Crab, I'm surprised you went to a college where they encouraged you not to use real facts in a debate.
You need to be very careful with it. I was on the university debate team (yes, yes, but I competed internationally and all), and fact-checking is dangerous. The judge (in this case, the American public) doesn't know the facts. If both sides present different facts, the judge will go with who they trust more, which means just reaffirming the judgements they already had. You can't just say to Trump "you're wrong about this; the case is this". Doesn't work, won't work. If she does, Trump will spout off some bullshit about "Crooked Clinton is lying to you again, this is actually the case!", be fundamentally unchallenged, and we'll be waking up to maximum bedwetting with the next set of polls.
Instead, you need to give the audience some sort of independent reason to trust your case. The trick I always found worked was "even if"; where you give two separate rebuttals. The first is just the usual "you're wrong about this; so this instead"; but the second is "but even if you were right, here's why your policy is so bad". It's much more effective for two reasons. Firstly, the fact your case stands in both worlds gives you the independent credibility to lever people towards your world, secondly, it gives the people not in your world something to persuade them with well. This is really easy to do for Trump because e.g. even in his own world where Mexicans are pouring over the border, building a wall does almost nothing and costs a huge amount of money that could actually have been spent on more border enforcement staff; Trump's just out to waste your money.
I'm always reminded of this cartoon:
and I'm amazed this point isn't made seriously more often. Okay, even in the world where global warming was a hoax... we've got more efficient power sources that are totally renewable and lead to less air pollution, so what did we really lose?
Basically, flip Trump's own table on him. That's how she'd win.
Just follow Harry Enten's Twitter feed and call it a day.
Silver is an awful pundit, and Malone and Avirgan are genuinely dumb. Solution: Don't listen to 538's podcast. Just follow Harry Enten's Twitter feed and call it a day.
Don't give Johnson more exposure than he deserves. Same with Stein.I think Johnson being on the debate stage would be pretty good for Clinton. She just needs to mention some of the more, uh, bizarre Libertarian policies and force him to either defend them or back down. Johnson gets a lot of votes from people who are naturally pretty leftwing but know nothing about him other than that he's an isolationist who'd legalize weed. If they know more, his ship would start sinking sharpish; and he's not a good media performer so it'd be easy to do. Plus, more importantly, it takes more airtime away from Trump.
I think Johnson being on the debate stage would be pretty good for Clinton. She just needs to mention some of the more, uh, bizarre Libertarian policies and force him to either defend them or back down. Johnson gets a lot of votes from people who are naturally pretty leftwing but know nothing about him other than that he's an isolationist who'd legalize weed. If they know more, his ship would start sinking sharpish; and he's not a good media performer so it'd be easy to do. Plus, more importantly, it takes more airtime away from Trump.
I think Johnson being on the debate stage would be pretty good for Clinton. She just needs to mention some of the more, uh, bizarre Libertarian policies and force him to either defend them or back down. Johnson gets a lot of votes from people who are naturally pretty leftwing but know nothing about him other than that he's an isolationist who'd legalize weed. If they know more, his ship would start sinking sharpish; and he's not a good media performer so it'd be easy to do. Plus, more importantly, it takes more airtime away from Trump.
Nobody knows anything about Gabon. It's the least memorable country in all of Africa.
I think Johnson being on the debate stage would be pretty good for Clinton. She just needs to mention some of the more, uh, bizarre Libertarian policies and force him to either defend them or back down. Johnson gets a lot of votes from people who are naturally pretty leftwing but know nothing about him other than that he's an isolationist who'd legalize weed. If they know more, his ship would start sinking sharpish; and he's not a good media performer so it'd be easy to do. Plus, more importantly, it takes more airtime away from Trump.
Don't give Johnson more exposure than he deserves. Same with Stein.
Why? Johnson is doing well because he does not get exposure. He's the perfect empty mould to pour your political desires into, the Kristen Stewart of politics. More exposure isn't going to make him do better, as we know from his counter with a leppo. He'll go down. Which is great for Clinton!
And unlike you guys, the less one to one Clinton has to have with Trump, the more comfortable I am.
You're trying to prove a point, right?
Jill Stein's favorable are -8. lol.
But I'm not single OR looking to mingle. What do *I* do?
The entire reason Trump did well in the primary debates is because he wasn't on the spot the whole time. He was able to duck behind the others and take time outs to regroup.
crab, no!!!!!!!!
Letting Johnson into the debates gives undecideds MORE options, and in fact a conservative option that isn't racism gone wild! We're trying to get 3rd party voters to come back to Hillary, not letting them stay with Johnson! Also, we want Trump to have MORE airtime, because having less airtime was what propelled him through the primaries!
Why? Johnson is doing well because he does not get exposure. He's the perfect empty mould to pour your political desires into, the Kristen Stewart of politics. More exposure isn't going to make him do better, as we know from his counter with a leppo. He'll go down. Which is great for Clinton!
And unlike you guys, the less one to one Clinton has to have with Trump, the more comfortable I am.
If the assumptions from the discussion Cybit and I were having last night are true, then this meshes with the idea that Trump has a very real ceiling (and it's not much higher than his floor), while Clinton's got a lot more room. It's all about getting her people through the LV screens, and hence, getting them to the polls.
I don't think so. Trump laps up attention. He eats it. As the number of candidates dropped, Trump started doing better, not worse. His best performances were later on, not earlier, in the primary debate season.
I don't think so. Trump laps up attention. He eats it. As the number of candidates dropped, Trump started doing better, not worse. His best performances were later on, not earlier, in the primary debate season.
But then I think they'll peel off anyway and vote for Clinton in the end (or not vote at all) because no one goes to the polls to blind vote for a guy. So on balance it's safer if he isn't in the debate.
So the former Tony Blair speechwriter and pro-Remain proponent wrote a hint piece for Clinton in the upcoming debates, learning from the loss of Brexit.
Clinton needs to stop taking a knife to a gun fight
Of course different audiences and all that, but it really does explain why facts dont stick anymore and Trump can lie his way about.
I think this is really dangerous and severely underestimates the apathy people have towards Clinton.
Man, I want to give Johnson exposure. As soon as he says, "Oh, and fuck Social Security," he immediately becomes non-viable to practically the whole country. We can stop pretending that the Libertarian Party is somehow a reasonable conservative alternative to the GOP.
You are literally giving people an outlet for their apathy in Johnson by putting him on stage.
Man, I want to give Johnson exposure. As soon as he says, "Oh, and fuck Social Security," he immediately becomes non-viable to practically the whole country. We can stop pretending that the Libertarian Party is somehow a reasonable conservative alternative to the GOP.
Yea but then the next day that becomes the story and not Trump saying he wants stop-and-frisk across the entire country, because you gave him that seat.
I mean, okay. We'll see at this point. Personally, I think giving Trump more attention is a pretty disastrous idea. I don't think he was hiding with lots of people; I think he was floundering. He couldn't seize control as easily. I'm pretty apprehensive about the debate. I think that everyone in this thread, while the debate is going on, will be busy going YAS QUEEN and whatever other PopGAF phrases you feel like appropriating, but then next batch of polls to come out will show that people thought Clinton was inauthentic / robotic / dislikeable / smug, whereas Trump will have seemed commanding / honest / straight-talking. Because that's how they work. So we'll wait and see.
Clinton's best performances against Bernie weren't the ones where she attacked him. They were the ones where she outright ignored him.
I mean, okay. We'll see at this point. Personally, I think giving Trump more attention is a pretty disastrous idea. I don't think he was hiding with lots of people; I think he was floundering. He couldn't seize control as easily. I'm pretty apprehensive about the debate. I think that everyone in this thread, while the debate is going on, will be busy going YAS QUEEN and whatever other PopGAF phrases you feel like appropriating, but then next batch of polls to come out will show that people thought Clinton was inauthentic / robotic / dislikeable / smug, whereas Trump will have seemed commanding / honest / straight-talking. Because that's how they work. So we'll wait and see.
Clinton's best performances against Bernie weren't the ones where she attacked him. They were the ones where she outright ignored him.
Man, I want to give Johnson exposure. As soon as he says, "Oh, and fuck Social Security," he immediately becomes non-viable to practically the whole country. We can stop pretending that the Libertarian Party is somehow a reasonable conservative alternative to the GOP.
I see your point, but I can't agree with it. I find it hard to worry that Trump won't find a way to say or do something absurdly shitty that won't take the spotlight right back from Johnson.
We get Johnson to self-immolate and then Trump doubles down on stupidity to get some attention. Win-win.
She wouldn't be able to ignore anyone, because it'd be a 2 vs 1 debate because Clinton is winning! Both Trump and Johnson would spend most of their time attacking Clinton.
But it's very nice of you to suggest that no one in this thread has the ability to judge the debate on its merits and that we're all "appropriating" (really, guy?) PopGAF phrases like some sort of partisan sheep. Apparently this can only be rectified by putting a 3rd party spoiler that saps more of Clinton's base from her on the stage because reasons.
She wouldn't be able to ignore anyone, because it'd be a 2 vs 1 debate because Clinton is winning! Both Trump and Johnson would spend most of their time attacking Clinton.
I really doubt that would happen. Johnson never attacks Hillary when offered the chance. Why, I don't know.
October Surprise would be a great name for a strain......
I really doubt that would happen. Johnson never attacks Hillary when offered the chance. Why, I don't know.