People can say whatever they want in an exit poll right?What's this EV FL exit poll thing?
Does it make the last few days handwringing and quarterbacking even more embarrassing.
Reverse rigging?
People can say whatever they want in an exit poll right?What's this EV FL exit poll thing?
Does it make the last few days handwringing and quarterbacking even more embarrassing.
Trump matched his all-time high in the LAT tracker update. The last time the number was like this was during the pneumonia fiasco.
It's a crap tracker but the movement can't be totally baseless. If he gets some better numbers from IBD/TIPP and ABC he could be leading the RCP average.
What's this EV FL exit poll thing?
Does it make the last few days handwringing and quarterbacking even more embarrassing.
Omg what is her campaign doing. Why isn't she living in Florida. She isn't getting as many EVs among black people as the first black President. Because she is so unfavourable among blacks. Or at least the ones that hate her do it with a vengeance. Also she is weak and uninspiring. Something millennials. Something millennials. Wasting time getting moderate votes. 2020 lost already. Piss all over the sheets.
I hope you're not seriously worried about a Trump presidency. The only thing "worth" bedwetting over at this point is the Senate.
LOL this is the best...
Bill Mitchell was on Alex Jones' show yesterday. Its about 25 mins long. Haven't watched it yet, about to.
People can say whatever they want in an exit poll right?
Reverse rigging?
How much would you not want to be locked in a room with those two?
At the very least, her position has weakened measurably. That's not a comforting thought.
The guy on the left asking the questions (the "host") began a question by saying...
"... I posted a meme yesterday...."
Concern trolling; penalty, 15 yards.
The guy on the left asking the questions (the "host") began a question by saying...
"... I posted a meme yesterday...."
Why is your mouse arrow orange tho
Why is your mouse arrow orange tho
The guy on the left asking the questions (the "host") began a question by saying...
"... I posted a meme yesterday...."
November 2, 2016 Tempe, Arizona Early Vote Rally Hillary Clinton
November 2, 2016 Las Vegas, Nevada Get Out the Vote Hillary Clinton
November 2, 2016 Dubuque, Iowa Get Out the Vote Tim Kaine
November 2, 2016 Des Moines, Iowa Get Out the Vote Tim Kaine, Bill Clinton, & Ben Harper
November 2, 2016 Chapel Hill, North Carolina Early Vote Event President Barack Obama
November 2, 2016 Tampa, Florida Get Out the Vote Vice President Joe Biden
November 2, 2016 West Palm Beach, Florida Get Out the Vote Vice President Joe Biden
November 2, 2016 Kalamazoo, Michigan Get Out the Vote Senator Bernie Sanders
November 2, 2016 Traverse City, Michigan Get Out the Vote Senator Bernie Sanders
November 2, 2016 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Get Out the Vote Senator Bernie Sanders
November 2, 2016 Carson City, Nevada Get Out the Vote Senator Elizabeth Warren
November 2, 2016 Reno, Nevada Get Out the Vote Senator Elizabeth Warren
November 2, 2016 Sioux City, Iowa Early Vote Event Bill Clinton
November 2, 2016 Waterloo, Iowa Early Vote Event Bill Clinton
November 2, 2016 Boulder, Colorado Get Out the Vote Chelsea Clinton
November 2, 2016 Eau Claire, Wisconsin Early Vote Event Chelsea Clinton
November 2, 2016 Oshkosh, Wisconsin Early Vote Event Chelsea Clinton
November 2, 2016 Fort Dodge, Iowa Early Vote Event Anne Holton
November 2, 2016 Trotwood, Ohio Early Vote Event Anne Holton
November 2, 2016 Lima, Ohio Early Vote Event Anne Holton
November 2, 2016 Findlay, Ohio Early Vote Event Anne Holton
November 2, 2016 Toledo, Ohio Early Vote Event Anne Holton
November 2, 2016 Cincinnati, Ohio Get Out The Vote Performance The National
Mesa (AZ)
Las Cruces (NM)
Loveland (CO)
We need to hold NV plus win 4 other Senate races to get to 51, right?
I want 51. I don't have confidence in Dems to win the special election in fall 2017 for Kaine's seat. Unless they have some other state superstar like Kaine or Warner they can run, which I doubt.We only need 50 though.
Probably because she puts up with his wankery in other ways when they're not at the studio lolamiriteEven Mika has had enough of Joe's insufferable wankery.
Dem NV EV lead is narrowing, hopefully Dems pick up pace again to keep it at +6-7 before Election Day.
Hi five. I stopped watching them last year. Can't stand Lemon, their other tactics.I stopped watching CNN completely. I say this as a person that was watching them daily. Until they move on from their email agenda, or until they can show Hillary committed a crime and it's worth covering, I'm not interested in watching their channel. The Trump surrogates were bad enough, but at the very least, I could see the point of them. This is just too much though. I wish more people would tune them out. Might give them a hint.
How can people continue to care about this fucking personal email server? It's such bullshit too considering they never once mention the fact the Bush administration "lost" millions of emails.
I just don't give a shit about emails anymore, I'm so tired of hearing about them, and continue to be appalled it's a legit line of attack for some people.
Honestly, I think most people don't give a shit about the emails.
Merely based on my personal observations, Trump (and his campaign's) clear contempt of women and minorities is far more negative to most people.
I want 51. I don't have confidence in Dems to win the special election in fall 2017 for Kaine's seat. Unless they have some other state superstar like Kaine or Warner they can run, which I doubt.
Really hoping we hold NV and pick up IL, WI, PA, NH and then MO and/or NC.
We need a full 2 years to ensure the SCOTUS gets as many Clinton judges as possible.
Hard to tell if serious.
i think people do care: la times has hillary down by five points and 538 polls plus has her under a 70%, a freefall of over 10 points over the last week.
Phantom swings! Seriously, if partisans just get demoralized when bad news hits, it does kinda make everything make more sense. But the lack of general polling in general is somewhat of an issue.
Honestly, I think most people don't give a shit about the emails.
Merely based on my personal observations, Trump (and his campaign's) clear contempt of women and minorities is far more negative to most people.
You can have one bad poll now and one bad poll in a few days, or you can have one good poll in a few days.
This is like that test they do on small children where they offer them one cookie now or six cookies later, and children can't grasp the concept of delayed gratification until six years old or something. We are that five year old who wants to take the cookie and run.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 31m31 minutes ago
You can change your vote in six states. So, now that you see that Hillary was a big mistake, change your vote to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
From adam, todays schedule
You can have one bad poll now and one bad poll in a few days, or you can have one good poll in a few days.
This is like that test they do on small children where they offer them one cookie now or six cookies later, and children can't grasp the concept of delayed gratification until six years old or something. We are that five year old who wants to take the cookie and run.
Why is there such an enormous difference?
Why is there such an enormous difference?
You know what's funny about the Bush emails? Obama's administration and the Democrats should have prosecuted but just decided not to.How can people continue to care about this fucking personal email server? It's such bullshit too considering they never once mention the fact the Bush administration "lost" millions of emails.
I just don't give a shit about emails anymore, I'm so tired of hearing about them, and continue to be appalled it's a legit line of attack for some people.
Not sure if serious.Phantom swings! Seriously, if partisans just get demoralized when bad news hits, it does kinda make everything make more sense. But the lack of general polling in general is somewhat of an issue.
Why is there such an enormous difference?
It's tied!!! Hopium working!!!ABC tied at 46
And Bloomberg made some dopey independent poll that I'm trying hard to care about