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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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OK so, that Florida poll news? Eh, sorta big. But this?!?


So, given that Barney Frank got Cornel West to admit that he would vote Hillary when it came down to it if Stein was not gaining any traction, it would be hilarious if Sarandon was the last one left.


So FBI email gate was what 4 day story?

It's still the top story everywhere, in its various incarnations. There's no other news (Trump stories are boring) and political reporters are going to cover it by default unless something gigantic happens, because it is easy and fits a predetermined narrative.

But regardless, whatever damage it's done is probably baked in now.
Breitbart has a strong take.


They are currently tormenting Seth Rich's parents by constantly promoting the conspiracy theory that Hillary had him murdered.


It's still the top story everywhere, in its various incarnations. There's no other news (Trump stories are boring) and political reporters are going to cover it by default unless something gigantic happens, because it is easy and fits a predetermined narrative.

But regardless, whatever damage it's done is probably baked in now.

Well watching CNN, the bigger stories seem to be about the campaign stops from Obama, Hilary, McMullin robocall, emails don't seem to be a big focus.


So, given that Barney Frank got Cornel West to admit that he would vote Hillary when it came down to it if Stein was not gaining any traction, it would be hilarious if Sarandon was the last one left.

That was a great moment by Barney. Absolutely demolished Cornell's whole "protest" stance with a simple question


Aw poor Meghan McCain.

Meghan McCain
Meghan McCain‏ @MeghanMcCain

I am completely apathetic towards who wins next week. They are 2 megalomaniac, compulsive liars, well beneath what we should expect as Prez.

Your dad practically started this, you dumbass.


Also, in Orange County (FL) we had our biggest plurality since last week, and the biggest NPA day so far. Turnout looks great in FL for us. Palm Beach had its best day yet, Broward was way up and Miami-Dade was too.

Hopefully it keeps up. Clinton can win without Florida, but pretty much can't lose with it.
Durham and Wake had the largest increase in new voter registrations so far this year, followed by Guilford and Mecklenburg. All good for us.

Guilford is going to catch up to 2012 EV and its AA contribs will help move the bar towards statewide 2012 numbers. Still probably going to be some logjams there on election day.
Why does Trump suck Douglas MacArthur's dick so much? He was a racist and from watching this documentary on PBS, started losing the war in Korean theater like a chump near the end.

He shares MacArthur's thirst for nuclear annihilation of all outside forces that aren't allied to us.

I just need to rant here.

My parents are fucking idiots. I mean, I love them and they love me, but goddammit, they're stupid.

They get most/all of their information from fox, and they are misinformed as fuck. But when I try to explain to them that they do not have their facts straight, they just pull a "you're such a know-it-all and no one can tell you different". No matter how I explain it to them, even though they do not refute anything, they just roll their eyes at "everything you think you know about this election is wrong"....which, sure, is an extreme statement, but it's true. There is no subject regarding this election in which they haven't displayed stunning misinformation. Whenever I try to demand statistics or sources, they either go "Well, on the news..." or worse, bring up some anecdote. To them, a personal story of a single mexican skipping paying taxes or committing a crime they personally know is more convincing to them that it's a national problem than the statistics showing it's not.

It's hard to pin down the exact source of this mentality. A lot of it is that they do not look outside their personal bubble. Like, the fact that they are paying a lot for Obamacare and don't benefit from it too much is reason why it should be removed for the entire country. A lot of their questions are framed as "Well, what is Hillary Clinton going to do for you?" As in, me personally. They don't seem to think that gays maintaining their rights would be something I'd care about since I'm not gay. And it's hard not to see this as shitty selfish behavior because...it kind of is.

It's just frustrating because they eagerly want a debate and hate how heated it gets, but you cannot debate ignorance of this magnitude. It's like building a sandcastle on the shoreline, no matter the argument you mount on why they're wrong, it's just washed away and you have to start on a new one.

My family is similar. The thing to remember with people like that is that they aren't actually talking in good faith (intentional or not). If you suggested half of Eisenhower's policies without mentioning who enacted them, they'd hate them for being commie talk. But when Trump comes out and calls Dubya a loser, the fucking switch flipped for my folks (and I'm sure yours too) and suddenly I was allowed to shit talk Bush without them complaining.

It's because what folks like that actually care about is the culture war. They want things to go back to where the Republicans maintained a Christian, masculine, dominant culture and we could all laugh at the pussy liberals while also making "immoral" behavior illegal so that you never had to see it and deal with it. I've convinced my mom (and some of her sisters) to vote for Castle since he's basically a theocrat, and I know that's what they actually want.

To that end, none of the facts actually matter. My family isn't making factual arguments about tax policy or carbon emissions; they're fighting to not hear people speak Spanish at the grocery store and to not see gay people on commercials.
From the failing NYT.
In August, around the same time the decision was made to keep the Manafort investigation at a low simmer, the F.B.I. grappled with whether to issue subpoenas in the Clinton Foundation case, which, like the Manafort matter, was in its preliminary stages. The investigation, based in New York, had not developed much evidence and was based mostly on information that had surfaced in news stories and the book “Clinton Cash,” according to several law enforcement officials briefed on the case.
Wut. Why is the FBI taking its cues from a Breitbart editor's book.


What also gets me about Meghan McCain's false equivalency is that Trump insulted her father. Like...one would think she would have at least considered that before saying something so stupid since it was such a personal attack. Hillary has never done anything of that nature.

Ah, whatever.


When I refreshed this thread earlier (I was caught up to it last night) I saw over 30 new pages, I thought "holy shit oppo finally dropped".

Nope, this just seems the normal pace of this thread right now.
What also gets me about Meghan McCain's false equivalency is that Trump insulted her father. Like...one would think she would have at least considered that before saying something so stupid since it was such a personal attack. Hillary has never done anything of that nature.

Ah, whatever.

and Hillary actually likes John McCain


Hillary likes McCain more than McCain likes Hilllary...Consider how he made fun of her regarding the time of her health care proposal...
We should reward Bill Weld promoting Hillary by appointing him to be the next head of the FBI.

Then Bill Weld can disband the FBI and therefore promote libertarian causes more on a federal level than any other prior libertarian candidate despite being a LINO.

and Hillary actually likes John McCain

That's probably not true anymore though. It's honestly hilarious that he was the "maverick" who would go against the grain if his principles took him that way. Now he's barely unendorsing a guy who called him a loser for getting tortured. He's a coward of the highest degree, and I can't imagine Hillary sympathizes with him over this.


Clinton scandal progression.


From Whitewater to Vince Foster to Monica


From Benghazi to EMAILS to Clinton Foundation to ???

What comes after the Clinton Foundation?


Hill gonna take FL. i don't see any reason to panic over it.

Hope so, but you have to remember most of the early voters in Fl are elderly (and many of them are Jewish), so lean heavily Democrat.

My parents who live a south Fl retirement community (Del Boca Vista) are telling me many of their friends are voting Trump.

So we shall see...
Hope so, but you have to remember most of the early voters in Fl are elderly (and many of them are Jewish), so lean heavily Democrat.

My parents who live a south Fl retirement community (Del Boca Vista) are telling me many of their friends are voting Trump.

So we shall see...

Phase 2?
We should reward Bill Weld promoting Hillary by appointing him to be the next head of the FBI.

Then Bill Weld can disband the FBI and therefore promote libertarian causes more on a federal level than any other prior libertarian candidate despite being a LINO.

Or we could appoint him to the role of FBI director with the hopes that he rats out the corrupt assholes still in the FBI.

Also, I distinctly remember him saying in that CNN Libertarian town hall that he wanted to INCREASE fbi and CIA funding.


A little hopium for you

Jon Ralston
Jon Ralston‏ @RalstonReports

Dems won Clark today by almost 2,200. Firewall now at 50K, right where it was at this time in '12. Won this day by close to 3,00 in '12.
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