Drudge is being WTFdangerous to public safety by trying to promote the idea the storm isn't as powerful as officially billed. They're trying to make meteorological claims based on amateur observations and some apparent duty to get people to think this isn't as serious as it is. This is
criminally dangerous.
Yeah, not all of the data is consistent with all the rest. And yeah it's true that the aircraft haven't found what the billed intensity is. This shit happens sometimes. Hell, even I'm scratching my head a little. There are several relatively reliable ways to come up with an intensity estimate. It's asking a lot for them to all match up. Like really. If, say, all but 1 are in agreement, that's pretty high confidence. Intensity also means FAR more than just a peak wind speed. To dismiss all of it because it's a government agency collecting the info is SIIIIIIIIGH.
If Drudge wants to come up with its own fleet of custom planes and equipment for hurricane hunting they're more than welcome to! They'll die, but I guess no one can stop them from trying! Or just leave it to the Air Force squadron that exists specifically to handle this stuff. It's a military operation, officially! Dare Drudge question our armed forces?
...Okay I'm done ranting. I can tolerate gossip of armchair hurricane observing but to openly scream about how the government is just trying to terrify us is a new level of stupid I don't think I've ever witnessed.
Can we get another meltdown of everyone's favorite political strategist?
I Miss Ham Rove soooooooo much.