Why am I watching this?
can barely understand what he's saying
Hillary got to him ;_;can barely understand what he's saying
Listen with headphones, and only listen to the left channel.
Yes an epic battle that still rages this very hour.WAIT HE MENTIONED 100 YEARS AGO
is this when ISIS came into existence and Hillary came alive to fight her eternal enemy the ISIS
So this is just "Julian Assanage how great I am"?
Bahahaha!Assange sounds like he's the second to last boss fight in a JRPG and is going through his monologue.
pls contribute. At the moment it sounds like it's just a fundraising scam to fleece the deplorables.
We have so much stuff to leak! But we're not going to do it at 3:00am. LOLOLOLOL
"Before the end of the year"
Wikileaks just pulled a Trump hotel opening with infowars/altright
y2kev was right
We have so much stuff to leak! But we're not going to do it at 3:00am. LOLOLOLOL
"Before the end of the year"
I mean, these are the easiest people to rip off so it's not a bad idea on the surface.
This is just such an obvious scam that it may not work.
They're launching a membership system.
Assange is hawking merch on the conf
Jones cut to his own merch that he's hawking
fucking ace
come on man, NSFW
Why does Trump constantly scream about the national debt when all of his proposals would massively increase the national debt.
I know he treats his fans like the suckers they are, but it's honestly ballsy to bring up the national debt being high as a negative as a candidate when you want to make the debt much larger.
what part?
This is a fucking infomercial I am cackling.
There is no better sign that Wikileaks is part of the far right than the fact that they are focusing on scamming their supporters.