Worth pointing out also is that Nate Cohn and The Upshot are tracking NC early voting and are finding that it's backing up their projects for the state (good for Clinton). They also anticipated black turnout.There's still time to catch up, and there was good news this weekend from Ohio, where black voting turnout is finally catching up to 2012.
North Carolina and other states is tricky to compare to 2012 because of early voting changes, but let's see how it goes for the rest of the week.
IF that's the case. That pisses me off. If they'd rather stay home or brush this election off with a candidate like Trump running then they makes me very upset.
NBC News is confirming that, so far, FBI agents have determined that only a "small number" of the 600,000 + emails from Weiner's computer could be relevant, and that they have a special program to determine which emails (in any) were from and to Clinton's private server, so as to not have to comb over those thousands of emails. They will likely just look for relevant keywords and senders.
It should be done by this week, although the investigation itself will take a while.
Most likely, information about how relevant the emails are will leak to the press in the coming days, confirming there's nothing much there and putting this story to rest. The narrative and consensus in the media is also now solidifying towards the idea that "Comey screwed up" by announcing there could be something, but not much.
Dave Wasserman at FiveThirtyEight is out with an article, confirming that so far, African American turnout is indeed lagging behind 2012 in states like Florida, Virginia and North Carolina. Not by a ton historically, but relative to how Latinos and white liberals are surging. IN some counties in those states, heavy Latino counties have already surpassed their 2012 total vote participation. HIllary is basically compensating for lower turnout from AA with record turnout from Latinos and college educated whites. Arizona, he says, could still be in play.
He ends by saying that Hillary's coalition looks like it will be "broader" that Bill's in 1992, but "narrower" than Obama's in 2008.
We just can't seem to get the same % of African-American vote in NC that we got in 2012 in early voting. We're not even close right now.
Part of this is due to the early voting changes but if that was the case then the two African-American lines would be converging, and not parallel.
Need to blanket the state in volunteers and mobilize these voters.
PA isn't anything to worry about honestly.It's worrisome to me because Pennsylvania depends on it. If she can't get AAs out we definitely will lose by a lot.
I had a strong feeling this would end up happening but i wasn't quite sure since it wasn't being reflected in the polls. It sucks but the crime bill and superpredator stuff was effective at making young black voters apathetic about this election.
Looks like O'Keefe may have broken wiretapping laws with some of the videos he posted recently.
If you look at the numbers for President/IN-Gov's race, it basically seems like this particular Monmouth poll is +5-6 Republican compared to their last one (in all the races). The Hillary/Trump margin expanded the same amount. Gregg had a big lead so he could afford to get it cut in half.
Obviously Bayh isn't doing as well as he did in August, but I don't think he's slipped recently compared to the national horserace.
It's worrisome to me because Pennsylvania depends on it. If she can't get AAs out we definitely will lose by a lot.
There was no way she could get as high of a turnout as Obama's was in 2008.
Nate Cohn Verified account
Polls show Clinton ahead in NC because Trump isn't doing well among white voters, esp well-edu whites. It's not bc of high black turnout
11:41 AM - 31 Oct 2016
PA isn't anything to worry about honestly.
Omg I was thinking worst case I'm not actually expecting that to happenFaithless electors are, though.
The good news is that the reduction in AA turnout vs 2012, although marked, was right in line with Upshot's projections in NC so far.
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn
Polls show Clinton ahead in NC because Trump isn't doing well among white voters, esp well-edu whites. It's not bc of high black turnout
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn
The danger to Clinton, IMO, is that well-educated, white, GOP-leaners come home
Faithless electors are, though.
The good news is that the reduction in AA turnout vs 2012, although marked, was right in line with Upshot's projections in NC so far.
Very disappointing if AA turnout does end up lagging behind 2012. I can understand not being enthused about Hillary in the same way as Obama, but I figured Trump would really energize the minority vote this election. It's very disheartening to me if that doesn't end up being the case, even with an overall win for Hillary.
Very disappointing if AA turnout does end up lagging behind 2012. I can understand not being enthused about Hillary in the same way as Obama, but I figured Trump would really energize the minority vote this election. It's very disheartening to me if that doesn't end up being the case, even with an overall win for Hillary.
Very disappointing if AA turnout does end up lagging behind 2012. I can understand not being enthused about Hillary in the same way as Obama, but I figured Trump would really energize the minority vote this election. It's very disheartening to me if that doesn't end up being the case, even with an overall win for Hillary.
Diablos is right. Even if Bayh loses, he had a better chance than Baron Hill. Todd Young had a cakewalk to the Senate. Bayh made him and others spend money in IN. That's part of a win right there.Well in fairness even if he loses can you think of any other IN Democrat who could do as well?
Looks like O'Keefe may have broken wiretapping laws with some of the videos he posted recently.
I had to put my dog down today because she had cancer. Including earlier events and a Trump win this would be the worst year of my life. Thank Jebus he'll lose.
I had to put my dog down today because she had cancer. Including earlier events and a Trump win this would be the worst year of my life. Thank Jebus he'll lose.
Y'alright US PoliGAF? Here in the UK the media seems to be painting a picture of a possible Trump resurgence.
Please tell me this isn't true.
Y'alright US PoliGAF? Here in the UK the media seems to be painting a picture of a possible Trump resurgence.
Please tell me this isn't true.
Y'alright US PoliGAF? Here in the UK the media seems to be painting a picture of a possible Trump resurgence.
Please tell me this isn't true.
IF that's the case. That pisses me off. If they'd rather stay home or brush this election off with a candidate like Trump running then they makes me very upset.
Trump already won. We are stuck in a Star Trek-like time loop trying to fix it.
The crime bill criticisms definitely have some credence to them though and Bill hasn't done the best job of apologizing for it in the past year. The gay marriage positions of the 90s and 2000s didn't adversely hurt gay communities in the way mass incarceration has to black people. Ava's new Netflix documentary 13th (that's been making the waves with black youth) shows the Clintons apologizing for it but also shows them only changing it when it was most politically expedient.This seems as silly a thing to hold against Clinton as a gay person holding her previous position on marriage equality against her.
Times change and positions change. Surely it's more important to look at what she's doing now.
On the other hand --- if Hillary isn't energizing lower-propensity voters based on Trump, then perhaps Trump won't energize low-propensity voters based on Hillary.
Trump already won. We are stuck in a Star Trek-like time loop trying to fix it.
Somebody call Big Data.
Y'alright US PoliGAF? Here in the UK the media seems to be painting a picture of a possible Trump resurgence.
Please tell me this isn't true.
Nate Cohn is pushing back against the sudden fretting over polls being wrong because of low black turnout. He says all polls have taken this into consideration.
Yes, the Clinton campaign needs to push black turnout harder this week, but that's never been Hillary's main strength.
Nate Cohn is pushing back against the sudden fretting over polls being wrong because of low black turnout. He says all polls have taken this into consideration.
Yes, the Clinton campaign needs to push black turnout harder this week, but that's never been Hillary's main strength.