I think Johnson being on the debate stage would be pretty good for Clinton. She just needs to mention some of the more, uh, bizarre Libertarian policies and force him to either defend them or back down. Johnson gets a lot of votes from people who are naturally pretty leftwing but know nothing about him other than that he's an isolationist who'd legalize weed. If they know more, his ship would start sinking sharpish; and he's not a good media performer so it'd be easy to do. Plus, more importantly, it takes more airtime away from Trump.
Man, I want to give Johnson exposure. As soon as he says, "Oh, and fuck Social Security," he immediately becomes non-viable to practically the whole country. We can stop pretending that the Libertarian Party is somehow a reasonable conservative alternative to the GOP.
This is why I don't want him there. Y'all are confusing Johnson with the Libertarian Party, but he's not that far off from a hijacker. The guy actually had a pretty contested primary in the sense that actual Libertarians divert a decent bit from Johnson. Sure, he's moved since he was a Republican, but not so much that he matches the insanity that his party represents. If you try to pin him down on the anarchist stuff that the Party believes, he can pretty easily just go, "No, I don't believe that. Some people in my party believe that, but it's not my position."
And I'd definitely argue that unless the event is super scripted, Trump can't last very long in the public eye without fucking up badly. The longer he has to stand there and come up with answers, the better for Clinton. I agree with Crab that her best move is to Bernie him and just ignore him; she can use her time to sound presidential as fuck and just spout policy the whole time. It's boring, but we now have polling that implies people may be looking for boring and safe right now. Let Trump have his spotlight and start rambling. He can probably think up enough canned statements to last for the first half, but since his prep is apparently not very thorough at all, I doubt he can do much more without going off the cuff.
Pretend you're Trump's campaign manager. Is the phrase "Trump is going off the cuff" a phrase that makes you feel hopeful? Or do you flinch and suppress a panic attack?
Yeah - I think Conway realized that the only way for Trump to win this election was to let Clinton lose it rather than Trump try to win it, and the Clinton's camp strategy of trying to run out the clock was the exact wrong strategy (since it would just energize anti-Clinton voters and de-energize Pro-Clinton voters). I think Clinton and her camp have realized that their path to victory isn't trying to shame Trump voters, it's trying to give voters someone to vote for instead of against Trump. (Despite the moral superiority one gets from shaming Trump supporters, it has been politically ineffective the entire time, and has simultaneously raised his floor)
I agree with the Trump strategy from his camp, but that "anti-shaming" thing as zero proof, and I'd argue the opposite. Trump's floor hasn't been raised at all (but I feel like I'm only repeating this discussion again. I simply don't agree with you that not that many people are actually racist, so I won't rehash that here unless you want me to).
But honestly, Clinton was right to fundraise like crazy. I guarantee that when we look back on this election in a few years, we'll all barely remember August, if not outright praise it as a good resource farm for the back stretch.
The election isn't held in August, and you need money. Why not burn a non-consequential month for resources? Because she (and the DNC) are drowning in cash right now, and I'd take that over some feel good polls in August any day.