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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
This actually seems to be against conventional wisdom of this cycle. Trump is underperforming Romney in red states and Clinton is underperforming Obama in some blue states (Wisconsin, Michigan, potentially Colorado and obviously Iowa and Ohio if we call those blue).

I think it's possible we just have different results for now!

Wisconsin and Michigan aren't the entirety of 'some states'. IIRC, the entirety of Obama's 2012 national popular vote margin came from California and New York alone.
Wisconsin and Michigan aren't the entirety of 'some states'.
Illinois, but it was Emerson. She's under-performing in Oregon and Washington too. Maine? Rhode Island's another one. Probably Vermont too.

But, ya, there's evidence that she's not doing as well there as Obama did. But, she's doing a bit better in NC, Arizona, and Georgia.


All because of the jokes Obama made about Trump in 2011 at the correspondents dinner.

Seriously, Trump sucks so bad. He peddled a lie that's blatantly racist and xenophobic and Obama can't make a joke about it? Trump has to get his ultimate revenge because the President called him out? What a creep. This is dictator-like behavior.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wisconsin and Michigan aren't the entirety of 'some states'. IIRC, the entirety of Obama's 2012 national popular vote margin came from California and New York alone.
Joke is on you, ocean dweller. Trump will win California and New York.


If DPP is a Nazi party, the Republicans are also a Nazi party.

Pigeon would not disagree.

And Jimmy's idea that the Democrats could indefinitely filibuster any of Trump's Supreme Court nominees means he doesn't even understand how filibusters work.

Even considering that, the longest filibuster in history was 24h18 long. So for the Democrats to obstruct for 2 years is ... lunacy.

Well, does that surprise you? A large part of the "true left" has no idea how anything works. Don't get me wrong, it's not unique to them. But I'm severely pissed off by the combination of ignorance and righteousness that people like him show.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Joke is on you, ocean dweller. Trump will win California and New York.

This sounds like something from a proud member of the Hannity discussion board.
Anyone else feel like the Tulsa officer being a woman had an impact on the fact that she got charged? Also the language that she got emotionally involved just seeems....I don't know. Of course I'm happy she was charged.
Why. It's so fun watching Joe cut people off to say nothing of substance whatsoever
Mika was trying sooooo hard to try and be all OMG DA POLLS AND DA DEBATE OMG. And it was just sad. And a mess. And whatever. Plus, it had Steve Schmidt on it, and I am still pissed at him from the vile shit he was spewing with Montel Williams and Brian Williams last night.


It seems like Trump just goes up in polls for a week when bad news about Hill comes out and then people remember he's Trump and he goes back down.


Anyone else feel like the Tulsa officer being a woman had an impact on the fact that she got charged? Also the language that she got emotionally involved just seeems....I don't know. Of course I'm happy she was charged.
I thought that... of course the cop that gets charged is a woman and all (vast majority) of the men get off scott free. Yeah it's good she was charged but the police is such an old boys club.


Mika was trying sooooo hard to try and be all OMG DA POLLS AND DA DEBATE OMG. And it was just sad. And a mess. And whatever. Plus, it had Steve Schmidt on it, and I am still pissed at him from the vile shit he was spewing with Montel Williams and Brian Williams last night.
Is she really dating this clown? Lmao


And Jimmy's idea that the Democrats could indefinitely filibuster any of Trump's Supreme Court nominees means he doesn't even understand how filibusters work.

Even considering that, the longest filibuster in history was 24h18 long. So for the Democrats to obstruct for 2 years is ... lunacy.

That's not how the filibuster works nowadays. Filibusters where someone stands up and talks non-stop are just for show - you can filibuster something via a number of ways that don't require that at all. Ever since they introduced the twin track system for voting the filibuster hasn't required the endless speeches. For example, despite republicans blocking every piece of obamas legislation in 2008 to 2010, including healthcare, no-one ever had to actually filibuster anything.

It is actually possible under the current system for the minority party to filibuster a Supreme Court nomination forever.

Which is why the filibuster is going at some point fairly soon - senior people from both sides have said it's not going to survive, now that the republicans have shown that abusing it endlessly doesn't come at a price.


Which is why the filibuster is going at some point fairly soon - senior people from both sides have said it's not going to survive, now that the republicans have shown that abusing it endlessly doesn't come at a price.

Then it's lose-lose for the Democrats. If Trump wins in November, it's unlikely the Dems will earn a majority in the Senate. And if the filibuster is nuked, then they won't really have any tool to stall the nominations until 2018, which is when Jimmy's plan requires them to magically get a majority in the Senate, House, all the purple Republicans, and then conjure up a new truely Democratic presidential candidate that will win in 2020.

There are just so many ways this plan can backfire.


Jimmy Dore is nuts. There are a million ways his insane "let Trump get elected, fail, and hopefully destroy the Republican party" plan can backfire.

Not the least of which is, if Trump wins, the Republicans will probably control the House, the Senate, and the Presidency. And probably shortly thereafter, the Supreme Court.

Trump has already suggested he'll cede most of his power to Mike Pence, and will probably happily sign anything the Republicans come up with, as long as they keep complimenting him and let him keep the spotlight doing speeches and rallies -- after all, he's narcissistic enough to want the adulation and attention, but probably not motivated or smart enough to actually do the hard work of governing.

Yeah, once again, Jimmy shows how little understanding of reality he has. Every time he opens his mouth it's like he has been watching a completely different election.

And Jimmy's idea that the Democrats could indefinitely filibuster any of Trump's Supreme Court nominees means he doesn't even understand how filibusters work.

Even considering that, the longest filibuster in history was 24h18 long. So for the Democrats to obstruct for 2 years is ... lunacy.

Lol yeah he conflated filibuster with the current refusal to even consider any Obama nominees, what a moron


Staffer who works for @mike_pence's transport dept. sent this from his work email to NYT @CharlesMBlow - waiting on @wtwingfield for comment


Indy Star said:
An Indiana Department of Transportation employee has been suspended without pay after sending an "inappropriate" email from a state account to a New York Times columnist.

David Brewer, a manager of external audit with INDOT, sent the email, criticizing the "poor grasp of the (English) language."

The columnist, Charles M. Blow, posted a screenshot of the email to INDOT's public Facebook page, saying he received it during work hours and from Brewer's government email address. "Shouldn't David be working instead of shooting off nasty emails?" he wrote in the post. "Is this how you use tax dollars?"

INDOT shared the Facebook post, calling the email "inappropriate" and "unacceptable":

"An email of this nature is an inappropriate use of INDOT resources. Further, the language used is unacceptable and does not reflect the values of INDOT. The employee responsible has been suspended without pay immediately and the matter is under review."

There was some other Pence administration screw-up I meant to post yesterday that was in the Star, but I can't remember what it was.
Are we betting on who's been the stand-in for Trump in Hillaty's debate prep? If so, I'm going to go with the tag-team of Barney Frank and Al Franken. Although James Carville, Elliot Spitzer, and even Uncle Joe are intriguing possibilities.


Remembered Pence's screwup... he refused to pardon a man who was wrongly convicted of a rrobbery & sentenced to 40 years (but chose to be released to help his family instead of gambling on a new trial). Now he's having trouble getting a better job because he's got a felony on his record that he didn't commit.


Chicago Tribune said:
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has declined to rule on a historic pardon request involving the wrongful conviction of an Illinois man.

In a letter Tuesday, the governor's general counsel told Keith Cooper's attorney they first must exhaust all possible judicial options for appeal. The letter essentially allows the Republican vice presidential candidate to avoid ruling on the Country Club Hills man's claim of innocence until a new Indiana governor takes over in January.

"It crushed me a little bit," Cooper, a 49-year-old forklift operator, said after reading the letter. "I haven't give up hope. My hope is what keeps me strong, but I'm human and it hurts."

Cooper spent nearly 10 years in prison for a 1996 armed robbery in Indiana before a co-defendant's conviction was reversed. Cooper was offered a deal in 2006 to take his chances at a new trial or be freed from prison with a felony conviction on his record. He chose immediate release, but Cooper said he struggles as a convicted felon to find a better paying job.

DNA evidence points to another man in the armed robbery, and the victims and former Elkhart County prosecutor who helped convict him now say Cooper is innocent. The Indiana Parole Board recommended in March 2014 that Pence grant the pardon, which experts believe would be the first pardon based on a claim of innocence in state history.

"Although the judicial system may not be perfect, given the extraordinary nature of Mr. Cooper's request, we need to be certain the judicial process is complete and has been given every opportunity to address any error that may have occurred," general counsel Mark Ahearn wrote on behalf of Pence. "When Mr. Cooper made a deal to be released from prison he withdrew his pending post-conviction relief petition, but it is unclear from the official record whether this precludes Mr. Cooper from refiling a petition."

The letter continued, "Out of respect for the judicial process, before this office will consider Mr. Cooper's request further, he will need to exhaust his judicial remedies."

Attorney Elliot Slosar, who represents Cooper, said the letter was not an outright denial. Still, Slosar described it as a delay tactic that has the potential to prolong Cooper's quest to clear his name for several years. Slosar said it's unclear whether they will be allowed to file another post-conviction petition after the original was withdrawn. Even if they overcome that hurdle, Slosar said, prosecutors may argue the new evidence is too old to meet the requirement of being new.

"He's punting to the next governor," said Slosar, an attorney with Loevy & Loevy in Chicago. "It's so punitive for them to hold on to a pardon petition this long and may prevent him from getting justice in court."

Tribune said:
Cooper was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the robbery, in which a teen survived being shot in the stomach. The Indiana Court of Appeals overturned a co-defendant's conviction in 2005 and prosecutors dropped charges against him when he elected for a new trial. The man later received a nearly $5 million settlement in a civil rights case against police.

Cooper, though, said he chose to go home to his wife and three young children who at times were homeless during his incarceration. Cooper said he does not regret his decision, but living with the felony conviction on his record has stunted his ability to earn a better living.

Slosar argues that Cooper was wrongly imprisoned based on flawed police work, tainted witness identifications, an unreliable jailhouse snitch and a trial attorney who mishandled key DNA evidence. The witnesses and the snitch later recanted.

Now, long after advances in DNA testing and a nationwide offender database excluded him as the perpetrator and identified another man, which sparked eyewitness recantations, even the original trial prosecutor who secured Cooper's conviction urged Pence to support the pardon.

Cooper began his pardon quest about four years ago. More than 100,000 supporters have signed an online petition at change.org. Cooper also has an active social media following.

The case was the subject of a Chicago Tribune investigation last year. The Tribune's review of trial transcripts, police reports, witness interviews and depositions showed the case was fraught with problems.

For example, Cooper's former defense attorney agreed to a stipulation that DNA test results from inside the sweatband of the shooter's hat showed Cooper could not be excluded as a suspect. But the Indiana State Police lab report stated the opposite. Years later, the DNA evidence was linked to a man serving a prison term in Michigan for his role in a 2002 murder. He has denied involvement in the Elkhart case and has not been charged.

Pence has pardoned three people, none claiming actual innocence, since he became governor in 2013. His predecessor, Republican Mitch Daniels, pardoned more than 60 people during his eight years in office.

"This doesn't make sense," Cooper said. "How can you pardon guilty people and here I'm innocent and you pass it forward? I just hope I'll still be alive (when pardoned) because I'm tired of walking around with the stigma of being a convicted felon."
Wait a second. Did Trump actually just suggest taking people's guns away? o_O


So we have a Republican candidate that supports violating the 4th Amendment, violating the 2nd Amendment, and confiscation of guns in the space of 5 seconds, and he still wants to claim Hillary is the one that wants to "take your guns away"?!

Video of actual quote:


NRA support withdrawn in 3...2...1...

The "2nd amendment people" voting for Trump is one of the strangest things I've seen thus far. Trump has literally said "I'm the law and order candidate" I will restore order, take away people guns, violate their rights, etc, etc. If that came from Obama or Hillary, Alex Jones and every right wing radio show would be rallying up the troops claiming martial law is imminent. This is the very thing they are supposed to be against. A police state.


The "2nd amendment people" voting for Trump is one of the strangest things I've seen thus far. Trump has literally said "I'm the law and order candidate" I will restore order, take away people guns, violate their rights, etc, etc. If that came from Obama or Hillary, Alex Jones and every right wing radio show would be rallying up the troops claiming martial law is imminent. This is the very thing they are supposed to be against. A police state.
Yeah, but don't forget, with Trump it's a police state against brown and black people. White people are safe and happy and get to keep their Constitutional Rights! Yay!
The "2nd amendment people" voting for Trump is one of the strangest things I've seen thus far. Trump has literally said "I'm the law and order candidate" I will restore order, take away people guns, violate their rights, etc, etc. If that came from Obama or Hillary, Alex Jones and every right wing radio show would be rallying up the troops claiming martial law is imminent. This is the very thing they are supposed to be against. A police state.

Between this and his supporters saying opponents are going to have to "bow down to president Trump," it's not hard to imagine what Fox News would do with this material if the parties were reversed.


Between this and his supporters saying opponents are going to have to "bow down to president Trump," it's not hard to imagine what Fox News would do with this material if the parties were reversed.

Pretty simple.

If it was Hillary: "She quite clearly wants to rule like a dictator. This is America, we don't bow to our leaders - Obama bowed to foreign leaders, we won't bow to some "Queen" in the White House."

With Trump: *bows reverently* "Thank you dear leader for making America great again."


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Anytime you start getting anxious about the election please remember that Hillary almost died on camera immediately following a smear campaign about her health and he still couldn't hold onto the polling bump
Yeah but racist fucks are coming home so we are stuck with losing Iowa.
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