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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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There are a few people I know who are third party 'Don't blame me when Clinton loses' types, who regularly post highly critical shit about Clinton. Like, I will fucking blame you if she loses, for all those things you posted helping to discourage people to vote for Clinton.

So much of this is still childish spite over Clinton beating Sanders. Something which they had their heads so far buried in the sand over, that they didn't see the very clear writing on the wall, had no chance to come to terms with it, and just latched straight onto the 'she stole it from Bernie' belief.

Which is far worse in their eyes than anything Trump has done or said. See, Trump only ever said nice things about Bernie, and Bernie would have easily beaten him and they wanted Bernie, so if Trump wins it isn't their fault.

No matter how much they try to sabotage Clinton.

Bernie or bust is still a great description of them. They didn't get Bernie, so FUCK EVERYTHING.

And notice that they are frequently the same ones who say what the hell Clinton should easily be beating him.

That juxtaposition always makes me laugh.


Holy FUCKING shit at that Daily Show segment on Trump supporters in Ohio. I would say they are dumber than a sack of rocks, but I don't want to disparage the rocks. One guy wanted to get to the bottom of why Obama wasn't around the oval office during 9/11.
You know the age thing may work with Poppy Bush if the campaign didn't have to literally have someone PHYSICALLY PICK UP Bob Dole so he could be at the convention.
Holy FUCKING shit at that Daily Show segment on Trump supporters in Ohio. I would say they are dumber than a sack of rocks, but I don't want to disparage the rocks. One guy wanted to get to the bottom of why Obama wasn't around the oval office during 9/11.

Holy fuck, the amount of stupidity among republiscum trump supporters continue to have no bounds


Holy FUCKING shit at that Daily Show segment on Trump supporters in Ohio. I would say they are dumber than a sack of rocks, but I don't want to disparage the rocks. One guy wanted to get to the bottom of why Obama wasn't around the oval office during 9/11.
No way.


Holy fuck, the amount of stupidity among republiscum trump supporters continue to have no bounds

The worst part is they literally don't give a shit about any factual information. They are the embodiment of truthiness. They feel something is right in their gut and facts be damned.


How does this thread do 20 pages a day

I do twenty pages a morning with one arm tied behind my back, and just my pinky. You're missing a lot without PoliGAF GOLD™.

If Mike Pence and Scott Walker had a baby together and let Ted Cruz and Rick Santorum raise it, you would have Steve King.


FGC Waterboy
But this is the point of outliers, and also my point about treating stats as a religion instead of a science. Ann Selzer herself will tell you that she'll produce outliers. It's just how statistics works that everyone gets some outliers. Nothing in that post you quoted is off the mark. A person (and I suspect Selzer herself!) is very right to be suspicious about sub-04 turnout since the trendline (Nate's own favored metric) for that over the last two decades has been an increase in minority turnout.

The thing was, based on all the polls that came out afterward, it looks like the Clinton leaning ones were outliers - out last 10 polls, 7 were for Trump, 1 were a tie, and 2 were for Clinton. In September, 3 out of the 4 were for Trump, and in the same range as Selzer +5.


I want to respond to the other half, but need to get dinner and such first. :)
Now they say obese women may cause Autism in children- nonsense, they use any excuse. The FDA should immediately stop mass dose vaccinations. If you spread single doses out over a short period of years, Autism would be greatly reduced. It's just my opinion, but I know I'm right. Many people have noticed the problem only after the massive shot.

How many Vaxxer tweets does this dude have? People find a new one every two weeks.



Professional Schmuck
Just treat PoliGAF like a bar you like to visit. You don't have to hear or see every conversation, just get to know the regulars and know who the queens are.


Junior Member
Holy FUCKING shit at that Daily Show segment on Trump supporters in Ohio. I would say they are dumber than a sack of rocks, but I don't want to disparage the rocks. One guy wanted to get to the bottom of why Obama wasn't around the oval office during 9/11.

I wish I could say that I'm surprised.....


If Pence wasn't already so terrible I'd feel sorry for him being in this position

Every headline involving him is like "Pence just kind of shrugs over the latest Trump controversy"
Political Science suggests that the debate could lower the massive numbers of undecided voters:

Abstract: “Previous research on presidential debates has largely focused on direct effects of debates on viewers. By expanding the context of debate effects to post-debate citizen communication, this study moves beyond the direct and immediate impact of debate viewing and investigates indirect effects of debate viewing mediated by debate-induced citizen communication. Results from two-wave panel data collected before and after the 2004 presidential debates show that, as previous literature has suggested, debate viewing leads to partisan reinforcement and that these debate effects are in part mediated through post-debate political conversation. These findings provide a new layer of complexity to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying debate effects.”


CNN is not a fan of the constitution or James Madison FYI:



If Pence wasn't already so terrible I'd feel sorry for him being in this position

Every headline involving him is like "Pence just kind of shrugs over the latest Trump controversy"

*Engages fart face like he smelled a stinker*
"Well, I don't know anything about that but, let me say... I know Donald Trump and he is a good, decent family man and cares deeply about this country and, gosh, you know he just wants to make this country great."


my random election thoughts today

- You just know Trump is going to use part of his opening statement at the debate to be all "It's really a shame that GARY JOHNSON and JILL STEIN were unfairly kept off the debate stage...and of course BERNIE SANDERS, who should have run as an Independent I think -- that would have been tremendous, especially after his win was stolen in the Rigged Democratic Primary. Of course my opponent didn't want any of them here, since she's part of the political elite only *I* have been able to break through this year..." I can already hear reddit/young turks/etc. swooning -_-

- I'm pretty disappointed in the lack of Kasich Effect in Ohio lately? All during the primaries I kept hearing how popular he was in Ohio, how much sway he has, how dangerous he would be since he could lock up Ohio instantly, etc. Now he's been shitting on Trump daily and basically near open war with the RNC and yet it really doesn't seem to be denting Trump at all there. Again I'm wondering, we hear that Trump doesn't really represent the GOP and has just hijacked the party, but it doesn't look like that looking at the polls right now.

- I've seen others complaining about 538 and I don't want to pile on too much with that, but seriously wtf. It's not even making me nervous it's just annoying me. Trump is almost certainly going to pass Hillary in the nowcast tomorrow due to all their mysterious adjustments, and yeah, Nate is going to throw up a "ZOMG AHH!!!!" tweet and probably an article too. Stahhhp
My previous post suggesting splitting into multiple sub-PoliGAFs by topic got lost in the shuffle and I never saw anyone respond to it... but something like that would be easier to keep up with

- poll dancing
- drag queen gifs
- miscellaneous (this includes actual discussion about political topics)
I'm pretty disappointed in the lack of Kasich Effect in Ohio lately? All during the primaries I kept hearing how popular he was in Ohio, how much sway he has, how dangerous he would be since he could lock up Ohio instantly, etc. Now he's been shitting on Trump daily and basically near open war with the RNC and yet it really doesn't seem to be denting Trump at all there. Again I'm wondering, we hear that Trump doesn't really represent the GOP and has just hijacked the party, but it doesn't look like that looking at the polls right now.

As someone who lives in Ohio and is connected to the inner workings of at least one county-level party: there's been a split for a long time between Kasich and traditional Republicans, and the state Legislature which is pro-Trump/Tea Party heavy. At the county level, it's just short of an open insurrection against the party leaders; the Tea Party faction is trying to remove a long-time county commissioner this fall via an "independent" candidate.


I think the third debate could be extremely dangerous for Hillary if Trump holds his own in the first two. If Trump is an obvious loser I think Fox will want to put some distance between the Trump campaign and themselves.

I can't tell yet if that Hannity statement is Fox trying to distance themselves from journalistc impropriety before the debate or a reaction to the week Trump has been having.
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