ATKINSON, NHWarning supporters that the troubling practice could affect the outcome of the election, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump expressed strong concern Friday that members of urban communities were voting more than zero times, sources reported. Ive heard stories that some of these people in the inner cities are trying to steal the election by casting over zero ballotswe cant let this happen, folks, said Trump, who claimed that hundreds of urban voting precincts across the country often have turnout numbers that are far higher than zero percent of eligible voters. Very trustworthy sources have told me that in many of these urban neighborhoods, people are voting in excess of zero times by mailing in a ballot under their own name or even just by walking right up to a polling place and voting without a problemand the poll workers there will just go along with it. Its a terrible thing thats happening in those places, and it needs to be stopped. Trump added that concerned supporters should form groups, head to urban precincts, and do what needs to be done to take care of the problem