Gabriel Debenedetti ‏@gdebenedetti 5h5 hours ago Virginia, USA
Team Clinton this AM pointing out that Hispanic vote by mail ballot requests are up 73% in Florida compared to this point in '12.
Alex "Human" Jones.
Because you are blessed.How the hell have I managed to avoid seeing a picture of that shithole before now?
Alex "Human" Jones.
He would be the greatest wrestling personality.
I want Kaine to devote a good amount of time to attacking Pence tonight. Pence is still a national unkown and I think there are plenty of moderate Republicans who are holding on to Pence as a sort of security blanket to help them justify voting for Trump. Kaine should frame Pence as an extremist who is the perfect Trump lackey.
What in the name of...who the fuck is that?
A pepe sign in the sea of Clinton/Kaine signs on CNN. They didn't even color it in. Racist and lazy smh.
I do love the Obama-style Trump poster with an ass on it titled RUMP.
That is classy.
Rudy and Ailes finishing lunch, leaving in a limo while smoking cigars.
Stolen from Twitter: "This photo is like a stereotype of how people imagine Republicans."
Dont forget, TARGETSMART had Clinton +3 in OH going into debate.Monmouth is releasing a poll of Ohio tomorrow.
Hoping for some good news, I'd take a tie.
7:00PM EST
8:00PM EST
9:00PM EST
Election Night will be quick if things keep going smoothly. Let's ignore the blue states(MI, WI included) and FL, OH, NV, NC etc
If they are called right at poll closings the rest are extras.
Have I mentioned that I love Michelle Obama?
11 seconds of shade..
I think we'll know by 11EST if it's Hillary. If things are tighter (hopefully not) we might not know until the wee hours of the morning.
I got Stein too, shit poll
i have some bad news guys..
megyn kelly has skewered boris
I'm confused. Is Megyn Kelly sane or not?
Trump is afraid of MichelleTrump's war with Michelle Obama would be amazing.
Trump's war with Michelle Obama would be amazing.
Former President Bill Clinton steamrolled President Obamas signature healthcare law at a rally, calling it the craziest thing in the world.
Speaking Monday in Flint, Mich., Clinton blasted the core principles of ObamaCare as unworkable as he pitched a new system that would allow people to buy into Medicare or Medicaid.
Youve got this crazy system where all the sudden 25 million more people have healthcare and then the people are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half, Clinton said.
Its the craziest thing in the world, he said.
Clintons blunt remarks while campaigning for his wife, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, run in direct contrast to her previous promises to build on ObamaCare.
Yup, if these states have double digit Clinton leads then they should be called soon after closing, and the night will end early. The only maybe is Virginia because NoVA counts really slowly, but if Clinton dominates the Richmond and Virginia Beach area like I think she will, it'll probably be called much earlier than in '08 and '12. She's dead in the water in southwest Virginia, but maybe Kaine can prevent a total 2012-style wipeout there.Election Night will be quick if things keep going smoothly. Let's ignore the blue states(MI, WI included) and FL, OH, NV, NC etc
If they are called right at poll closings the rest are extras.
What is it with old, rich white dudes and having cigars after meals?
Fucking Bill Clinton
Goddamn it. There goes the Trump tax returns news cycle...
Goddamn it. There goes the Trump tax returns news cycle...
Fucking Bill Clinton
Oh god, please let Trump and his minions attack her.
Nobody cares about this and these comments are taken so far out of context, never mind that clintons already called for changes and the public option!Fucking Bill Clinton
Rudy and Ailes finishing lunch, leaving in a limo while smoking cigars.
Stolen from Twitter: "This photo is like a stereotype of how people imagine Republicans."
I'm a little concerned about the hurricane. It's going to hit mostly blue areas and there's no way Rick Scott will ever pull a Christie '08 even if Obama has the best response in the world. Could affect turnout.
Everyducking time liberals complain about something bill Clinton says I get mad because no one ever cares.
Oh god, please let Trump and his minions attack her.