A lot of bullshit that no one should take seriously. That swing is literally impossible in absence of any actual relevant news.Sorry if this was posted earlier but what is this shit?
Here's the OT for the weeks right before election day.
Sorry if this was posted earlier but what is this shit?
ABC News Tracking Poll. Garbage Poll swings 12 or 13 points in a week. Ignore, continue to focus on aggregates.
That makes absolutely no sense. I could see making a strong play for PA, but no one even talks about New Mexico or Michigan as anything other than safe blue.
This is actually kind of comforting. Seems like you guys always just act this way. :lol
Yep, Ari Melber said the FBI is considering doing real time updates as the emails are checked.
(ignore the time, this is about 4 minutes after MSNBC called Ohio and the election for Obama)
(ignore the time, this is about 4 minutes after MSNBC called Ohio and the election for Obama)
Trump was in MI yesterday and apparently the rest of his campaign and family will be in MI throughout the week (Pence, Ivanka, Eric, and Jr.). Hail Mary? Or do they know something no one else on the planet knows.
Trump was in MI yesterday and apparently the rest of his campaign and family will be in MI throughout the week (Pence, Ivanka, Eric, and Jr.). Hail Mary? Or do they know something no one else on the planet knows.
Trump was in MI yesterday and apparently the rest of his campaign and family will be in MI throughout the week (Pence, Ivanka, Eric, and Jr.). Hail Mary? Or do they know something no one else on the planet knows.
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 16m16 minutes ago
top GOP pollster: "Trump recovering, not enough to dig out of hole. superior HRC data/digital/GOTV too much to overcome. GOP holds Senate."
Ha, no.Tony Fabrizio
‏@TonyFabrizioGOP Tony Fabrizio Retweeted John Harwood
What if the turnout models are wrong and turnout looks more like 2014 than it does 2012?
Yep, Ari Melber said the FBI is considering doing real time updates as the emails are checked.
Why can't they just wait until they actually have something solid and then talk about it?
Ha, no.
No wonder Trump won't pay you $750K
Ha, no.
No wonder Trump won't pay you $750K
I think it's more of a Hail Mary; and honestly probably prompted because Trump thinks he can pull a Bernie Sanders.
I would put more stock in it if Clinton was making a big push. At this point, I only expect them to make data-driven decisions like that.
That's really weird. Not going to panic about it, it just doesn't make sense.
This is the Chris Matthews thing - I don't know if it has been edited to pull it out of context:
Either you care both about Trump being sexual predator & Clinton emails, or u care about neither. But don't talk about one without the other
Who is Ari MelberYep, Ari Melber said the FBI is considering doing real time updates as the emails are checked.
HAHA desperate
Yeah, this seems almost like he is saying what Trump is arguing for, not saying what he believes. Could be wrong though.
Who is Ari Melber
It has been. Here is the full clip, it's a few days old.This is the Chris Matthews thing - I don't know if it has been edited to pull it out of context:
Whoa, creepy
Le sigh. Thanks, Comey.
LOL somebody legitimately asked what if the presidential election demos were like a midterm? Come on.
Who is Ari Melber
light theme.
how are your eyes not burned out of the socket?
You could even knock Florida off there and we'd still squeak by with North Carolina (IMO a much surer bet than FL). Trump's got the most daunting odds imaginable to pull this off.Even if he could somehow make two pretty clearly blue states red in a week... he still loses...
Even if he could somehow make two pretty clearly blue states red in a week... he still loses...
He can even have Florida in this map and still lose.
Even if he could somehow make two pretty clearly blue states red in a week... he still loses...
He can even have Florida in this map and still lose.
North Carolina is a serious gift this time around.
Ha, no.
No wonder Trump won't pay you $750K
With Nevada on probable lock she doesn't even need North Carolina, New Hampshire or ME2.Right. Which of the firewall states is he going to turn?
I just don't see it. She doesn't even need FLA/OH.
Is there any polling that suggests Trump is within even striking distance in Michigan?
With Nevada on probable lock she doesn't even need North Carolina, New Hampshire or ME2.
How likely is NV looking at this point?
Haven't really checked into the polling.
Last polls were pretty bad for him, but they were a while back, I thought.
Edit: Fox 2/Mitchell had one from a couple days ago showing Clinton +9.