad daylight without us obliterating the runways. It'd take about a month for us to drone strike most of the major airfields, and also their aircraft carriers (they've only got the one good one if it's been completed, the other one is ancient and gets tugged back to harbor frequently).

It's been a long time since we had to fight a conventional war against a nation with organization and infrastructure to blow up. Those targets are super exposed and really easy to destroy. If Russia tried to go that route, I give it a few months before top gov't officials "slip in the shower" and the new officials call the whole thing off.
What about Louisiana? Could it be a fourth pull from the South or does it just lack the incentives to pull in the educated urban whites?


The invasion wouldn't come out of nowhere, there would be signs and a nuclear response would be threatened. It'd trigger a diplomatic crisis and Russia would back down, but if they didn't the US isn't going to make their threats of nuclear deterrence toothless.
Nuclear deterrent is mostly toothless any everyone knows that. No one is going to end human civilization over Estonia, and that's not a bad thing.
And again, while I don't think this scenario is remotely plausible, if Russia ever try to start some shit in Estonia (and I don't think they will) they will try to make it look like not a war.
A full blown, rolling in with tanks type of ground invasion would end up in a disaster for them anyway.

That classic Yes, Prime Minister clip about nuclear detterent.


Watch Brian Kilmeade start to grow brain cells and debate the merits of reporting on Assange and why Fox/conservatives are using him, while his co-anchors try to save him from the wrath of the Murdoch overlords.


"As a news agency, don't we have a responsibility to report it to the American people?"
You need to first become a news agency.

What if this Assange stuff is a real knockout?

I am of two minds if it was some real hellfire and brimstone they would have dropped it, because that kind of stuff works best unannounced.

But if it is something ,even minimal the news could twist it into a gigantic thing.

Tell me I am just bedwetting

We've gone through this song and dance multiple times now, and he hasn't had anything. When he does produce something tangible, we can react then. It would just be rampant speculation at this point anyways.


What if this Assange stuff is a real knockout?

I am of two minds if it was some real hellfire and brimstone they would have dropped it, because that kind of stuff works best unannounced.

But if it is something ,even minimal the news could twist it into a gigantic thing.

Tell me I am just bedwetting

You're bedwetting.

Remember the whitey tape?
That Kilmeade video is amazing. I'm glad he woke up, but really this is what crosses the line?
as someone who considers Snowdon as a traitor, I agree with Killmade on this: the absurdity of Republicans being happy about foreign hackers backed by the the Soviet KGB operatives in Russia meddling in the US election.

what would Ike, Dick and Ronnie hink?




What if this Assange stuff is a real knockout?

I am of two minds if it was some real hellfire and brimstone they would have dropped it, because that kind of stuff works best unannounced.

But if it is something ,even minimal the news could twist it into a gigantic thing.

Tell me I am just bedwetting
You're bedwetting.
If you're sitting on a real bombshell, you don't release bullshit like "Hillary wanted to drone Assange".
Notice how he's trying to gin up hype by saying that he can't be on the Ecuadorian embassy's balcony (implying Hillary's notorious assassin Benjamin Ghazi will take him out).

If his story can stand on it's legs he doesn't need hype. He's got a nothingburger.
The only thing I can think of is Assange somehow has a "retrieved" e-mail which is hard (but controversial) evidence that it was considered super classified or whatever. That's really the only thing I can think of - and it'll just bring up the annoying e-mail debate again.

Or Hillary had an affair. Which has nothing to do with anything but Repubs would try to blow something like that up to kingdom come.

Either way I hope it's absolutely nothing.


That was actually a rumored thing? Always thought that was an internet joke.

Edit: I was about to google it but desided....nah lol. I know what I would get.

Edit 2: 4am est.

I remember Rush Limbaugh swearing Larry Johnson knew people that had seen the tape and it was going to get released right before the election. When it didn't come out they blamed the McCain campaign for requesting it not be used.


What about Louisiana? Could it be a fourth pull from the South or does it just lack the incentives to pull in the educated urban whites?

I can't speak much for Louisiana, but Alabama and Tennessee are probably the furthest out of reach for the Democrats of all Southern states.

I think parts of Alabama are really sad. There are a lot of hollowed out small towns in the state that are clearly casualties of white flight.

Georgia has to be (and is) on the Dems radar
Whatever anyone is about to do is going to be swallowed up by Matthew coverage. I'm glad Obamas emergency response history has been pretty awesome.
just gonna point out that the biggest bombshell assange has had all year wasn't even directly related to clinton or her campaign

this is probably true extrapolated out to the biggest 50 bombshells

as usual, it's going to be fucking nothing

(also, mike pence will experience the debate equivalent of repeatedly being submerged in a dunk tank tomorrow)
I can't speak much for Louisiana, but Alabama and Tennessee are probably the furthest out of reach for the Democrats of all Southern states.

I think parts of Alabama are really sad. There are a lot of hollowed out small towns in the state that are clearly casualties of white flight.

Well, Tennesee's more out of reach because it's still quietly under the control of the Bush Wing - Haslam's a standard issue early 2000's Republican who occasionally lets the legislature pass crazy things that don't matter (making the Bible the official book of the state) or that he knows will be shot down by the courts in the long run.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Watch Brian Kilmeade start to grow brain cells and debate the merits of reporting on Assange and why Fox/conservatives are using him, while his co-anchors try to save him from the wrath of the Murdoch overlords.

If nothing else, this has been a fascinating year of watching various conservatives reluctantly, if not accidentally, do some soul searching. There's a real struggle to figure out their loyalties and priorities in the face of Donald Trump dominating the Republican party. A lot of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance has been laid bare and it's been hard for them to ignore.

Gary Johnson may be having the last laugh after-all.
No thanks to him. If anything his embarrassing campaign has been an argument against legalization.
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