User 463088
I learned who Milo was like a week ago, and I fucking loathe everything about him.
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 57m57 minutes ago
NBC/WSJ poll, feelings about Trump among suburban women: 25% positive, 64% negative
First Perfect Illusion and now thisYeah what was with Out doing a piece on Milo? Gays problematique.
R+What's Rasmussen's pollster rating?
What's Rasmussen's pollster rating?
What's Rasmussen's pollster rating?
OK so a lot of these polls are reassuring but my question is how in the world is Duckworth only a couple points ahead in IL?
Something seems off in WI too. If there are any states that are generally considered to be reliable blue in the midwest that would take an unexpected turn towards the GOP, it would have to be Wisconsin, I would think.
Does Obama like his coffee like himself?
"I'm not down with TPP"
PuuWhat's Rasmussen's pollster rating?
We'll need an adjusted answer when electoral vote tallies start coming in.Puu
Do you like Tpp?
Hillary: no
Adjusted answer: yes
i imagine the model should start to tick up closer to 66/33 after all these polls. Despite the bad Fox polls, Trump still has no path to victory without one of CO/PA/VA/NH.
Oh, and they offered me local state reps signs to put on my lawn free. That's fine. But when I wanted a Hillary/Kain sign they charged me $7... found that kind of odd.
So I sat out the 2012 election, just wasn't overly enthused. My first election was in 2008, was super enthused and voted Obama, had a girlfriend at the time who was big on Mccain. After watching the election results that night, we broke up promptly the next day as she didn't appreciate me gloating.
Anyway, this election has rekindled that enthusiasm in me, not so much because Hillary has done anything to warrant that but moreso that Trump's ignorance and bigotry and hateful speech makes me want to do everything in my power to stop him from being elected.
So I went to our local Democrat offices yesterday, signed up to knock on doors and donate and make phone calls and do whatever the hell I can to make sure a Trump presidency does not come to be reality. I'm going to be doing my part, and it feels good to be part of this, and will feel amazing to know I played a very very very small part but a part nonetheless in stopping a piece of garbage bigot from being elected.
Oh, and they offered me local state reps signs to put on my lawn free. That's fine. But when I wanted a Hillary/Kain sign they charged me $7... found that kind of odd.
That was pretty good. I liked the commercial bit.
You guys, now just go with me here, what if....what if the debate changes nothing?
Is the Upshot doing all the battlegrounds? Because godcohn's approach to sharing the info is great.
You guys, now just go with me here, what if....what if the debate changes nothing?
You guys, now just go with me here, what if....what if the debate changes nothing?
Trump and Hillary are Poochy?What if when they both shake hands they both fly off to their home planet and we are left with Stein vs Johnson.
WiFi Cancer waves to be the first issue in the second debate with Stein taking a stand.
You guys, now just go with me here, what if....what if the debate changes nothing?
Seeing people talk about campaign offices in the twitter replies to the new NC poll reminds me, is the data about Trump spending very little money & having very few campaign offices in Florida still accurate? When was the last update to those numbers?
I must return to my home planet
My poor parents live outside of Cincinnati and are surrounded by Trump supporters everywhere. They've got the only Hillary sign in their neighborhood and someone ripped it out last night and threw it in a ditch. It's a nice neighborhood too so you wouldn't really expect that kind of behavior.
538 moving towards Hillary. My heart is full. 10,000 years of darkness on a slight hold. SLIGHT. HOLD. EXTREME. HOLD.
538 moving towards Hillary. My heart is full. 10,000 years of darkness on a slight hold. SLIGHT. HOLD. EXTREME. HOLD.
538 moving towards Hillary. My heart is full. 10,000 years of darkness on a slight hold. SLIGHT. HOLD. EXTREME. HOLD.
young republican on my facebook feed said, "It's unfair for California to get so many votes because they always go Democrat"
hoo boy
Does Texas exist?