David Duke has thoughts.
I like how there are even Nazis calling him out in the comments for his anti-GMO stuff, lol.
david duke looks weird as fuck
david duke looks weird as fuck
From the failing NYT.
Wut. Why is the FBI taking its cues from a Breitbart editor's book.
I've begun compiling a list of Donald Trump's corruption after some encouragement.
I am kind of explicitly avoiding the misogynistic, racist, xenophobic comments because I am not sure that counts as "corruption" so much as being a terrible person, but I'd like opinions on that too.
That should be its own thread, ami.
but emailz & foundation & sniper fireThat should be its own thread, ami.
Morning Joe in a few hours, "you know, it's like we've been saying this whole time, there's just nothing there, am I right Mika? Haven't we been saying that this whole time?"
Oh who am I kidding, either no one will mention it, or he'll say something about Bill Clinton.
but emailz & foundation & sniper fire
I've begun compiling a list of Donald Trump's corruption after some encouragement. I've got more links, but let me know if I'm missing any major ones. There are so many sexual assault allegations that will take a lot of time to put em all in, so I am working on that too.
The Early Years: 1970s-1990s:
● 197X: The Jessica Leeds Sexual Assault Scandal - "He was like an Octopus."
● 1973: The New York Trump Housing Discrimination Scandal - Regularly gave rentals to white folk, turned away blacks.
● 1980-Present: The Refuse to Pay Contractors/Workers Scandal - Hundreds allege Trump would outright refuse to pay them even after work was done to exact specifications.
● 1981: The Trump Tenant Intimidation Scandal - Cut off heat, water, refused repairs to try to get rent controlled tenants out. Mushrooms literally grew in an apartment from leaks.
● 1986: Antitrust Violations - Fined $750,000 for failing to disclose purchase of stocks made with intent to take control of a company.
● 1988-Present: Trump Foundation Scandal - Used the "charity" as an extension of a personal bank, purchasing portraits of himself, fixing fountains at his own resorts, paying off his own legal fees.
● 1989: Ivana Rape Scandal - "According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, he raped me." Trump's lawyer defense? You can't rape your wife.
● 1990: The Trump Casino Chip Scandal - Fined $30,000 when his father illegally entered casino and purchased 3.3 million in chips and gave it to his son as a bailout for his shitty business practices. Since he didn't intend to gamble, it was determined to be a loan and he was fined.
● 1990-?: The Tax Loophole/Avoidance Scandals - Bent tax laws beyond all recognition, ensuring he left investors with his debt, avoided paying taxes for potentially twenty years.
● 1991: The Robert LiButti Mafioso Scandal - Paid $200,000 fine for arranging to keep black employees away from Robert LiButti's gambling table. Paid another $450,000 fine for buying LiButti nine luxury cars.
● 1992: The American Dream Beauty Pageant Scandal - Deprived of $250,000 Fee, Rampant Misogyny and Unwanted Sexual Advances
● 1994: The Jeffrey Epstein/13 Year Old Jane Doe Rape Scandal - "Trump proceeded to forcibly rape her.
● 1997: The Teen Beauty Pageant Scandal - Abused his power to walk through the dressing room filled with nude underage girls. Said he has "seen it all before."
● 1998: The Cuban Embargo Scandal - Spent $68,000 in Cuba in violation of federal law through a shell company
● 1999: The Illegal Immigrant Model Scandal - Used Undocumented Immigrants for his modeling agency "It was like modern-day slavery."
The Later Years: 2000-2016:
● 2001: The Miss America Beauty Pageant Scandal - Repeatedly walked into the dressing room while contestants were nude, bragged about abusing his power to do it on Howard Stern
● 2003: The Mindy McGillivray Sexual Assault Scandal - "Donald just grabbed my ass!
● 2005: The Rachel Crooks Sexual Assault Scandal - "They shook hands, but Mr. Trump would not let go, she said. Then, she said, he kissed me directly on the mouth.
● 2005: The Trump University Scandal - Bilked customers out of $40 million dollars, a complete scam targeting the elderly, uninformed and disenfranchised.
● 2005: Trump Institute Scandal - Promised to "hand pick instructors" and gave his name for use for a clear get rich quick scam.
● 2005: The Access Hollywood Grab Them By the Pussy Scandal - Bragged about sexual assault on microphone, said he could do it because he is famous.
● 2006-2008: E-Mail Gate - Trump repeatedly destroyed e-mails and documents in defiance of a court order for multiple cases against him.
● 2016: The $55,000 Crippled America Book Scandal - Used campaign funds to purchase 5,000 copies of his own book.
I am kind of explicitly avoiding the misogynistic, racist, xenophobic comments because I am not sure that counts as "corruption" so much as being a terrible person, but I'd like opinions on that too.
You forgot the scandal that just happened. He isn't paying his pollster an owed $750,000.
You can name several good things that Clintons have done whereas you can name more crimes that Trump has commited. What the fuck do these people have to go through their minds to even equivalate the two.
http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/fbi-hillary-clinton-devices-230592#ixzz4OnrjYzplThe FBI never asked Hillary Clinton's top aides to turn over all the computers and smartphones they used while Clinton was secretary of state, an omission that is now triggering questions from Republican lawmakers.
While the FBI made a concerted effort to obtain all the computers that were used as Clinton's private server and ultimately asked two of Clinton's lawyers for laptops used to review her email messages, investigators never requested or demanded all equipment her top staffers used for work purposes during her four years at State, a source familiar with the investigation told POLITICO.
"No one was asked for devices by the FBI," said the source, who requested anonymity.
The decision left the FBI at least partially dependent on the aides' attorneys' decisions about which messages were work-related and therefore might have contained classified information the agents were looking for. Those messages were turned over to State in response to its request last year.
GOP lawmakers say the decision not to demand the aides' electronics, or even to ask for them, raises doubts about how the FBI and prosecutors handled the probe.
"The more we learn about the FBI’s initial investigation into Secretary Clinton’s unauthorized use of a private email server, the more questions we have about the thoroughness of the investigation and the administration’s conclusion to not prosecute her for mishandling classified information," House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) told POLITICO on Tuesday.
Why was everyone wearing purple on CNN??
David Duke has thoughts.
I like how there are even Nazis calling him out in the comments for his anti-GMO stuff, lol.
I just don't see how Clinton can take 5 more days of around the clock negative coverage. What candidate can withstand that and not lose some voters?
I just don't see how Clinton can take 5 more days of around the clock negative coverage. What candidate can withstand that and not lose some voters?
NeoGAF.I just don't see how Clinton can take 5 more days of around the clock negative coverage. What candidate can withstand that and not lose some voters?
Yep polls still the same.
Donald Trump apparently
Baked in. Back in August polls showed something life 60% were tired of the email storiesI just don't see how Clinton can take 5 more days of around the clock negative coverage. What candidate can withstand that and not lose some voters?
Baked in. Back in August polls showed something life 60% were tired of the email stories
Baked in. Back in August polls showed something life 60% were tired of the email stories
He loses some but they come back when the attention shifts to how much Clinton sucks. The problem is that this last round of this stupid cycle is pointed completely at Clinton and time is about to run out.
CNN pushing that polls are getting closer and Trump could win thanks to the emails.
CNN pushing that polls are getting closer and Trump could win thanks to the emails.
There really is virtually no chance he wins. Relax. Polls show the same thing still.
We should just be concerned about the Senate.
You and everyone else no one cares at this point.How can people continue to care about this fucking personal email server? It's such bullshit too considering they never once mention the fact the Bush administration "lost" millions of emails.
I just don't give a shit about emails anymore, I'm so tired of hearing about them, and continue to be appalled it's a legit line of attack for some people.
You and everyone else no one cares at this point.
GOP take makes every new thing dull withing a week.
Bam bam do what I did to clear your mind. Play around with a map and try to realistically make a map where trump wins.Then, take a step back and think about what exactly Trump has to do within the next week to win. When I did that a while ago that's when I became super confident about this upcoming Tuesday. With voters already casting votes I realized just how unlikely it is He's going to win. Clinton needs a catastrophic event to lose right now. A real scandal like Watergate.I would LOVE to be wrong but I got a feeling we are going to get a real ugly number from Wisconsin tomorrow. Also, I have no faith in these crappy daily trackers not to keep being volatile.
CNN pushing that polls are getting closer and Trump could win thanks to the emails.
Don't forget when he jacked up the rental prices for his campaign staff:I've begun compiling a list of Donald Trump's corruption after some encouragement. I've got more links, but let me know if I'm missing any major ones. There are so many sexual assault allegations that will take a lot of time to put em all in, so I am working on that too.
● 2016: The $55,000 Crippled America Book Scandal - Used campaign funds to purchase 5,000 copies of his own book.