Yep they dont get a pass here at all.Why didn't Politico independently verify what the blog post said before it posted it as news?
Yep they dont get a pass here at all.Why didn't Politico independently verify what the blog post said before it posted it as news?
Kevin RobillardVerified account
.@marcorubio raised $9.6 MILLION in the third quarter, the best quarter any Senate candidate has had this cycle. #FLSen
You need to ask? They shoot first then ask questions. They post stuff as soon as they get it, and then change headlines after reading through it.Why didn't Politico independently verify what the blog post said before it posted it as news?
They have one more plan to try if these fake folders don't work:
Yall want to see a nice rant from a Trump supporter getting nervous?
Why didn't Politico independently verify what the blog post said before it posted it as news?
I still can't wrap my mind around Trump campaigning in Prescott. Yavapai county is solidly R. The only races that get close for D are a couple House seats, but they still lose. The county went 58% Bush in 2000 and has been rising since, reaching 64% for Romney.
A little disappointed there wasn't a "medical records" folder, too. If you're going to fake it, might as well go all out! B- effort overall.Yep. No verification. Nothing. Just "OMG HACKED HERE"
Becuase the breaking news was that he "claimed" to release these docs. They clearly said "he claims" and hadn't verified.
Hell even RT does the normal hedging with "claims" and "allegedly"
Hot take theory question: If the hurricane hits bad on the east coast, could Trump pull a bullshit excuse to try and skip the debate?
Maybe he wants to show he has support and maybe a huge supporting crowd will help his case.
Isn't that why he started trying to court the black vote?
SurveyUSA finally does a NC poll with an electorate that's in touch with reality. Shows Clinton ahead for 1st time
Perhaps it's because I have plans and won't be watching, but I am convinced tonight's debate will have zero impact and be very dull.
Oh wait, that's not because of sour grapes, it's because it's Kaine and Pence. Zzzzzzzz.
This was an embarrassment for Politico. They don't deserve the benefit of the doubt at all
We're just working backwards. You want to hate that politico posted this even though I see nothing wrong with their reporting or any lies or mistruths. They're not going to not report potential leaks.
They're not the clinton campaign, they didn't lie.
Maybe its not what clinton supports want them to do but attacking the media for something that wasn't wrong seems way too defensive.
Maybe have gone through fact checking first? All this tells me is that I can whip up a fake list of folders, fill them with junk, host it on a sharing website and send the link to Politico with the header "Clinton met with aliens leak - TOPSECRET" and they will publish it.We're just working backwards. You want to hate that politico posted this even though I see nothing wrong with their reporting or any lies or mistruths. They're not going to not report potential leaks.
They're not the clinton campaign, they didn't lie.
Maybe its not what clinton supports want them to do but attacking the media for something that wasn't wrong seems way too defensive.
Today's new Iowa early vote numbers:
Ds: 22,895
Rs: 9,887
NPs: 6,559
Absentees Requested:
Ds: 95,681
Rs: 49,384
NPs: 40,546
Compared to 2012:
Ds: 64%
Rs: 76%
NPs: 69%
Republicans really starting to fall off from their 2012 numbers. Were at 110%
In person voting in IA heavy GOP.Some potential trouble for the GOP in Iowa...
We're just working backwards. You want to hate that politico posted this even though I see nothing wrong with their reporting or any lies or mistruths. They're not going to not report potential leaks.
They're not the clinton campaign, they didn't lie.
Maybe its not what clinton supports want them to do but attacking the media for something that wasn't wrong seems way too defensive.
Some potential trouble for the GOP in Iowa...
Except Kayleigh tho.Can we drone all of these CNN Trump surrogates once this election is over? They're all completely insufferable.
Yeah dont get it this happens way too often.Why are you defending poor journalism? They need to verify reports before posting it as news. This isn't even the first time this has happened. This isn't even the first time this has happened this week
Except Kayleigh tho.
I think [Obamas] health care bill has been a remarkable success for 25 million people, and for getting rid of pre-existing conditions, and the problems with it show why the president was right to recommend a public option in the first place because the only real problems I can see with it are small business people and individual working people just above the subsidy line are having. Why is that? Because theyre small, theyre independent, they do have any market power vis a vis the insurance companies, and thats why Hillary said, The change we need is not to wreck this thing and repeal it. Its done too much good. The change we need is to create an affordable option for the small business people and the working people who are not covered  thats what the public opinion is about.
Michael Reagan, whos been a vocal opponent of Trump, dismissed his proposed tax plan that some say resembles the former presidents, adding that Ronald Reagan would suggest voting for down-ballot Republicans as a way to be a check on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
I am glad my father is not alive to watch this...He would tell us to vote the down ticket to stop Hillary, he tweeted on Monday.
Poorly written. This is what that ment
Politico isn't an arm of the clinton campaign, they have no responsibility to go to bat for them (the campaign)
Politico didn't lie in its report, it prefaced it with "claims"
Poorly written. This is what that ment
Politico isn't an arm of the clinton campaign, they have no responsibility to go to bat for them (the campaign)
Politico didn't lie in its report, it prefaced it with "claims"
Looking how this is playing out how the Russians want this to.
1. They know its not from the foundation
2. Articles report that someone claims to have foundations documents
3. Foundation is forced to issue denial
4. Articles are written about how the new scandal isn't a scandel
5. Articles with clinton foundation and scandal poliferate and trend on twitter.
The last thing is the end goal. Associating clinton with scandal
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 3m3 minutes ago Washington, DC
(this poll, of course, was conducted pre-debate)
GOP requests were front loaded. Hopefully Democratic requests are more back loaded and they perform well in early voting.I mean, yes, but they are now well behind their 2012 benchmarks after being ahead before. That's not good. Dems aren't dong as well either, but now it's not nearly as perilous.
Take Ohio, for example, where Trump leads Hillary Clinton by just two points — a statistical dead heat. Ohio has at least 865,204 Eastern European American voters, including 420,149 Polish-Americans, 183,593 Hungarian Americans, 118,975 Slovak Americans, and 40,742 Ukrainian Americans. These are the white, ethnic working-class Reagan Democrats whom Trump is expecting to carry him to victory in Ohio. In a tight race, he can’t afford to lose any of these voters over his Putin bromance.
Or take Florida, where Trump trails Clinton by two points. In 2000, George W. Bush won the state by just 537 votes. Florida has 747,243 voters of Eastern European descent, most of whom are not happy with Trump’s embrace of Putin. If 2016 is close, losing even a fraction of those voters could mean losing Florida — and the White House.
The story is the same in other battleground states. Pennsylvania (where Trump is trailing Clinton by two points) has 1,481,914 voters of East European descent. Wisconsin (where Trump is gaining but still trails by five points) has 666,194. Michigan (where Trump is trailing by five points) has 1,075,800.
Especially Kayleigh.Except Kayleigh tho.
Is there any chance the hurricane just goes away
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 7m7 minutes ago Washington, DC
Upshot/Siena poll in NC hints at why the debate might have given her a clear lead in NC. We had Clinton+2 (+4 h2h) with a modeled electorate
They're talking about their NC poll, and why this makes sense that she's increased her lead post debate.
Weird hill for NYC to die on. Come on.
Some potential trouble for the GOP in Iowa...
Let me once again post my absentee ballot spreadsheet