I know for a fact that Kris doesn't have me blocked.
How do you know? How do you know? I could have anyone blocked. You would never know. In fact I could block you maybe 8, 9, 10 times. There's no accountability, none. It's an honor system. I just log in and press the block button over and over, folks. It's that simple. You really have no idea who's blocking who. Who's doing the blocking? Someone has to be doing the blocking. But I mean we have an idea. We have an idea, folks. We know who's doing the blocking.You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. And you know we have values of civility and discourse here in PoliGAF, so blocking, people who would do that kind of thing, the blockers, I call them the blocks for short, they're just blocking it up here in PoliGAF, we know who they are and how terrible our thread has become in the past few months but what has Y2Kev done? What has Shinra-bansho done? What has Gotchaye done? Gotchaye is actually quite a good mod, he has some good ideas, but we know where his true loyalties lie, and it's not with us, it's with the elite mod class. Gotchaye is a total dummy, so stupid. What are the moderators doing? I think anyone who even looks like a blocker, who looks like a block, I think we need to bring back alt-searching and IP logging and get better at the cyber security, GAF has been DDoSed so many times, so many times, what has Kev done? If he wanted to stop it in the past, he could have done so. He's been a moderator for so many months, but what has he done? Nothing. Nothing at all. Our thread is going down the tubes. You know - and I'm still talking to you, Holmes, I like you a lot but I can get very tough, and very mean, very fast, I always punch back - they say that people like Kev are heroes because they have a lot on their plate. I like people who don't have a lot on their plate. Okay? I don't have a lot on my plate. I mean I might, I'm not going to give it away. But if I did, that would make me smart. That would make me smart. Smarter than the blocks, because I have integrity. Speaking of which, we let in all of these people into our forum, into NeoGAF, we have no idea who they are or what their values are. They come in from Reddit, from GameFAQs, from Facebook, we have no idea who they are and they get banned and they come right back, it's so easy. We have the least strict user registration system on the entire internet. The least strict. It's so easy to register for NeoGAF, we have no idea who's - because - yes - and it's so bad. It's so bad. They say oh, we're well moderated, there's no way people can get in - well, you get people like this, like this BarackLesnar, Team Alucard, Crab, and there are so many more, if we were actually safe how would these people get back in? And you ban them and they come right back so we need to be smarter. Ok? We need to be smarter. Way smarter, folks. I am the smartest. And then you tell me, well, they're just in OT, OT is bad, but PoliGAF has the good ones. Well just last week - this is really insane, ladies and gentlemen - Y2Kev is posting and who is posting right behind him? Who is right behind him? BarackHusseinLesnar. I'm not making this stuff up. BarackLesnar, right behind him. So that tells you a little something about our moderators. I will tell you, if I were a moderator, I would ban them so fast their heads would spin. So fast. Then I'd ban their wives and girlfriends. There has to be some form of punishment for the woman, there has to be. Then I'd ban their whole families. And I was talking to some moderators, I am friends with a lot of moderators, believe me, believe me, I said, we have permaban buttons, why can't we use them? Why can't we use them? I don't understand, I'm telling them, why can't we use them? The permaban buttons are right there, let's just use them. Ban the shit outta them.
So we don't know. You don't know. No you're the puppet.