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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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I was here a week ago panicking that it was close and you guys reassured me. Is it time to panic for real now?

To repeat what I said a few pages back, Romney was up by .1 in RCP's Horrible No Good Very Bad average on this day in 2013...Clinton is up by 2.2. Also, Trump continues to have zero GOTV operations, Comey's little gambit seems to have had minimal impact (if any), the EV firewall is holding and Nevada's probably in the bag to boot in case New Hampshire or someone else goes and does something stupid. It may not be a total blowout or anything, but Hillary's got this one, yo.

The Senate's much more worthy of your panic.


Junior Member

Wait what?!?!?!



Even if classified info was found on Huma's computer, it would also have to be proven that it was knowingly transferred - that was the conclusion of the previous investigation - that there might have been some classified info, but it was not intentionally sent.

Didn't the FBI say Huma didn't know why the emails would be on there?


To repeat what I said a few pages back, Romney was up by .1 in RCP's Horrible No Good Very Bad average on this day in 2013...Clinton is up by 2.2. Also, Trump continues to have zero GOTV operations, Comey's little gambit seems to have had minimal impact (if any), the EV firewall is holding and Nevada's probably in the bag to boot in case New Hampshire or someone else goes and does something stupid. Hillary's got this one, yo.

The Senate's much more worthy of your panic.

This is exactly how I feel.

How close it is just saddens me, really regret pulling for Trump in the primaries. Like... we've normalized fuckery that is just really gross.
FUCK ME, Please don't do this.

This is fucking dumb as hell. On the other hand:

Comey: We have an update on the email situation
Media: ZOMG
Comey: Huma disagreed with some of the ingredients in Podesta's risotto recipe
Media: ....
Comey: She recommends Krasnodar rice instead of Arborio rice.

Drudge Headline
Even if classified info was found on Huma's computer, it would also have to be proven that it was knowingly transferred - that was the conclusion of the previous investigation - that there might have been some classified info, but it was not intentionally sent.

I feel as though the minutiae of the email fracas has bled into a general cloud over Clinton, which was most likely the point. But just to point something out, none of the emails, when they were sent, were Classified. Everything that was in question was up-classified through bureaucratic pissing contests and turf-wars.


A little annoyed he didn't say big-league news.

This will be great. It'll get a lot of air time on TV. Picture of a painting. Its visual. Easy to grasp for people.

It'll invariably be followed by "....self-dealing by the Trump Foundation"
I feel as though the minutiae of the email fracas has bled into a general cloud over Clinton, which was most likely the point. But just to point something out, none of the emails, when they were sent, were Classified. Everything that was in question was up-classified through bureaucratic pissing contests and turf-wars.

I thought some of them were considered classified by some agencies but Clinton and the state Department disagreed at the time.
I feel as though the minutiae of the email fracas has bled into a general cloud over Clinton, which was most likely the point. But just to point something out, none of the emails, when they were sent, were Classified. Everything that was in question was up-classified through bureaucratic pissing contests and turf-wars.

I'm pretty sure three had improperly marked classified info buried deep in the email chains but maybe my brain has turned to email soup by now
To repeat what I said a few pages back, Romney was up by .1 in RCP's Horrible No Good Very Bad average on this day in 2013...Clinton is up by 2.2. Also, Trump continues to have zero GOTV operations, Comey's little gambit seems to have had minimal impact (if any), the EV firewall is holding and Nevada's probably in the bag to boot in case New Hampshire or someone else goes and does something stupid. It may not be a total blowout or anything, but Hillary's got this one, yo.

The Senate's much more worthy of your panic.

Gotcha, I'll continue my panic and anxiety, but I'll direct it to the appropriate sources.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think these are powerful, but I think people also want to see positive ads to close the election.

Agreed. Her favorable rating went up after the debates when people actually saw the type of person she really is.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I was here a week ago panicking that it was close and you guys reassured me. Is it time to panic for real now?

About the presidency? Not unless we see new polls in Michigan, Wisconsin, or PA that show a drastic turnaround. The blue wall still exists. Even Florida and Ohio are unnecessary, and Florida's early voting numbers are why the thread has been panicking a bit.

About the Senate? Yes. Panic.

About the House? LOL. That was never happening.


Like just seeing that picture of Hillary and Obama hugging makes me feel better about the future. It is such a warm, bright vision of where this country is going. Why would you think that was a good idea Scott Walker for your constituency? The bubble must create sick whiplash as their preconceptions come repeatedly crashing down.

That is why I am drinking the FUCK out of tears come November 8.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
That is why I am drinking the FUCK out of tears come November 8.

Today is my last day of work until the 10th. I'm going to be drinking anything I can get my hands on next Tuesday.
I thought some of them were considered classified by some agencies but Clinton and the state Department disagreed at the time.

The 2 emails that were classified at the time, were to be declassified, but due to "human error" they were still "technically" classified

The day after we published this fact-check, Comey testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on July 7. Comey said he believes three emails on Clinton's server contained information labeled classified at the time they were sent. This information was not properly marked in that the emails did not have a classification header, even though a "(c)" immediately preceded text in the body of the emails, designating confidential information. Without the clear classification header, it's reasonable to infer that Clinton did not realize these three emails contained classified


Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Measured? Or the Morgan Freeman ad?

There's been a good balance of positive and negative over the last month.

"Example" doesn't talk about her values, though. It says that Clinton is experienced (fine, but I'll get on to that in a mo), talks about Trump being the one who frightens our allies (negative definition again), the one who understands the challenges/has a steady hand (doesn't mean anything), or loose cannon (fine, but doesn't mean anything).

Clinton being experienced is fine and all. It might give us confidence she can achieve what she sets out to do. But we don't know what she wants to do. So the experience card won't give any dividends. "Example" just says she understands the challenges. Does she? what are they then?

As an ad, it might as well have said "Clinton will be good, and loves the kittens and motherhood and apple pie." I ain't give a shit when I'm broke and my friends are being shot by the police and my student tuition goes up every year. Give me the ad that says "Hillary Clinton understands what it is to live without any dignity, to feel like society doesn't value you, to not have the dollar that your kids need for their textbooks. And she's going to do something about that: she's going to do {x, y, z}. Hillary Clinton: real change."

Clinton is the ultimate small c-conservative. She cannot do anything that would possibly evoke any kind of emotion either way in anyone. All of her ads are either attacks on Trump, or play up literally the blandest, most milquetoast themes possible. It's really depressing. Compare that to Obama's hopium blasts.
I still feel good about the Senate.

What bums me out if the loss of any traditionally red states to hammer home how bad Trump's wing of the party is.


I don't know if this is a new poll or not, but Jake Tapper tweeted it out.

Elon University
NC Oct 23 - 27 (so pre-Comey)

Hillary 42%
Trump 41%
Johnson 3%


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I don't know if this is a new poll or not, but Jake Tapper tweeted it out.

Elon University
NC Oct 23 - 27 (so pre-Comey)

Hillary 42%
Trump 41%
Johnson 3%

Nervousness increasing.


Like I said, this thread isn't politics; it's therapy.

Apparently it's mostly therapy for people suffering from election results in other countries now.


I don't know if this is a new poll or not, but Jake Tapper tweeted it out.

Elon University
NC Oct 23 - 27 (so pre-Comey)

Hillary 42%
Trump 41%
Johnson 3%

The high number of undecided is maddening. What the fuck is wrong with these people. How can they look at mother fucking turd and think that he might be a possible choice. Do we have so many masochists in this country?


I don't know if this is a new poll or not, but Jake Tapper tweeted it out.
Link to it, looks new

How are 13% still undecided at this point. Ridiculous. also are you kidding me with this:

Turning to the perceived bias in media coverage of the presidential race, N.C. voters believe that Trump has suffered more than Clinton during the long campaign season. More than half — 56 percent — said the media is biased against Donald Trump while just 19 percent said the media is biased against Clinton. Trump voters overwhelmingly said the media has been biased against their candidate, with 92 percent holding that view. Among Clinton voters, about one in five — 21 percent — said there is media bias against Trump.

99% of the time all they do is repeat what he said verbatim!


thanks for the laugh
The high number of undecided is maddening. What the fuck is wrong with these people. How can they look at mother fucking turd and think that he might be a possible choice. Do we have so many masochists in this country?

does undecided include "i can't endorse any of them" or is it entirely "i want one of these but haven't made my mind up who"?
Both parties see North Carolina squarely in the Democratic column, even post-Comey.

This is what's driving Trump to blue states. He's getting absolutely roasted in the NC burbs.African-American drift doesn't matter when you drop a 30-ish margin in Mecklenburg and Wake counties.
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