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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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No Scrubs



RV for Nevada: 3 way

Trump: 39
Clinton: 38

In two way he is up 3. The funny thing is he is at 31-36 with latinos in the poll.

North Carolina:

He is up 4 in 3 way and up 5 in two way


4 way he is up 3
2 way he is up 3

The polls all under sample Democrats and indy compared to 2012 exit polling
The bolded seems like bad unskewing, were you to correct based on that.

I don't know why people are afraid of "unskewing". All the aggregators that don't just simply average poll results do it. As long as you have good/scientific reason for doing so, there's nothing wrong with it. The "unskewing" by that whack job in 2012 was based on nothing but wishful thinking.


In fact, every pollster unskews. They have to, unless they spend a fortune polling.

538 is the biggest poll unskewer of them all. They just do it with different things, like trendlines (which I think is awful and is why the model is being exposed right now) and other things (pricing in a convention bounce).

The problem isn't with unskewing, per se, but rather how you do it. As you said, the 2012 guy did it wrong (party ID), not something tangible.


I'm fricking confused as to who is going to vote, too. It's only early voting that may begin to give us a real idea. Although, are early voting stats available to us like absentee stats are? The campaigns can certainly track their own response rates, but can we?
In better news:

Ian Sams
NEW --> The gang is getting back together: the cast of The West Wing will campaign for @HillaryClinton in stops across Ohio this weekend.


But where is Sam?

Forreal. Screw Will, get Rob Lowe in there!

I got you fam


Also, I am so crushed we're never going to get another season of Alpha House at this rate because watching the guys cope with the stranger-than-fiction that is Trump would be amazing.

They became racist because they were ignored? Is that like "I'm a nice guy to you why won't you have sex with me bitch whore"?

I think it's more "they started out racist and have done nothing but fester as their situation deteriorates and by improving their circumstances we could open them up to new ideas even though it's not our fault they started out racist in the first place."

Which, you know, sounds reasonable to me.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The WI are really worrying. Not in the sense that I think Hillary will lose, but it looks like it's a sign that it's going to be a red state by the next election.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The WI are really worrying. Not in the sense that I think Hillary will lose, but it looks like it's a sign that it's going to be a red state by the next election.

I don't think you can use this election to project shit in future elections...

That's just me though.
adam pls

best advice here was to throw it in the pile and wait.

You clearly didn't read what I wrote. I simply said there is no reason a pollster doesn't release complete demographic information. This isn't just my critique. This is, you know, good polling practice.

Secondly, if they lack an adequate non-white sample to have reliable information, then, you know, poll more people.

CNN can do it.
CBS YouGov managed to do it
Qunnipiac Manage to do it.

This is not a ridiculous thing to ask for!

They managed to give us a breakdown of Independents, who they laughingly think will make up only 16% of the electorate. People of color will make up a similar percentage of the electorate, so there is no reason they couldn't have figured this shit out. Unless, of course, they are projecting a very white electorate. Which would be fine, but we have no way of knowing that because they don't release that information!


The solid polls out of Florida this week in addition to the few solid national polls leads me to think the Fox polls are the ones that are a tad off. I could buy Trump leading in those, but 3-5 sounds a bit high to me.
The solid polls out of Florida this week in addition to the few solid national polls leads me to think the Fox polls are the ones that are a tad off. I could buy Trump leading in those, but 3-5 sounds a bit high to me.

I was thinking it would be +1 Ohio and the other two tied, the results weren't really what I was expecting at all, given the very optimistic other polls that came out today.
I thought the Fox Ohio poll was a bit too R in their sample, but it's in line with other polls so IDK. Guessing turnout is the big question going forward.

Good thing we have Rassss to help us tomorrow.
BG: "And with the Washington Post report out this week about the Trump Foundation. Could you explain to people why you may have used some charitable donations for personal uses?

Trump: "The foundation is really rare. It gives money to that. It's really been doing a good job. I think we put that to sleep just by putting out the last report."



Fox News polls hurt, but, overall, I don't think we're going to get much quality polling until after the debate (which is bad, since we need to know how much the debate changed things).

Still hoping that NBC poll is more representative of how things stand now than those state polls, which, by the way, do lag more than national polls in terms of measuring trends, according to Silver.


Clinton is going to sweep the debate, it isn't even a contest. Oh my god, I can't wait! It's Monday, right? I'll get the jack and coke! But someone else needs to bring the soda, because I don't drink soda. It's unhealthy.
I don't doubt that Hillary will win. But what scares me is where this country is going for 2020.

What kind of terrifies me is that we're seeing a realignment akin to what's happening in Britain at the moment where left-parties cannot compete outside of major urban areas and there is a collapse of white voters within the party. Like, I look at where Iowa/Wisconsin/Michigan/Ohio are right now, and I wonder what it looks like when that support evaporates for Democrats. There are only so many minority voters, and there aren't enough in the country to form a coalition. And while Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina are definitely getting bluer, the nightmare scenario I have in my head is where Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, and Ohio all go red before Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina really transition to a Virginia-like electorate

There's also something bizarre where we're going to have a party built on multicultural urbanism versus rural nationalistic populism (and this worries me also!), but here we are.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
What, you mean the post where it's abundantly clear I'm being snarky about your propensity to panic?

"Propensity to panic?" LOL

The ridiculous merging of "concern" and "panic" from some of you is bizarre. People are becoming way too absolute. When some of us voiced concern that Hillary may not be that great of a candidate a few months back, we were roundly criticized--"She's a perfectly likeable candidate!" Polls say otherwise. When some of us mentioned that it looked like the race was tightening a month or so ago, we were roundly criticized--"Statistical noise! Trump's ceiling is 40! It's not tightening!" Polls say otherwise. When some of us said, "This race is far from over" while most on here were going "OH MAN Hillary has this IN THE BAG" 2-3 months ago, we were roundly criticized. Again, polls say otherwise.

Whether you want to admit it or not, some of you have a tendency to react poorly to negative news/situations. Like you can't handle even talking about it, and I find it bizarre, especially when so many (rightfully) criticize republicans for the exact same thing.

I like back and forth debate. Saying "Hillary had a bad month" and needs to change some things up isn't "panic." It is by no means "THE RACE IS OVER!!!!" All it is is merely a conversation starter.
Fox News polls hurt, but, overall, I don't think we're going to get much quality polling until after the debate (which is bad, since we need to know how much the debate changed things).

Still hoping that NBC poll is more representative of how things stand now than those state polls, which, by the way, do lag more than national polls in terms of measuring trends, according to Silver.

I would definitely put more weight in the NBC/WSJ poll compared to any other national poll, simply because the pollsters on both sides of the poll are as experienced as you get.
Like I'm all for policies that help out even the deplorable scumbag racists and bigots of the world or whatever. They've been hurt by the lack of trade adjustment. They're dumb because of their shitty education.

But I'm kind of over boohooing for them specifically and coddling their shitty racism.

Win without them and then help them as well.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I would definitely put more weight in the NBC/WSJ poll compared to any other national poll, simply because the pollsters on both sides of the poll are as experienced as you get.

Isn't the Fox News poll done by both a republican and democrat pollster, or am I mistaking that for another?
I don't doubt that Hillary will win. But what scares me is where this country is going for 2020.

What kind of terrifies me is that we're seeing a realignment akin to what's happening in Britain at the moment where left-parties cannot compete outside of major urban areas and there is a collapse of white voters within the party. Like, I look at where Iowa/Wisconsin/Michigan/Ohio are right now, and I wonder what it looks like when that support evaporates for Democrats. There are only so many minority voters, and there aren't enough in the country to form a coalition. And while Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina are definitely getting bluer, the nightmare scenario I have in my head is where Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, and Ohio all go red before Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina really transition to a Virginia-like electorate

There's also something bizarre where we're going to have a party built on multicultural urbanism versus rural nationalistic populism (and this worries me also!), but here we are.
Switching over to a national popular vote would be immensely helpful in this scenario so Democrats could focus on ginning up urban turnout.

Also I would say Michigan and Wisconsin are at least a cycle behind Iowa and Ohio in terms of trending R. Several for Michigan.


The only thing that scares me is knowing roughly 4/10 people I run into on a daily basis wanted Donald Trump to be their President :*(


The only thing that scares me is knowing roughly 4/10 I meet on a daily basis wanted Donald Trump to be their President :*(
In reality it's more that 2/10 want trump to be president and another 2/10 want literally anyone other than Hillary for president. Not that it's much better.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The only thing that scares me is knowing roughly 4/10 people I run into on a daily basis wanted Donald Trump to be their President :*(

I used to live in an area (northern Michigan) where that number is probably 7 or 8 out of 10. It's horrible.
Isn't the Fox News poll done by both a republican and democrat pollster, or am I mistaking that for another?

Yes Fox follows the same model, but Public Opinion Strategies and Hart Research are veterans.

Peter Hart has done the NBC polls since the 80s and has done election polls since the 60s.

If you can tolerate Axelrod, the Axe Files has an episode with him.
Yes Fox follows the same model, but Public Opinion Strategies and Hart Research are veterans.

Peter Hart has done the NBC polls since the 80s and has done election polls since the 60s.

If you can tolerate Axelrod, the Axe Files has an episode with him.

Also, this.

Also, this is the easiest way to explain why some states are so competitive:

1/ Estimated share of non-college whites (RV, voter file estimates)

ME 67.5%
IA 56.1%
WI 52.8%
NV 52.8%
NH 51.0%
OH 49.5%
MI 49.1%
PA 46.7%

.@RonBrownstein College whites in these states:

ME 29.9%
IA 38.5%
WI 41.9%
NV 22.9%
NH 47.4%
OH 36.0%
MI 34.0%
PA 39.6%

This would explain the divergence between Iowa and New Hampshire despite both states voting at almost the exact same % for Obama (literally, IA: 51.99%, NH: 51.98%). And why Pennsylvania is out of reach, and probably Michigan too.

This also explains why tribalism is Trump's strategy.
The actual quote is:

Trump: "The foundation is really there. It gives money to vets. It's really been doing a good job. I think we put that to sleep just by putting out the last report."

Which doesn't say anything but he came closer to actual sentences than the bad transcript indicates.


These polls are good. I'm not too worried about the Fox poll, yet.

Someone posted a Brexit related article earlier today, and I thought it made a pretty good point about the folly of trying to counter emotion with reason. That's a losing battle most of the time, and I hope the Clinton campaign is learning that lesson.

That's why I think it would be a bad idea for Hillary to spend too much time trying TTY fact check everything Trump says at the debate.


I don't doubt that Hillary will win. But what scares me is where this country is going for 2020.

What kind of terrifies me is that we're seeing a realignment akin to what's happening in Britain at the moment where left-parties cannot compete outside of major urban areas and there is a collapse of white voters within the party. Like, I look at where Iowa/Wisconsin/Michigan/Ohio are right now, and I wonder what it looks like when that support evaporates for Democrats. There are only so many minority voters, and there aren't enough in the country to form a coalition. And while Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina are definitely getting bluer, the nightmare scenario I have in my head is where Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, and Ohio all go red before Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina really transition to a Virginia-like electorate

There's also something bizarre where we're going to have a party built on multicultural urbanism versus rural nationalistic populism (and this worries me also!), but here we are.

That is one scenario, yes, but there are also big differences between the U.S. and Britain:

As much as the Trump coalition is nationalistic, the majority of Americans aren't, i.e. the Obama coalition proves that the demographics are there for a continuous hold on the presidency by Democrats, and by 2020, Georgia, Arizona and perhaps even Texas will trend purple enough for Dems to lose rust-belt whites and still win.

And at the same time, much of the populist rhetoric enraging whites in rural parts of the country isn't that incompatible with many Dem policies that a candidate with appeal both to populist whites and minorities

Just as a no-so-racist nationalistic Republican could dominate in 2020, so can a pro-multiculturalism populist Democrat dominate 2020, and it's not impossible that Hillary could garner enough good will during her term for a probable reelection.

Having said that, it's not going to be easy for Dems to hold on to the presidency for a 4th straight time, unless Hillary gets massively popular and the Republicans again screw up with their candidate, or if Hillary declines re election (as if) and Dems go for a younger change candidate also.
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