Is there anyone even hyping oppo in the press right now? Of course the pussy tape just dropped out of nowhere with no warning.
Hillary Clinton Coms Director Jennifer Palmieri: PBS will obey my instructions to change air time for news "story" on Clinton and #TPP.
@SamWangPhD Sam Wang Retweeted
No, we defer. Sports prediction is your domain.
His standards are too high for outside (((air))). He only breathes in the stuff coming straight from his ass.Assange typed out "PBS" instead of "(((PBS)))," this guy makes so many typos, such a shame.
Assange, you need to go for a walk, get some fresh air!
1+ for Hillary here. Added energy to the spirit bomb.
"People of Earth... lend me your strength!"
Someone tell me what is going on in this Obama speech
This is nerverwracking. Trying to trust the polls but man, the threat of failure is too great. Terrifying what the bad outcome would look like.
I would not overestimate early voting:
In a German podcast they speculated that people, that didn't vote for decades, will vote for Trump because they hate the system and think it's responsible for their misery.
German media hates Trump btw. In polls 87% of Germans want Clinton to be the next president and only 5% support Trump.
I wonder what the map would look like with Obama v. Trump.
Calm down, there's little chance of a Trump victory, despite what the networks are saying. Just switch off CNN and play some games until election day.
Personally the only thing I'm worried about right now is a failure by the Dems to take the Senate.And how I'll manage to get anything done at work on Wednesday due to lack of sleep.
There's a "STUNDENTS FOR TRUMP" sign outside of the local high school. The sign has a bald eagle on it
There's a "STUNDENTS FOR TRUMP" sign outside of the local high school. The sign has a bald eagle on it
Yeah. Obama handled it perfectly tbh. Brought up 1st ammendment and respect of elderly and military, but how ultimately the mans protest didn't matter. We speak with our votes not our boos. Best President stays best president.There was an elderly heckler according to CNN, (correct me if I'm wrong.)
There's a "STUNDENTS FOR TRUMP" sign outside of the local high school. The sign has a bald eagle on it
Just coming in, series of stabbings at Rutgers University.
RU ALERT: Suspect in custody. Area is safe. Police investigation ongoing. 11/04/2016 15:29:35 EDT
Do we think students actually put that up? I wonder.Friend took this lol:
And yea it's a upper middle class white neighborhood
If you don't vote for decades, you need to re-register, and considering there's no evidence of a massive block of new white voters registering, these shadow voters (that don't actually exist) will be pretty surprised when they're not able to vote
Do we think students actually put that up? I wonder.
Lol @ Sam's response to that professor. "Should I take it seriously?" Sam's a classy, not bitter dude.The Silver/Wang catfight though
Friend took this lol:
And yea it's a upper middle class white neighborhood
Steve Schale
Thru Thurs, Dems took lead in FL
Dem: 2,099,906 (+2,670) GOP: 2,097,236 NPA: 1,087,063
Colorado: Hillary+5
Virginia: Hillary+5
Michigan: Hillary+5
Michigan number is bad for future events, but this all looks fine.
PPP says Colorado looks like a lock for Hillary because of early voting.
Wouldn't it be delishious irony if southern republican states had overzealously wiped ythe rolls of long non voting registered democrats who were actually dixiecrats and were going to show up for trump this time.
Barry going hard at Burr and clearly speaking to get out the partisan vote. Really nice to see.
We're going to get stories of people crying rigged for sure. Glad I'm not the only one wondering this.I'm sure the number is small as hell but I have wondered how many of his supporters who haven't voted in a while and aren't registered will be in for a shock on Election Day. Seriously with no ground game and no one telling them to register I'm just curious.
I would estimate EV highly considering Latino turnout, and I would also say that your German podcasters don't have a handle on demographics here.
That is a good question.I'm sure the number is small as hell but I have wondered how many of his supporters who haven't voted in a while and aren't registered will be in for a shock on Election Day. Seriously with no ground game and no one telling them to register I'm just curious.
Clinton also up 57-36 in Michigan and 63-32 in VA among early voters, Trump will have lots of catching up to do: