Fucking hell at those fox news polls.
The future will be something!At the very least, if he doesn't go quietly, he may well hand Clinton reelection by whipping the tea party and crazies into a frenzy and making it impossible for the GOP to elect someone that isn't another Trump.
Fucking hell at those fox news polls.
Serious question: Every election we always hear talk of an "October surprise," but when is the last time that actually happened?
Why exactly are strongmen politicians always more popular with the poorly educated? Is it because working class culture tends to be more macho?
I've studied a fair amount of Russian history, and throughout the Stalinist period he was pretty beloved by the rural poor. Farmers not affected by the famine saw his collectivism as a necessary means to turn Russia into a modern socialist nation, and Russian attitudes toward the mass killings of bureaucrats and politicians don't seem to have been very critical.
According to people I know who have lived in Russia, Stalin is viewed overwhelmingly positively uneducated Russians. It's not a matter of ignorance. Stalin's purges are very, very well-known in modern Russia.
You see the same kind of attitude toward Putin and the insurgent far-right candidates in Europe.
Hurricane Sandy.
True, true. I try not to get too bothered, but it's depressing when you come to that realization that there's a candidate this far along that actively wants to ruin the lives of several groups of people. He's got tons of support behind him.
...Then I find myself arguing with Busters who just don't "get" it.
Simple solutions to complex problems. Like Trump's wall. Uneducated people don't want to hear about a nuanced plan that requires many steps to help the immigration issue. In their mind the problem is people crossing into the US over a land border. The complex solution is immigration reform, Trump's simple solution is build a wall. Because if people are getting in the country a wall would stop themWhy exactly are strongmen politicians always more popular with the poorly educated? Is it because working class culture tends to be more macho?
I've studied a fair amount of Russian history, and throughout the Stalinist period he was pretty beloved by the rural poor. Farmers not affected by the famine saw his collectivism as a necessary means to turn Russia into a modern socialist nation, and Russian attitudes toward the mass killings of bureaucrats and politicians don't seem to have been very critical.
According to people I know who have lived in Russia, Stalin is viewed overwhelmingly positively uneducated Russians. It's not a matter of ignorance. Stalin's purges are very, very well-known in modern Russia.
You see the same kind of attitude toward Putin and the insurgent far-right candidates in Europe.
At the very least, if he doesn't go quietly, he may well hand Clinton reelection by whipping the tea party and crazies into a frenzy and making it impossible for the GOP to elect someone that isn't another Trump.
The firewall is getting too weak fam. We can't have it weakening any further.
So does Trump write a concession speech and does Hillary?
You know NC isn't the firewall right? NH, PA, VA and CO are and they all look great. We got an NH poll today with Clinton up 9. The WI poll wasn't super great but I'd imagine if Clinton's campaign was seeing similar numbers they'd be throwing money at ads in the state. Until they do that I'm assuming it's safe.No idea what to make of the polls. Disappointed to see NC slipping away in a respected poll though. The firewall is getting too weak fam. We can't have it weakening any further.
CNN on the street during the protest is pretty dumb on their part. Have fun risking your life so you can watch an angry kid break glass with his foot.
Lol, yeah I need to stop. Nothing to gain from them.Don't argue with the "busters" group. It's a waste of your time. If they don't get it now it's because they don't want to. If they are still willing to allow that man to touch the office of the Presidency then they just don't care.
You know NC isn't the firewall right? NH, PA, VA and CO are and they all look great. We got an NH poll today with Clinton up 9. The WI poll wasn't super great but I'd imagine if Clinton's campaign was seeing similar numbers they'd be throwing money at ads in the state. Until they do that I'm assuming it's safe.
NC slipping away sucks because it's nice as an insurance policy if OH and/or FL shit the bed.we're talking about the same firewall that involves Kerry 04 + NM + CO + VA, right
(because MI/PA/NH are out of reach, WI is stable if slightly weaker, and everything else is safe)
I think this is quite possible, especially if there's a recession, they block stimulus, pick up congressional seats, and credit their victories to renewed tea party-style obstructionism and purism. I don't see Nikki Haley riding that wave. Now Ted Cruz might be able to.
NC slipping away sucks because it's nice as an insurance policy if OH and/or FL shit the bed.
Also how was Obama polling in 2012 in WI at this time? He won by 10 points right? Why is it so bad now
From the sound of it Reince is looking to kneecap anyone who isn't lining up behind Trump, so Kasich and Cruz might well be out of the running.
From the sound of it Reince is looking to kneecap anyone who isn't lining up behind Trump, so Kasich and Cruz might well be out of the running.
Did that have a major effect on the election? I don't recall.
I just watched on Michelle Obama on Colbert last night, and I'm sitting there thinking, if it was possible to keep her and Barack in there indefinitely, I would be so down. It's depressing thinking about this damn election.
I think Reince is gone after the election so that statement from means very little I think.
Reince isn't going to be the chairman after the election.
I just watched on Michelle Obama on Colbert last night, and I'm sitting there thinking, if it was possible to keep her and Barack in there indefinitely, I would be so down. It's depressing thinking about this damn election.
At the time, Obama's amazing response to the storm and his near-endorsement by Christie brought his poll numbers up a little bit. The race had grown so close by the last few weeks of the race that Obama's response to Sandy is arguably what put him over the edge.
This also brought back a lot of poor memories of W, and by extension the entire Republican party.
Scott Adams' Spooky Predictions
He's been pretty right so far. Might want to prepare for a President Trump.
The amount of charisma Michelle and Barack possess is just unreal. I know she hates politics but I wish she'd run someday.
I was watching 16 for '16 on PBS last night and it featured Howard Dean and Pat Buchanan's presidential runs. Trump's campaign is so eerily similar to Buchanan's. It's depressing how little has changed. Though HW Bush's attack ad against Pat was pretty quaint. "Pat Buchanan drives a foreign car" with ominous music.
House Speaker Paul Ryan, eager to avoid the spectacle of the House voting to impeach an innocent man based on false charges without a proper hearing, got impeachment advocates to settle for Wednesdays hearing in which Koskinen testified before the House Judiciary Committee. But that hardly improved matters: To say this impeachment inquiry is a kangaroo court would be an insult to marsupials.
The hearing was called without the usual protocol of a vote of the House authorizing an investigation. The accused was not represented by counsel or given the right to present evidence. He was even denied access to the evidence the House Oversight Committee amassed that forms the basis of the charges against him.
Even the kangaroos on the Judiciary court were denied the secret evidence behind the bogus charges. Does the committee majority have access to the unedited transcripts of the interviews conducted by the Oversight Committee? Democrat Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.) asked the committees chairman, Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.).
We do not think so, Goodlatte replied.
If they lacked evidence, Republicans on the panel compensated with hysteria.
Jordan is entitled to his beliefs and his conspiracy theories, even if they run contrary to the evidence. But when it comes to the awesome power of impeachment, the burden of proof should be higher than wild speculation.
Probably won't do anything either way.Governor McCrory is on CNN right now. I wonder how the riots will affect the governor's race in NC.
As long as that means less NH polling... I'm tired of getting calls from pollsters every night...We need more Maine polling.
I was watching 16 for '16 on PBS last night and it featured Howard Dean and Pat Buchanan's presidential runs. Trump's campaign is so eerily similar to Buchanan's. It's depressing how little has changed. Though HW Bush's attack ad against Pat was pretty quaint. "Pat Buchanan drives a foreign car" with ominous music.
He was up by 4 in polling and won by 7NC slipping away sucks because it's nice as an insurance policy if OH and/or FL shit the bed.
Also how was Obama polling in 2012 in WI at this time? He won by 10 points right? Why is it so bad now
Scott Adams' Spooky Predictions
He's been pretty right so far. Might want to prepare for a President Trump.
I can't wait to see his reaction when Trump loses.Scott Adams is a great case study on what happens when a man's only tether to reality is his own ego.
New CO poll apparently coming out tomorrow with Hildawg on top
Liberal denialThe thing, though, is that some of those happened but they didn't really affect her numbers. I don't know if I could even argue that pneumonia was a "major health issue." If anything, she may have gotten some sympathy. Plus, I don't recall Wiki leaks having any effect on her numbers.
I laughed out loud at number 5 ever being possible.
Actually his ego is a rocket thruster blasting him farther and farther into the great unknown.Scott Adams is a great case study on what happens when a man's only tether to reality is his own ego.
Who the fuck is this black dude on CNN right now arguing that the black community needs more men and less rap music?
What decade is this again?
Liberal denial
Actually his ego is a rocket thruster blasting him farther and farther into the great unknown.
Liberalism isn't something people are born appreciating, they have to learn why political violence is bad. Violence is intuitive and appealing.
Hot topic of tomorrow: Will this University of Tennessee law professor get fired or no?